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YOUR LIFE  A Completely Different Experience in Dining
 Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm  Mixing Bowl                                      feeling like I can’t breathe until they are
                                                                              back with me again.
 50th Wedding Anniversary  Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm  Private pain                   This is a personal, private struggle
 Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm                                                       that I deal with on a daily basis. I have a lot
                                                                              of good days, but I also have a lot of days
 12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898  By Gena Lashley           where I doubt myself and the world around
                                                                              me. I do believe that there is more good   11310 Ironbridge Road
          have been writing this column for   me, and I have to work very hard to enjoy
          almost ten years. Nine and a half years   my time without them. Even when they   than bad in this world, and I do believe that   Chester, VA 23831
       I of funny anecdotes about my toddler,   go to their grandparents' house, potential   peace and calm will prevail. I know that   804-796-7539
       my pregnancy, my other toddler, my little   danger lurks everywhere. I worry about   with hard work and good people I can put   Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!
       boy growing up, and my sweet little girl   them going out on the boat, I worry about   my anxiety away, maybe not for good, but   Weekly Specials & Full Menu.
       finding her way. I have touched on many   house fires, I worry about them being   at least so it doesn’t make an appearance so   Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!
       subjects as a mother: temper tantrums,   around people I don’t know. It’s suffocating,   often. Peace and love to you all, especially
       toddler music choices, little boy fears   and makes me hate myself for feeling this   those going through the same thing; I know
       (dragonflies), pregnancy, breast feeding vs.   way. Self-loathing is an old friend of mine,   you are out there.
                                                                                                                         PROUDLY SERVING
 LOSE WEIGHT   bottle, my wonderful husband, food choices,  but one that I would not be sad to see go   Celebrating 32 Years  U.S. MILITARY FAMILIES
       food allergies, politics, and recently,
                                           away forever.
 Barry and Nancy Chamberlain  puberty. The one thing I don’t think that I   I want my children to enjoy life and
                                           all the experiences it has to offer them. I
 Barry and Nancy Chamberlain will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary   FAST !  have ever written about is one of the largest   confident and I know that this is almost  PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
       parts of my motherhood experience and the
                                           want them to be bold, brave, strong, and
 August 19, 2017.  They were married in Richmond, Va., where Nancy lived, after   most personal: my anxiety.
 meeting at Mansfield College in 1965.  They started their family in New Bruns-  Quick. Easy.   My anxiety disorder began to develop   impossible if I don’t get my anxiety in
 wick, N.J., where Barry taught at Rutgers Prepatory School and moonlighted as a   when I was a teenager. I began having   check. I let them go and do things, but I   LET US MANAGE YOUR RENTAL PORTFOLIO
 butcher.  In 1979, they migrated to Chester, Va.    Safe.  tightness in the chest and a hard time taking   am practically wringing my hands sitting
 Barry taught math and coached at L.C. Bird High School and later Thom-  a breath the summer I was 16. I was a   in a corner until they return. I am “taking   WE MANAGE
 as Dale High School where he retired in 2006.  Nancy worked in the offices of   Free Weight Loss Workshops  hardcore high school athlete, and my fitness   a break” from my therapists, as in the
 Salem Middle School, L. C. Bird High School, and Carver Middle School before   3 Locations  was very important to me. I was worried   summer I usually have my anxiety in   RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL
 her retirement.  Currently, they enjoy family, travel, pickle ball, bridge and enter-  Chester-Brandermill-Midlothian  that something was seriously wrong   check (and the kids are with me ALL OF   Property Managers
 taining friends and relatives.   when these symptoms began presenting   THE TIME). However I have realized that   Alex Harris / Bob Bealert
 Barry and Nancy have three children, Jody Crist  (David), Brian (Wandi) and   themselves. After much “hoopla”   a break is not in the cards for me right    (804) 518-1159
 Caren.  They enjoy their seven grandchildren, Bradley (Kandi), Adam (Sydney),   surrounding my health, the diagnosis was   now. I want to be able to send my kids off
 Sarah, David Crist, Jonathan, Jordon Crist, and Sabrina Glover.  They also have  anxiety. I began seeing a therapist at 17 to   to wherever and happily enjoy my own
 one great-granddaughter, Eleanor Lee Chamberlain.  Breckenridge Chiropractic |12300 Bermuda Crossroads Ln. Chester | 804-748-2763  learn techniques to help curb my intense   company or that of my husband without   LEA SE  •  PROPER TY MANAGEMENT• S ALES
 Their family would like to congratulate them and give them a genuine “THANK   panic. It worked for a time.
