Page 11 - 08-16-2017-Full page views
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COMMUNITY SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Veterans’ wives club chapter honors
Crime Solvers spokesman Steak & Ribs & a Baked Potato Bar
speaks at Lions Club all for $ 10 95 outstanding contributor
Every year, American Legion that the Unit and Legion family
Cpl. Kevin Bacon of the Auxiliary Unit 284 in Colonial sponsors, to include being a Girls’
Chesterfield County Police Heights recognizes a member who State assistant counselor, assisting
Department, is probably the most has gone above and beyond during the with interviews and helping with
easily recognizable officer because current year. the preparations of the send-
of the Crime Solvers spots on off breakfast, helping during the
television and social media and Nancy Wright was recognized Veterans Day and Memorial Day
Crime Crime Solvers by her peers during the March programs, McGuire Veterans
started in 1984 and has paid over PHOTO COURTESY OF CARELYN SHEPPARD membership meeting and was Hospital Annual Picnic, preparing
$580,000 in cash rewards for awarded a plaque and Certificate of Easter baskets for the local food
tips helping to solve crimes in Appreciation. During the meeting, pantry, Sons of the American
Chesterfield County and the city of she was also surprised by a visit from Legion Spaghetti Dinner, general PHOTO COURTESY OF COLONIAL HEIGHTS AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT 284
Colonial Heights. her daughter, who wanted to witness membership dinners, unit bingo
FROM LEFT HUGH BUCHANAN, PRESIDENT, CHEStER LIONS her mother being honored for all of fundraiser, Bingo for Veterans at
Bacon spoke to the Chester CLUB; KEVIN BACON; AND BUDDY LEWIS. her hard work, accomplishments, and McGuire, and poppy distribution.
Lions Club at their first regular they have no control regarding either dedication. You will also see her most every
meeting for fiscal year 2017- 2018. the tips or the monetary funds used by Monday and Friday evening at the
the program. Support for the program ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN Wright was also recognized at Post home working bingo,” said
The two primary hindrances comes from tax deductible donations the state level during the Department Oertel. “Nancy is a person of solid
regarding people’s hesitance to call either including from Kroger Community of Virginia Convention where she virtues who is industrious and
the sheriff’s department or the tipline are Rewards. Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried received her “Lady of the Year” Pin. diligent in carrying out tasks or
apathy and fear. If it does not directly oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish. duties. We are very fortunate to have NANCY WRIGHT, (RIGHT)LADY OF THE YEAR RECIPIENT, WITH SALLY
affect a person ( “not my problem”), he is The Anonymous Tipline (804) 748- Wright also celebrated her fifth- a member who is so dedicated to ROSSMAN (LEFT), PRESIDENT OF THE ALA VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT AT
reluctant to get involved. Fear of retaliation 0660, is truly anonymouns; those calls year membership anniversary. She carrying out our aims and purposes”
is removed by the anonymity of the caller. go to a landline telephone which does King’s Korner became eligible to join the club under
not have caller ID. Anonymity is also her husband, Post 284 member and Colonial Heights ALA Unit 284 serve by enhancing the lives of our If you have questions about
Crime Solvers is the cooperative maintained using their newest P3App, Navy veteran Johnnie Wright. was formed in 1947 and is currently veterans, military, and their families, the American Legion Auxiliary or
effort of the local community of residents which also allows two-way communication 7511 Airfield Drive, Richmond 23237 (In the Chesterfield Co. Airport) 743-9333 the largest unit in Virginia. The both at home and abroad. For God and are interested in joining, please
and businesses, the media, and law with the police. Catering: 271-0033 | During the presentation, organization’s mission statement Country, we advocate for veterans, contact Membership Chairman
enforcement. Even though the need and Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from Susan Oertel, President of Unit reads as following, “In the Spirit of educate our citizens, mentor our Rita Feasenmyer 804-337-0905 or
purpose are to help law enforcement, Contributed by Lioness Carelyn Sheppard 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. is $10.95 per person. Drinks are $1.99. Sunday Brunch from 10-:30-2:30 is $9.95 284, recognized Wright’s many Service Not Self.” The mission of youth, and promote patriotism, good
accomplishments. “She participates the American Legion Auxiliary is citizenship, peace and security.”
in many programs and activities to honor the sacrifice of those who
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10 AUGUST 16, 2017 AUGUST 16, 2017 11