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SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 XX NO.6

              Village      News



       Town Hall Meeting attracts                                            It’s like deja Vu all over

       mass of concerned citizens                                            again for some Stoney

                                                                             Glen residents

                                                                             BY DANIELLE OZBAT                  now be demolished and moved less than
                                                                                 Last month, the Economic       a mile away behind Carver Elementary
                                                                             Development Authority of Chesterfield   School instead of a proposed renovation.
                                                                             announced its acquisition of 1,675 acres   The move is because it is in the path of a
                                                                             in south Chester (originally meant for   new road that will connect the mega site
                                                                             residential use), which will be used to           Read more on page 3
                                                                             attract a large industrial manufacturing
                                                                             company that could bring 5,000 to        MEGASITE FORMAT
                                                                             10,000 jobs and billions of dollars in    CHANGES / DATES
                                                                             investments to the county.                REMAIN THE SAME
                                                                                 Local residents, however, have
                                                                             been bristling at the construction of   Monday, October 2, 7:00 –
                                                                             the proposed development and making   9:00 p.m.
                                                                             their voices heard online and at the first   Carver Middle School,
                                                                             of four open houses held to discuss the   Auditorium and Cafeteria
       Once most of the attendees at the Matoaca Megasite open house had gone, some interested   mega site.
       folks stayed around to view easels holding various maps around the room depicting proposed   Robert Latino has been a resident   Presentation at 7:00 p.m.
       road locations.                                                       of the Stoney Glen subdivision for 25   followed by Open House

       BY MARK FAUSZ                      Uzel, who lives in the Harrowgate/Treely  years and said the county is trying to   3800 Cougar Trail, Chester
          Since the announcement that     Road area, stepped into a circle made by   hoodwink its citizens with the mega   **Note: Change of venue and
       a 1,675-acre site, made up of four   the crowd and began speaking. “I don’t   site and said he found out about in his   format
       parcels along Branders Bridge Road   know how anyone could get the informa-  neighborhood’s Facebook group.
       could be rezoned for light industry   tion they want in this format,” said Uzel.   “If the county was truly trying to
       one mile or so south of Route 10      Chesterfield County Bermuda Dis-  serve the best interest of its residents,
       though Chester proper, the project has  trict Supervisor and Board Chairman Dor-  it would have taken a more concerted   Tuesday, October 3, 1:00 –
       become a lightning rod for criticism.   othy Jaeckle was asked if she could clarify  effort to get the input of those most   3:00 p.m.
       Without knowing much about it, area   why she chose the venue and the format.  affected by the project when it was   The Heights Baptist Church,
       residents have been looking for an-   “Look at the format this way, we   initially proposed,” Latino said. “The   Youth Auditorium
       swers.                             really didn’t expect this many people   overwhelming resistance they witnessed   Open House
          An open house was held Sept. 20 in   every night, and with everyone shouting,   at the last town hall-type forum at
       order for Chesterfield County’s planning   we are not going to get anything done,”   Carver Middle shows the local residents   17201 Jefferson Davis
       staff, the transportation department, the   Jaeckle said, the crowd drowning her out.  deeply oppose the project and will   Highway, South Chesterfield
       Economic Development Authority, and   H. Garrett Hart III, Director of the   continue to be very vocal about it … [by
       consultants from the engineering firm   EDA, said for the first time millennials   using] their voices, votes, and influence
       Timmons Group to explain, through   have outnumbered boomers and that   in the county.”                     Tuesday, October 3, 7:00 –
       maps staged around the cafeteria at   needs to be considered.             Like Latino, Laurie Johnson is    9:00 p.m.
       Carver Middle, exactly what was going   “We have to design our developments  a Stoney Glen resident who attended   Thomas Dale High School,
       to be built and when.              to look like campuses to include trails and  the meeting at Carver Middle School.   Main Auditorium
          Those in attendance were not satis-  plenty of buffers,” Hart said. Responding   Johnson referred to the meeting as a
       fied, and the approximate 150 area resi-  to another question from Uzel, who said   “science fair wander,” and she said there   Presentation at 7:00 p.m.
       dents there to get information about the   there was not a traffic study in the rezoing  was conflicting information between   followed by Open House
       proposed industrial mega site didn’t have  file, Hart said they are looking at new traf-  Harrowgate Elementary School’s   3626 W. Hundred Road,
       much of a chance to gather the informa-  fic study to determine where traffic will   position on the school map and the one   Chester
       tion due to the overwhelming crowd.  go if the facility is built.     posted on the Village News Facebook
          Soon after the room filled attendees   “Why [was the project named]   page.                              **Note: Change of venue and
       wandered like bumper cars at Kings Do-                                    Much contention has been made     format
       minion. They needed a leader. Michael            Read more on page 3  about the elementary school, as it will

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