 Community  attack, I had another period of severe                                                   Alzheimer’s
 YOU” for their positive example, selfless sacrifices, good friendship, and the   In college, during my parents'
 solid foundation they have provided to them.  tumultuous divorce and after the 9/11

       anxiety. I was put on medication to help

       medication actually made me feel worse, so
 Volunteers needed for   control it and went on my way. The                                   Specialty Center
       I weaned myself off. I then met my husband
 Chesterfield County Fair  appreciation day  and eventually got married and started our
       family. My anxiety level was pretty steady
       throughout the beginning of my marriage
       and even into my first pregnancy with the
 As the Chesterfield County Fair   Only those pre registered with the
 Association celebrates the 104th   volunteer team will be eligible to   boy. I was happy, I was at peace, and I loved
       my life. I felt like I was “cured.” When I
 Chesterfield County Fair and expects   volunteer this year. Individuals whose   was 7 months pregnant, a family that I knew
 record crowds this year, they are   pre registration is accepted will be   th  well and held dear were brutally murdered.
 looking for a few good men and   contacted by e-mail or phone with the   FRIDAY, AUGUST 18     It was horrendous, and my anxiety reared
 women with a warm, friendly attitude   dates and times of orientation.  11:30AM - 2PM  its ugly head and spiraled out of control. I
 who enjoy meeting new people and   If you would like more   became over anxious about everything, and
 giving back to the community.   information about this topic, please   CHESTER BRANCH  after the birth of the boy, it tripled. Being a
 The fair is in need of courtesy   e-mail your contact information to the
 cart drivers and assistance with   volunteer coordinators to marinesgt@  4600 W Hundred Road     Chester, VA 23831  748-8167  mother was the greatest joy of my life, but it
       was tarnished by the constant fear I had that
 grounds among other areas or,    hot dogs • chips •  drinks • giveaways  something awful was just around each and   Living with Alzheimer’s: Late Stage Seminar
 of need.  Interested parties   with your name, contact information,   every corner.   presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
 must register by e-mail for the   dates available to work, and volunteer   Over the years, I have sought out
 volunteer team with their contact   areas of interest.  You may also call   In support of the Chesterfield Animal Shelter,    help here and there when things got really   Wednesday, August 16     6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
 information and participate in   the volunteer team at  the information   we ask that you bring an item listed below.   bad. I experienced some trauma as a child
 an orientation prior to the fair   booth, 768-1555, or call 751-  Items Needed:  that has followed me into motherhood. I
 in order to be a 2017 volunteer.    0771.  Only those pre-registered   don’t EVER want what happened in my
 After working four consecutive   and contacted by the volunteer team   Heating Pads  Dog/Cat Toys  childhood to happen to my own children.   Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center
 hours, volunteers will be entitled   on whether they are needed in that   Baby Food- Chicken Flavor  Hand Sanitizer  I’m hyper about the smallest things,    is designed with neighborhoods around a town center – giving residents with
 to a food voucher in appreciation   area will be able to volunteer this   Purina Kitten Food  Leashes   everyone is a potential danger if I don’t   Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
 of their participation.   year.  The Chesterfield County Fair   Towel/ Blankets  Collars  know you very well (and sometimes I have
 Be a part of one of the longest   is located at 10300 Courthouse Road   Rice/Tube Socks (used to keep newborns warm)  Cat Litter  “Come take a walk through town with us”
 Paper Towels
 running community events in   across from L. C. Bird High School.  Can Dog/Cat Food  Blue Dawn Dish Soap  doubts about people I do know well), and   Reservations and Deposits are now being taken
 Dog/Cat Treats
       it’s a horrible cycle to be in as a parent.
 Chesterfield County as you run   The fair runs from Aug. 25   I don’t want my children to be affected
 into old friends and meet new ones.    through Sept 2.  5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000
       by my anxiety, but they notice it. I get
       overanxious any time they are away from                  
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