Page 9 - November 29, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 9
Living Safe a young child. Again, children are not know, go check! I did not bring
The little ones curious. Climbing to new heights up the children that we used to call
latch-key kids; the children that
is part of that curiosity. I remember
come home from school to an empty
being in Florida back in May and
By Pete Hypes hearing a tragic news story of a home. Whatever the situation, we
child killed when he pulled a piece must do everything possible to keep
heard a grandmother telling a child that they need to stay away from of furniture in his bedroom over our children safe. What about your
story the other day about her hot things. It is important to teach it on himself. A child requires your guns? Curious children can and
I granddaughter. She had been in consistently, even if the fireplace is undivided attention. Your infant will find everything that you might
another room, and when she came in not being used. Children must know child depends on you for everything. think is hidden. You must consider
the room where adults were,she had to stay away from hot things, even If you have young children, burns, everything in your quest to keep
a red mark on her nose. When she when that hot thing might be cold. It breaks, drowning, or any number of children safe. Do not stick your
was asked what happened to her nose, may require progressive discipline to things can happen to your child or heads in the sand. If you can think
she said something to the effect of “I prevent your child from being hurt. the child that you are watching. In it, then it could occur, maybe even
was checking the fireplace.” In other Another source of burn injury is a fact, let me ask you, where is your the unthinkable. All accidents are
words, she had put her nose against hot liquid. We all know that pot or child right this moment? If you do preventable.
got storm damage?
got storm damage?
a hot fireplace. Fortunately, she only pan handles should be turned in so
received a minor, first-degree burn. that little ones cannot pull them down SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
This story prompts me to ask the onto themselves. Overturned coffee REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
question, how do we keep our little and hot chocolate cups can cause burn We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
ones safe? This article will only skim injuries as well. CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
the surface of what could happen, Industry standards – as well as Your property may have damage from recent storms.
but hopefully it will get you thinking outlet covers – have made electrical Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
about ways to keep your children outlets much safer, but we cannot • Locally owned & operated
safe. let our guard down. We must put • Highest quality materials
One of the issues that contributes the safety features in place if young • Exterior remodeling services
to children getting injured is a lack children live or will be in our
of parental or guardian supervision. homes. We call it child proofing • Fast, reliable service
I know that this has raised the hair our home. You must think about • Fully licensed & insured
on the back of some of your necks, what might hurt a child and then do 804-520-9791
but there must be eyes on your young what is necessary to make that thing Free Estimates • No Obligation
children as often as possible. I am safe. Again, parental or guardian Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
Locally Owned & Operated
granddaddy to two toddlers, one 2 and supervision is a key part of this. Let
one 4. These two are on the go when me define guardian as any person Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
they are awake, and there is very little of whatever age who is tasked with
fear. Children are curious and looking watching younger children, including
for an adventure, whether they are babysitters.
climbing a mountain or playing in Another source of injury that
their home. It is our responsibility to we hear about more and more
keep them safe along the way. is the furniture or item that gets
Burns are one injury that could pulled over or falls over on a child.
occur from many sources. A fireplace Whether it be a drawer, a flat-screen
or space heater could cause a serious television, or a bookcase, anything A Division of Central Virginia Dental Care
burn injury to anyone who touches that is not secured to a wall has the
either of these items. You teach your possibility of being pulled over on
BUTLER, Mr. Jimmie L., 81, of Chesterfield, an Air Force veteran who served in the
Korean War, widower of Sharon Butler.
CROSS, Mr. Don L., 60, of Chesterfield, a Navy veteran, husband of Jan “Fred”
DUBUS, Mrs. Catherine Teresa, 85, of Chester, widow of Michael Thomas Dubus.
HOUNSHELL, Ms. Suzanne M., 94, of Chester, widow of Claude E. Hounshell.
HURT, Ms. Nancy, 66, of North Chesterfield, wife of Parks Reddin Bates.
NEARY, Ms. Deborah Averitte, 53, of North Chesterfield.
NICHOLAS, Mrs. Barbara Keith, 73, of North Chesterfield. GREAT SMILES START HERE
NOWELL, Mr. Richard Kenneth “Moose,” 73, of Chester, a Vietnam War-era Air
Force veteran.
PHILLIPS, Mr. Robert, 70, of Chesterfield, husband of Barbara Phillips. GET ACQUAINTED OFFER
PICKERAL, Mrs. Ursula “Sue” Bishop, of Chesterfield, widow of Percy E. Pickeral. Complete exam, necessary X-rays, intra oral photos, cancer
PITCHFORD, Mr. William Joseph III, 84, of Richmond, husband of Barbara F. screening, periodontal screening, and consultation for 99
Pitchford. (regular fee is 199.)
PORTER, Mrs. Teresa “Freecy,” 62, of Chester, widow of Marvin Cuyler Porter. Call for an appointment today.
SCHRUM, Mrs. Ruth Martin, 90, of Chesterfield, widow of Robert C. “Mitz” Schrum.
TRADER, Mr. John Michael, 65, of North Chesterfield, husband of Patricia Trader. 717-2099
YOSS, Mrs. Nell Chesson, 94, of Chesterfield, widow of Thomas C. Yoss.