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Weekly Calendar Tom and Louise Sign-ups for
CHESTERFIELD FARMERS MARKET – 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Family Continued from page 1 and my daughter has a dedicated career in cleanup begin
AUG Fun Day. Celebrating first responders. Chesterfield County Government The first 10 years were all about education and social work.”
16 Complex on Mimms Loop, near school board building. raising children. Louise had two Tom and Louise continue to work. Online registration is
INTRODUCTION TO 3D PRINTING – 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Meadowdale children from her previous marriage, Tom as a salesman for Glidden Paints and open for the annual James
WED Library, Meadowdale Meeting Room. Learn to use computer-aided design Mark and John Thomas. Harvey was manager of their Richmond operations. River Regional Cleanup
(CAD) software to create just about anything, and then print it on our 3D born in 1959, Franklin in 1961, and Louise worked for the Medical College scheduled for Saturday, Sept.
printer. Register online at Anna in 1965. “It was a little rough,” of Virginia, dental school, and the 9, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Now in its
Tom said. “Not having enough International Mission Board. She retired
AUG THIRD THURSDAYS – 6 p.m. Chester Village Green. “Outside the Wire” money.” from the latter in 1999. 18th year, the cleanup is a
tremendous regional effort
17 entertains on the Village Green. Bring a picnic and enjoy this classic rock went,” Louise said. “We were also said. “Our life was an exciting life,” she in which volunteers remove
“Where we went, the children
cover band.
hundreds of bags of trash and
THUR MAD SCIENCE: SPACE SPECTACULAR – 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. establishing a loving foundation with “The real spiritual glue and grit of recyclable materials from the
AUG and 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Meadowdale Library, Meadowdale Meeting each other. What I loved about him our family is that lady sitting right there,” James River and its tributaries.
Tom said, pointing to Louise.
[Tom] was his strong faith in Jesus and
The cleanup is open
19 Room. See a real hovercraft, learn about rocket propulsion, and find out what his commitment to raise his children Louise responded, “That is very gracious to individuals, families,
astronauts and babies have in common. Recommended for children 5-10
of you to feel that way about me, but we
in a strong, Christian home. Attending
years old. Register online at church as a family was part of our life.” are a team.” groups, boaters, and paddlers.
Volunteers select from
That was then ... MY FIRST SCHOOL BUS – 10:30 a.m. to 11:15a.m. Chester Library, busy, with the children playing sports challenging times, facing some really 16 different cleanup sites
During their next decade, life was
“We have been through some
Chester Combined Room A & B. New kindergartners and pre-kindergartners and all of them at different times. They heavy experiences,” Tom said. “You can’t throughout the James River
Seaboard Air Line Railroad are invited to practice getting on and off a real school bus and learn about bus also became involved with ministry do it alone.” watershed. In Chesterfield
safety. Registration is required.. Register online at that served the community. Tom and “It’s been a wonderful life,” Louise County, they sites are Falling
Creek Ironworks, Falling
some friends bought a bus for their said. “…a happy life.”
While Chester has had a railroad through Chester would be the first TEEN ART CLUB – 11 1 p.m. Chester Library, Chester Small Room. ministry that became a parking lot Retirement has been enjoying “The Creek Reservoir, and Dutch
presence since before the American casualty. Get creative and share your love for self-expression. Bring your own art ministry and a jail ministry. “It was a River House” and going to visit their Gap Landing.
Civil War, the Seaboard Air Line The cost of obtaining and project and supplies. For ages 12-18. lot of fun for the children,” Louise said. out-of-state children and grandchildren. Volunteers should bring
Railroad (SAL) passed through town maintaining the SAL route was “Lots of activity, going from meeting They like small towns, mountains, state water and gloves, wear closed-
for only about 70 years. substantially greater than its FREE CHRISTIAN SKATING – 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free skating with Kneel place to meeting place.” and national parks, and staying in bed and toe shoes, and be sure to use
By contrast, the right of way competitor, so eventually, almost all on Wheels Skate Dance Ministry. 4219 W Hundred Rd. located behind the Around this time, Tom would breakfast inns across Virginia. The beach sun screen and bug repellant to sign up. For more information, call 748-1567
through Chester, the former Atlantic of the former SAL from Norlina, Chester Muffler and Brake Shop. For more information, visit the facebook play guitar and write songs. One of and the river are their first loves. prior to arrival. Visit www.jrac- or email
Coast Line Railroad (ACL) – presently N.C., to Richmond, was abandoned page or call 804.896.3630. his songs, “Soul Train To Glory” was “We do not travel as much as we
owned by CSX Transportation, and and dismantled. Mother Nature has recorded by Jimmy Davis. have in the past,” said Louise. “We like Tom continues to write. He has having a personal relationship with God
used by Amtrak trains as well as its reclaimed much of it. Tall pines and CHESTER FARMERS MARKET – 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Chester Village By the time of their 30th family reunions, keeping up with all published “The Man Called Jesus,” and the church being our covering.”
