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 Print shop salutes   Select Recycling  Truck company honors
 Select Recycling
                        Chester location

 30-year employee  Ruan recently named their 2016 Driver   moines, Iowa, Moore was honored with a
 Waste Services!  and Operation of the Year winners. In July,   trophy, a cash prize, and the 2016 Driver of
 Waste Services!
                                             the Year title.
           Robert Moore, based in Bethlehem, PA,
           was named the 2016 Driver of the Year, and
                                                Also at the ceremony, Ruan named
           the Chester, Va., operation, led by Dedicated  their Chester, Va., operation the 2016
           Transportation Manager Fred Saunders,   Operation of the Year. This location is led
           was named the 2016 Operation of the Year.   by Dedicated Transportation Manager Fred
              Each year, one driver is selected from   Saunders.
           a pool of more than 4,400 professional   The operation,
           drivers based on length of service, safety   which serves           FROM LEFT: FREEDOM FUND CHAIR BRENDA MARABLE, POLICE CAPT. ANTONIO J.
           performance and exceptional customer   Airgas Merchant              STARKE, CO-CHAIR OLIVE BONAPARTE, TV ANCHOR JUAN CONDA, AND BRANCH
                                                                               PRESIDENT L. J. MCCOY.
           service. Moore has been with Ruan since   Gases, was
           2004, logging more than 3.8 million miles   selected based on       Chesterfield NAACP has
           during his 38 years as a professional   the operation’s
           truck driver. He serves Ruan customer   demonstration               Freedom Fund Banquet
           Linde Industrial Gases, and he has had no   of the company's            “A calling, relationships that lead   with entertainment from praise dancers
           preventable accidents.            principles of   FRED SAUNDERS     to partnerships and perseverance,” were   and a soloist, as well as good food. To
              “I love what I do, and it was an honor   "Safety Focus, People First, Customer                     honor their roles in supporting the branch,
           to be recognized by my peers,” Moore said.   Satisfaction, Exceptional Performance and   terms Capt. Antonio J. Starke used to   Starke, Brown Grove Baptist Church,
                                                                               deliver his message at the Chesterfield
           “[Company founder] John Ruan said in   Continuous Improvement." The operation                         Second Baptist Church, and the Lord’s
           his book ["In for the Long Haul"] that it   employs 36 team members who travel more   NAACP Annual Freedom Fund Banquet   Church received plaques from the branch.
                                                                               Aug 5. The local civil rights group
           wasn’t about the value of an award he had   than 3.6 million miles each year, using   featured the Chesterfield police officer    While the branch continues its
           received—it was about the value of the   cryogenic tankers to haul liquid oxygen,   as their keynote speaker to show the   partnership with the county’s law
           people who recognized him. I believe they   nitrogen, and argon.    relationship between community and law   enforcement agencies, it has plans to build
           appreciate me, and I love being here.”  The 2016 Operation of the Year                                relationships with the new police chief and
              Each honoree was awarded a trophy   received a trophy, awards for all winning   enforcement.
                                                                                   The event, hosted by news co-anchor
           and cash prize at the Driver and Operation   team members, and a corporate-hosted   Juan Conde, of television satin WRIC,   to discuss the evolution of a civilian review
 DORA W. GOUSSE AT ONE OF THE WORKSPACES AT KEITHFABRY.  of the Year award ceremony at the World   celebration in Chester, which will take place   kept the attention of the sold-out crowd   Contributed by L. J. McCoy, Jr.   5
           Food Prize Hall of Laureates, in Des   later this summer.
 Keith-Fabry, a leading Mid-Atlantic   Running original blueprints through
 print service provider, honored Dora W.   the machine and cutting the copy off by   Family Fun Day
 Gousse of Chester for 30 years of service   hand on the other side of the machine: these
 with the company.  were her main duties.
 “Having an employee work with Keith-  That was 30 years ago. Her title is still     at the
 Fabry’s for 30 years is a truly a milestone,   Print Operator, but her job has evolved, just   Chester
 and one my Dad and I are very proud of.   like the print industry.
 Dora is a treasure indeed,” said president   “Years ago, if you wanted 10 copies   MEET FIRST
 Jimmy Keith Jr..   of something you had to put it through the                    RESPONDERS &
 Gousse began her printing career   machine 10 times. Unlike now where you        EXPLORE A FIRE                               Celebrating
 August 1, 1987, at the former West End   can set the number of copies you want,”   TRUCK
 branch.   said Gousse. “You didn’t need to go to the                             ENJOY COOKING                         First Responders
 At that time she had been working   gym; just come to work.”                     DEMO & PICNIC
 in a convenience store at Belvidere and   In addition to the process, she has   We are proud to announce that   AREAS  August 16
 Cumberland.   seen the technology advance. “I‘ve                                 COMPLETE
 we now offer weekly residential
 One of the founders of Keith-Fabry,   seen a lot of changes in 30 years.  A big   We are proud to announce that   SCAVENGER
 James Keith Sr., was a regular shopper   difference is that ammonia was used in the   we now offer weekly residential   HUNT ON   2:30-5:30 p.m.
 there. He saw a good employee with a great   process; now it is all digital. It is also not   trash service in your area!  FAMILY SAFETY
 work ethic who had rapport with customers   as physically demanding. We can do more   trash service in your area!
 and co-workers, so he invited her to change   now, and better.”  PLEASE GIVE US A CALL TO GET SET UP!
 careers.  She is still focused on quality: “You
 “Mr. Keith came in the store and asked   have to look out for the future of the   PLEASE GIVE US A CALL TO GET SET UP!
 me to come work for him. I had not noticed   company," she said. "Because if you start   EVERY SATURDAY
 him but he noticed me. He said, 'I like   losing your customers, you don’t have any   8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
 your personality.' But to be honest, I hadn’t   company left.”                                               Fresh produce and foods
 paid him no mind. I didn’t even remember    Because of that commitment and   11801 Centre St | Chester Village   from May to August!
 seeing him, but I thought he was joking   pride in her work, Gousse has no thoughts
 when he was asking. He said I wouldn’t   of retiring any time soon. As she says,   Presented by the Chester Community Association   Location:
 work holidays, weekends, and no nights.  I   “I’ve seen a lot, done a lot and can still do   and community partners
 said 'When do you want me to start?!'”  it a lot.”                                                      Chesterfield County
                                                                                                     Government Center Complex
                                                                                                      on Mimms Loop, between
 THIRD THURSDAY ON THE VILLAGE GREEN  804-299-5000                                                      Krause and Lori Roads
 August 17   6 p.m.  7  804-299-5000  Village      News
 6  “Outside the Wire”Chester’s newest variety group will perform.
 Eagles, Garth Brooks, Elvis, Pink Floyd or anywhere in between                   AUGUST 16, 2017  07

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