Page 11 - November 29, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 11


       Thomas Dale Boys

       LAST SEASON                                                           the 3 or a 4, but he will also play guard.   12/8 7:15p @ Matoaca (Chesterfield, VA)
          Thomas Dale went 11-14 in Braxton   Senior Cameron Means will primarily   Senior Ty Washington, a transfer from   Location: Matoaca High School
       Byerson’s first season as head coach. He   play at shooting guard, but he is capable   L.C. Bird, a player that provides solid   12/15 7:15p Cosby (Midlothian, VA)
       inherited a team in rebuilding,  one that   at the point. Byerson described him   rebounding, and can run the floor.  Location: Dale High School
       went 1-19 just two seasons ago. There’s   as a shifty player who can both shoot                           12/27 2:30p @ Meadowbrook (Richmond, VA)
                                                                                                                 12/27 2:30p @ Henrico (Richmond, VA)
       already been big improvement for the   and penetrate. Senior Josh Khan (5-7)   PROGNOSIS:                 Game Details: Holiday Hoops
       Knights.                           doesn’t have great size, but he shows   With a team full of new faces  – just   1/3 7:15p @ Petersburg (Petersburg, VA)
                                          great heart and leadership, and he has                                 Location: Petersburg High School
                                          come along well this off-season. Senior   two returning players on the roster, one   1/9 7:15p Colonial Heights (Colonial Heights, VA)
       PLAYERS DEPARTED                                                      a starter – Byerson will be tasked with   Location: Dale High School
          Jalen Blackwell, James Taylor, C.J.   Amari Brown, (6-1) a transfer from New   making the pieces fit. He said this year’s   Preview Game
       Williams, M.J. Coleman and Darrien   Kent, can play either the 2 or 3, and   team has more talent. Last year, he felt   1/12 7:15p @ Prince George (Prince George, VA)
       Lewis all graduated. That’s three starters   he has some bulk to play inside when   as though had three reliable scoring   Location: Prince George High School
       and a key bench piece for the Knights,   needed.                      options; now there are several more.   1/16 7:15p Matoaca (Chesterfield, VA)
                                                                                                                 Location: Dale High School
       who will have some holes to fill in the                                                                   1/19 7:15p @ Dinwiddie (Dinwiddie, VA)
       lineup.                            FRONTCOURT                         TDHS SCHEDULE                       Location: Dinwiddie High School
                                              Perhaps the most intriguing prospect   Date   Opponent  Result     1/23 7:15p Dinwiddie (Dinwiddie, VA)
                                          here is senior Christian Campbell (6-  11/11 1:00p @ Wythe (Richmond, VA)  Location: Dale High School
       BACKCOURT                                                                                                 1/26 7:15p @ Meadowbrook (Richmond, VA)
          A transfer from George Washington   6), where family moved in from New   Location: Wythe High School   Location: Meadowbrook High School
                                                                             11/18 10:00a Midlothian (Midlothian, VA)
       of  Danville, Avion Burton is 5-10 and   Jersey. He’s a very solid player with a   Location: Dale High School  1/30 7:15p Petersburg (Petersburg, VA)
       will control the tempo. The junior,   nice jump shot. Byerson also said he’s a   11/28 7:15p Dinwiddie (Dinwiddie, VA)  Location: Dale High School
       will lead the way and make sure that   good defender who can get out and run.   Location: Dale High School   2/5 7:15p @ Clover Hill (Midlothian, VA)
                                                                                                                 Location: Clover Hill High School
       everyone is where they need to be.   Junior Jackson Brockwell (6-4) will play   12/1 7:15p Meadowbrook (Richmond, VA)  2/6 7:15p @ Colonial Heights (Colonial Heights,
                                                                             Location: Dale High School
       Thomas Dale Girls                                                     12/4 7:30p @ Hermitage (Richmond, VA)  Location: Colonial Heights High School
                                                                             Location: Hermitage High School
                                                                                                                 2/9 7:15p James River (Midlothian, VA)
                                                                             12/5 7:15p Prince George (Prince George, VA)
                                                                             Location: Dale High School          Location: Dale High School
       LAST SEASON                        Carolina. Two other players, Jazmyne
          Thomas Dale continues to produce   Pettus and Monay James, are not
       winning seasons despite low numbers   returning to the program this season. In   defense to match her effort and speed,   early in each of the past two basketball
       coming out for the team. They finished   essence, coach Leon Gholson is losing   and she could develop into a shut   seasons. Sophomore Jada Webb, her
       13-11 last season, falling to powerhouse   five key contributors.     down defender. Qu’riya Burgess and   younger sister, could be a dominant
       Cosby in the Conference 3 semi-finals.                                Jemiah Brittnum can contribute as well,   player if she focuses more on the game.
       The Knights also sent three seniors to   BACKCOURT                    continuing to learn skills and to play   Sophomore Khadijah Waller is another
       play at the next level, and that’s the   Gholson says that he may have   with confidence.                 post player with potential. With health
       mark of a well-run program.        the first true point guard he’s had                                    and development, the Knights could be
                                          since taking the job. Junior Jessica   FRONTCOURT                      very strong in the paint.
       PLAYERS DEPARTED                   Henderson has shown that skill set.    Senior Kylah Webb is back, and if
          Do-it-all athlete Monique Jones is   Junior Daizjah Brown and sophomore   she can stay healthy, she can be a force.   PROGNOSIS:
       at Louisburg College, Keyazia Taylor   Rana Richie should be contributors as   At 6-0, she’s long and athletic, and she   Thomas Dale could surprise in
       is playing Division III basketball at   well. Brown has the capability to be a   is a nightly candidate to fill the stat   Conference 3, though Gholson said that
       Hollins, and Destiny Callahan is at   good shooter, and she has improved on   sheet with a double-double. A volleyball   this season will be a challenge with all
       Division II Greensboro College in North   defense. Richie is honing her control on   standout as well, she’s picked up injuries   of the new faces in place.

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