Page 5 - November 29, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 5

Looking for Us?
                                                                  We have found a new home at Cindy’s Hair Pros
                                                                         FROM LEFT: KATIE, LEILANI, CLAUDIA, MELISSA, CINDY, DAVID,
                                                                         CHARLOTTE, MARY BETH, ANGIE, KELSEY, AMBER, AND LUCY
                                                                              Cindy’s Hair Pros                  O! So Chic
       At Henricus Park's Three                                                11864 Chester Village Dr. • 706-6470  Gifts that SPARKLE under the tree
                                                                      11864 Chester Village Dr. Chester    804-706-6470
       Centuries of Virginia                                                        2017 Winner of the            Gifts for the Home
                                                                                     Tri-Cities Official
                                                                                                                  Gifts for Neighbors & Friends
       Christmas event, Dec. 9                                                    People Choice Awards            featuring local artists, jewelry
                                                                                    “Best of the Best”             and home décor accessories
          At Henricus Historical Park's       Commemorating more than 400                VOTED                    Holiday
       Three Centuries of Virginia Christmas   years of history, Henricus Historical                              shopping hours:
       event, Saturday, Dec. 9 from noon to 5   Park recreates 17th-century life in the   BEST HAIRCUT            Mon 11-4,
       p.m.  interpreters will be demonstrating   second successful English settlement   in the Tri-Cities        Tues-Fri 10-6
       the changing traditions of English   in North America and in the Virginia                                  Sat 10-4,
                                                                                                                  Sun - Closed
       Christmas during the reigns of King   Indian site of Arrohateck. Because of its   Thank you for voting for us!
                                                                                                                    10432 Iron Bridge Rd • Chester Va 23831•
       James I (1621), King George III (1776)   prime location as a military outpost on                            Chesterfield Meadows West Shopping Center
       and Queen Victoria (1864).         a bluff overlooking the James River, the                                        804-638-3357
          From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. that      site also boasts rich Revolutionary War
       evening, enjoy the James River     and Civil War history, which visitors can
       Advisory Council’s Parade of Lights   experience through special events and   Searching for a unique gift for under the tree?
       from the banks of the park. This   programs throughout the year.
       popular annual event features boats    Surrounded by the 810-acre Dutch        We have rooms full of possibilities
       decorated for the holiday season    Gap Conservation Area, the living
       traveling along the James River.   history museum offers exceptional
          “The traditions of Christmas have   Pre-K-12 and adult education     Join us for our fun Holiday Season events!
       changed drastically throughout time,   programs, as well as  both indoor and   Nov. 30        Painted Paper Clay Ornament Workshop  11 a.m.  Celebrating our
                                                                               Dec. 5          Painted Paper Clay Ornament Workshop  11 a.m.
       especially during the 17th through   outdoor meeting and special event
       19th centuries,” said Charles L.   space. Henricus Historical Park is   Supporting and a Collection Center for Cornerstone Revitalization   5th anniversary
                                                                               Center Christmas Outreach Project
       Grant, Executive Director of Henricus   a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization                                      Friday, Dec. 1
       Historical Park. “Our Christmas program  that operates in partnership with the
       along with Parade of Lights is a great   Henricus Foundation and the counties                                    Stop in and join us in
       way to kick off the month of December   of Chesterfield and Henrico. For more                                      our celebration.
       and celebrate the holidays.”       information about Henricus Historical                                            Mon. - Sat. 10 - 5 Closed Sunday
          All events scheduled for Dec. 9 are   Park visit and their                                    Extended Holiday Hours: Open to 7 p.m.
                                                                                                                         Every Thursday Nov 30 through Dec. 31
       free to the public.                Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
                                                                               (804) 706-5862         4100 W. Hundred Road      Chester (Next to Vogue Flowers)

       Christmas                                                                                    Alzheimer’s


       coming next                                                                           Specialty Center


          The Kiwanis Christmas parade
       will be held Sunday, Dec. 10. This
       year’s parade theme is “Parade of the
       Christmas Toys.” Dickie King as our
       Grand Marshal.
          West Hundred Road between the
       Chester YMCA and Harrowgate Road
       will close starting at 1:45 p.m. Sunday.
       The parade will begin at 2 p.m., and             Understanding and Responding to
       West Hundred Road will re-open after
       the parade at approximately 4 p.m.                       Dementia-Related Behavior
       Come out and see floats, bands, dancers,
       and much, much more, including Santa                          presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
          If you would like to participate in                      Wednesday, Dec. 20   6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
       the parade, time is running out.  The
       deadline for entries is Dec. 1 and the             Fundraiser Bingo, Wednesday, Nov. 29  6 p.m. - 7 p.m.  $15 a person
       entry fee for participants is $50.                       with all proceeds going to the Alzheimer’s Association
          Kiwanis is a global organization   Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center is designed with neighborhoods around a town
       of volunteers dedicated to changing the   center – giving residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
       world one child and one community at                 “Come take a walk through town with us”
       a time.
                                                                    Reservations and Deposits are now being taken
                                                    5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000

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