own freight trains – is a descendant thick brush grow on part of the rail bed Green. anniversary, the children were the activities of our grandchildren and and he has a second novel ready to be Tom and Louise said their vows to
of the Petersburg Railroad from that once had track’s traveled by 100- establishing their own careers. “All great-grandchildren, and connecting with published. each other 60 years ago, They were “To
Richmond to the Cockade City, one of MPH passenger trains and long freight WOOD FARMERS MARKET – Woods United Methodist Church – 8 a.m. my boys are successful entrepreneurs, family and friends…that keeps us busy.” “Our Bible Study Class at have and to hold, from this day forward,
America’s pioneer rail lines. trains. to noon. 7200 Hickory Rd. Ironbridge helps us continue our life for better, for worse, for richer, for
The ACL (CSX) route through The SAL headed north along and with teaching and fellowship with poorer, in sickness and in health, until
Chester continues to be a vital link in crossing Branders Bridge Road several RIVER STREET MARKET – 8 a.m. to noon. 30 River Street, Old Town believers,” Louise said. “We have a death do us part” Staying true to their
a steel main line stretching from New times. The track bed is still wide open Petersburg (next to the Farmer’s Market building) Petersburg’s Produce and legacy of being from many generations vows, they have made a wonderful life
England south to the tip of Florida and on a dam before crossing Branders Arts Market. of Christian believers that believe in together.
southwest into Georgia and Alabama. Bridge Road, just north of Happy Hill
In talks between controlling Road. AUG MEDICARE BASICS – 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Chester Library, Chester Serving Chester for 23 years!
boards, a merger of the SAL and ACL Chester Linear Park now follows Combined Room A & B. Learn how to apply for Medicare and how to make
changes to your existing Medicare plan during open enrollment. Register
was being discussed as early as the late the path of the old track, and the 21 online at
1950s. The consolidation occurred July depot that once served the Chester 748-7405
1, 1967, when the Seaboard Coast Line community at Lee and Quay Streets no MON MEADOWDALE MEDITATION HOUR – 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Meadowdale Chester Muff er & Brake Shop
4215 W. Hundred Road, Chester
Railroad (SCL) was formed. longer had a purpose. It was no longer Library. Drop in and explore meditation at your own pace. Through self-
The entire SAL route from used after 1931 and razed in 1938. Yet guided learning and regular practice, you’ll discover how easy it is to achieve Full Automotive Service
Centralia to Burgess in Dinwidde the trains continued to roll on the SAL peace of mind. We’ll provide the space, mats and ambience. No registration TOM AND LOUISE WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS DURING THEIR 60TH ANNIVERSARY
County was marked for abandonment crossing West Hundred Road until the required. PARTY SATURDAY. Open: Monday - Friday 8a - 5:30p
as early as the late 1950s the line late 1950s. LUNCHTIME JAM SESSION AT CHESTER – 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Chester
AUG Library, Chester Combined Room A & B. Beginner-friendly, informal
22 jam session, focused on old-time music. Bring your instrument and play Dunlop House Makes History by Offering Milk Delivery!
Village News TUES along. This is a practice session for musicians, not a concert. All musicians Everyone knows milk is good for you, but did you know that Dunlop
CCPL CHESS CLUB – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Meadowdale Library.Learn to play House was built on an old dairy farm? As a salute to our history, we
Publisher: Linda Fausz Managing Editor: Mark Fausz the beautiful game of chess in a relaxed, stress-free environment. Join the will deliver milk to local residents (62 years old or better) during the
Account Executive: Tyler Fausz Copy Editor: Steven Miles club and meet others who enjoy the game. All ages are welcome. month of August. Give us a call to schedule delivery of a free pint of
Columnists: milk or to reserve your milk and pick it up at Dunlop House.
Larry Newman, Pete Hypes, Walter Wilson, Marly Fuller, Gena Lashley GRACE CAFE –- 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. Free weekly dinners, open to
Sports Editor: Josh Mathews Contributing Writers: Becky Robinette Wright, Danielle Ozbat everyone at Chester Presbyterian Church 3424 W. Hundred Road, FREE MILK • LOCAL DELIVERY For more information or to schedule a tour,
Details: 748-4636. 804-520-0050
Published weekly by Village Publishing LLC call Gina at 804-520-0050.
11801 Centre St., Chester, Va., 23831 • (804) 751-0421 • 235 Dunlop Farms Blvd.
For editorial and advertising information: Call 751-0421, SPECIALS AVAILABLE FOR LEASES SIGNED IN AUGUST 2017! Colonial Heights, VA
Mail letters and editorial comments to: P.O. Box 2397, Chester, VA 23831 or to
Village News invites the submission of manuscripts but regrets that we cannot be responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or content of their article.
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Opportunity and Fair Housing laws. Any statement made in any advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser. Copyright © 2017 Village Publishing, LLC
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