Page 2 - November 29, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
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                  That was then... Home Ec                                    Weekly Calendar

                                                                               DEC     A TASTE OF ART – 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Chester Library. No  registration
                                                                                2      required. Celebrate the arts with fun for all ages.
                                                                                       JINGLE BELL BAZAAR – 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ecoff Elementary School
                                                                               SAT     5200 Ecoff Avenue.  PTA fund-raiser.
                                                                                       LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! - 11 a.m. to noon. Ettrick-Matoaca
                                                                                       Library Ettrick-Matoaca Meeting Room. Learn how to easily create
                                                                                       high-quality videos with One Button Studio. No experience needed.
                                                                                       Register online at

                                                                                       “A NUTCRACKER CHRISTMAS” HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE – 1
                                                                                       p.m. to 4 p.m. Join us for Magnolia Grange’s annual Holiday Open
                                                                                       House. See the lavish decorations in every room, including nutcrackers
                                                                                       displayed throughout, and docents dressed as characters from the
                                                                                       story. This family-friendly event features a visit from Santa, music,
            Sewing, ironing, cooking, and  West Hundred Road and now sits almost       refreshments, house tours, a craft for children and discounts in the
        home management were once important  exactly opposite of its original location,   gift shop. At 2 and 3 p.m. there will be readings of “The Nutcracker”
        talents for a young lady to learn as she  painted red and having a beauty shop.  by E.T.A. Hoffmann. The event is free, but donations toward the
        approached adulthood and the end of her   Ellen Swallow Richards, a Bosto-     renovation of the museum would be appreciated. Magnolia Grange
        high school years. Fast food in the 1950s  nian, served as the first president of the   House-Museum, 10020 Iron Bridge Road, Chesterfield. For more
        and ’60s was not quite the thing yet, and  American Home Economics  Associa-   information call 748-1498.
        home cooking helped make those living  tion, and she was instrumental in com-
        in “Home Sweet Home.”              ing up with the term “home economics”    DEC  FREE FLU SHOT CLINIC - Chesterfield Health District 10 a.m. to
            Chesterfield secured a County Ag-  in 1899.                                2:30 p.m. Meadowdale Library. Meadowdale Meeting Room. The
        ricultural Agent in 1914. He conducted   Chesterfield schools have changed   4  vaccine will be offered to anyone three years old and older on a first-
        demonstrations for farmers on improved  the focus as well as the name, home ec   MON  come, first-served basis. The Chesterfield Health Department is offering
        agricultural techniques. He also allowed  is now called “Family and Consum-    these shots for free as part of an emergency preparedness drill. No
        for the beginning of the first home eco-  er Sciences.” Its curriculum is goal   insurance information is required.
        nomics demonstations at Thomas Dale  achievement, responsibilities within the
        High School.                       family, and accountability for personal     MEADOWDALE MEDITATION HOUR – 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
            Shortly thereafter, home ec became  safety and health. Classes also explore   Meadowdale Library Meadowdale Meeting Room
        a major part of the curriculum for the  and practice financial management,     Don’t let Monday get you down.  Join us for an hour of uninterrupted
        young ladies.                      clothing maintenance, food prepara-         quiet time and some peace of mind. Space, mats, and ambience
            Chesterfield’s new full time hire in  tion, positive and caring relationships   provided. No registration required.
        1927. She worked throughout the coun-  with others, and self-assessment as re-  DEC
        ty on modern methods of housekeeping.  lated to career exploration.            JOINT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/SCHOOL BOARD/COUNTY
        The  home  ec  club  moved  into  its  own                              5      LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION MEETING – 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. The
        clubhouse  about  then,                                                        Chesterfield County Board of Supervisors will hold a joint meeting.
        seen in the photo with the                                             TUE     Chesterfield Career and Technical Center at Hull, 13900 Hull Street
                                                                                       Road, Midlothian.
        club members gathered
        out front.                                                                     BRIDGE PLAYERS – 11:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church,
            The building behind                                                        13028 Harrowgate Road. Experience players welcome.  Details: (804)
        is the old Thomas Dale.                                                        526-0026.
        It was razed later and a
        new  schoolhouse  was                                                          CCPL CHESS CLUB – 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. - Meadowdale Library.
        built ,which is now of the                                                     Learn to play the beautiful game of chess in a relaxed, stress-free
        Ninth Grade campus. The                                                        environment.  Join the club and meet others who enjoy the game.  All
        home ec building still ex-                                                     ages are welcome.
        ists. It was moved across  A BEAUTY SHOP.                                      GRACE CAFE –- 5:30 until 6:30 p.m. Free weekly dinners, open to
                                                                                       everyone at Chester Presbyterian Church 3424 W. Hundred Road,
                                                                                       Details: 748-4636.
               Village      News                                                DEC    BUSINESS BEFORE HOURS: NETWORKING – 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

                                                                                6      Meadowdale Library Meadowdale Meeting Room. Learn the basics of
                                                                                       this essential skill, including lead generation, paid networking groups,
                           Publisher: Linda Fausz                                       Managing Editor:  Mark Fausz
                    Account Executive: Tyler Fausz                     Copy Editor: Steven Miles  WED  chamber membership, and social networking. Register online at library.
                             Pete Hypes, Walter Wilson, Gena Lashley
            Sports Editor:  Josh Mathews  Contributing Writers: Melissa Wilfong, Becky Robinette Wright, Danielle Ozbat  CHESTER CHOICES BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP – 10:30 a.m. to
                                                                                       11:30 a.m. Chester Library Chester Combined Room A & B. “A Week
                                                                                       in Winter” by Maeve Binchy will be discussed.
                             Published weekly by Village Publishing LLC
                 11801 Centre St., Chester, Va., 23831  •  (804) 751-0421  •
                          For editorial and advertising information: Call 751-0421,
           Mail letters and editorial comments to: P.O. Box 2397, Chester, VA 23831 or to
         Village News invites the submission of manuscripts but regrets that we cannot be responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or content of their article.
         All advertising included in this publication is subject to truth in advertising laws. The real estate advertising included in this publication is subject to Equal
         Opportunity and Fair Housing laws. Any statement made in any advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser. Copyright © 2017 Village Publishing, LLC
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