Page 10 - November 29, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 10




       Matoaca Boys


       LAST SEASON                        Tingle (6-6) will give the Warriors
          Matoaca enjoyed a solid season,   good size in the frontcourt. However,   interest from UNC Asheville. Senior   Springs and L.C. Bird, Matoaca has been
       finishing 19-7. They suffered a tough   only Mosby has a great deal of playing   Brielle Kittrell returns along with junior   overshadowed in recent seasons. There’s
       loss at the hands of Varina in the   experience at the varsity level, having   Nadja Gray to round out the team’s top   still a good amount of talent here, and
       Conference 12 semi-finals.  Conference   started last season. Overall, the   scoring options and experience. A 5-9   the Warriors have played well in their
       12 fielded said Blue Devils, who   frontcourt is inexperienced like much of   sophomore, Jordan Carpenter will anchor   traditional Central District schedule.  Lewis
       qualified for the state tournament,   Knight’s team – he’ll likely start just the   the post, and Aliyah Jackson, another   said that she’s hoping for “bigger and
       and L.C. Bird, who won the 5A state   one senior and a host of underclassmen.  sophomore, is expected to step right in and   better” things from the team. The girls
       championship.                                                         fill the hole left by Irby.         played fall ball, and this has enabled them
                                          PROGNOSIS                                                              to get a leg up on team work. Lewis also
       PLAYERS DEPARTED                       Knight will have a big challenge   PROGNOSIS                       said this team is the first she’s had in some
             Terrence Whitfield was the team’s   this year:  the first season that he doesn’t   Playing in a stacked conference   time where all five members of the starting
       best all-around player and leading   have a clear cut candidate to score 20   with perennial state contenders Highland   lineup can score in double figures.
       scorer. He’s currently at Massanutten   or 25 points a night. Devin Morgan was
       Military Academy and playing well.   that player, then Terrence Whitfield.
       Guards Tyreek Carter and Keyshawn   Instead of living in the past, Knight
       Morgan have also graduated. All told,   will rely on his team to have a balanced
       the Warriors will look to replace about   attack that sees everyone contribute up
       50 points a game of scoring.  They’ll   and down the scoresheet.
       look to do it with a lot of youth.
                                          Matoaca Girls
          Some may remember a two-sport   BY JOSH MATHEWS
       star: the super-athletic Khalil Coleman.
       His younger brother, sophomore Caleb   LAST SEASON
       Coleman, will be expected to be a      Veteran coach Glenna Lewis
       big part of the backcourt in 2017-18.   called last year’s 12-10 mark a “slight
       He showed flashes of brilliance as a   disappointment,” but she is full of
       freshman but needs to continue to learn   optimism for a balanced starting line up
       and grow. Freshman Bryce Kittrell,   for the 2017-18 Warriors.
       the younger brother of Brielle (girls’
       basketball) will get big minutes despite   PLAYERS DEPARTED
       his youth. Head coach Michael Knight   Deven Irby, the team’s point
       said that once his body catches up to   guard and second leading scorer, has
       his game, he could turn into a Devin   graduated.
       Morgan-type player, a tough, great
       shooter. Another sophomore, Shaun   PERSONNEL
       Kendrick, will play some wing and will   Five-foot-seven wing Ayanna
       provide some size.                 Scarborough returns for her senior season,
                                          averaging over 20 points per game the last
       FRONTCOURT                         two seasons. Colleges have taken notice;
          Senior Jarrod Mosby (6-3), along   the versatile player visited Roanoke                                                                 FILE PHOTO
       with Jalen Hargroves (6-5)  and Tyrese   College over the summer and has drawn   AYANNA SCARBOROUGH

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