Page 3 - November 29, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 3


        Continued from page 1                                                NASCAR Cup Series
        New chief in town                                                    driver grand marshal

        the community. The Boynton Beach   believe make him the right person for
        Police Department includes more    the job. I very much look forward to   of Christmas parade
        than 200 personnel and handles more   working with Chief Katz as we set a   BY DANIELLE OZBAT
        than 72,000 calls for service. Katz   course to meet challenges and continue   Colonial Heights’ 65th annual   who lost her brother in the Vietnam
        has served Boynton Beach as a patrol   demonstrating the police department’s   Christmas parade is here once again,   War. Duncan, who is also the auxiliary
        officer, recruiter, instructor, and   vital role in maintaining and enhancing   and the nighttime event will be held   president of VFW Post 2239, got the
        supervisor of specialty units, including   quality of life in Chesterfield. I also   Dec. 5 this year. Gray Gaulding, a   idea for the banners after reading about
        crime prevention, K9, and marine   thank Lt. Col. Dan Kelly for his   native of Colonial Heights and a   a similar effort by a Gold Star mother
        enforcement. He also has led internal   outstanding job as our interim chief   Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series   in Washington state.
        affairs, training, media relations,   since September.”              Driver, will serve as the parade’s     The Chester VFW also has a deuce
        recruiting, grant procurement, agency   In addition to staff and the   Grand Marshal.                   coupe and a half Army truck that they
        accreditation, promotional assessments,   members of the Police Chief    The parade, started by the     decorate for the parade. Families who
        public-records fulfillment, and    Recommendation Committee, county   Colonial Heights Optimist Club in   are unable to walk in the parade ride
        grievance coordination.            leaders also thanked Col. W. Steven   1953, is touted as a unique event   on the truck, and their loved one’s
            “On behalf of the Chesterfield   Flaherty of the Virginia State Police for   that draws people from all over the   banner hangs on the side.
        County Board of Supervisors,       his agency’s diligent and expeditious   Tri-Cities area. Floats representing   The parade begins at the Temple
        I congratulate Chief Katz, who     handling of candidate background   businesses and schools, the Boy   Avenue and Boulevard, intersection
        rose among a highly talented and   investigations during the recruitment   Scouts, dancers and instructors from   and continues south on the Boulevard
        diverse pool of candidates,” said   process.                         local dance academies usually present   ending at the Colonial Heights
        Board of Supervisors Chair Dorothy    Katz attended the announcement   in the parade, in addition to Gold Star   Courthouse. The Boulevard will
        Jaeckle. “I also thank the members   with his wife Teresa by his side, and   families who have lost loved ones in   be closed southbound at Lakeview
        of the appointed Police Chief      plans to return to Chesterfield in   combat.                         Avenue and two lanes will remain open
        Recommendation Committee, who      December to meet with county leaders,   The families walk in the parade   northbound from Temple Ave.
        volunteered their time to bring forth   police department staff, and community   holding fallen soldier banners made   The theme for this year’s parade is
        several extremely capable candidates   representatives to prepare for his   by Joann Duncan, a Gold Star sister   “All I Want for Christmas.”
        for final consideration. We look forward   transition to his new role.
        to working with Chief Katz to continue   Portions of this article were from
        enhancing our police department’s   a press release from the county’s
        impeccable reputation and building   department of communications and
        even stronger relationships with the   media.
            “The community and police            We’re cleaning up
        personnel played vital roles in helping   our website. Come see
        Chesterfield determine who would       how we are caught  up
        be its next chief of police,” said Joe   with all of our recent
        Casey, county administrator. “Chief    print and issues and a
        Katz demonstrated more than [not       magazine version, too.
        just] skill and talent, but also a spirit
        and determination that county leaders   or Village News Chester on Facebook

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