Page 13 - November 29, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 13
Rise and Shine in the Dogpound me to enter my name and birth date. off lanes that go back and forth like
“Do you really exist?” Only kidding…
a snake till you get to the nice man at
Flying in the it did not say that, but it still refused to the counter that checks your ticket and
acknowledge that I had a plane ticket.
license. I finally get my turn, and he
Dogpound So, I gave up and walked up to the tells me that I am in the wrong line.
counter for help. She found me [Yea!]
What? He tells me that I had been pre-
and she proceeds to process my baggage. approved and I can go to the other line
By Walter “JR” Wilson Now, you know they charge you for the where you don’t have to undress down to
so I am really looking forward to this privilege of bringing luggage…at the almost your underwear. I did not know
ello and welcome back to the visit. Actually, I just got back from a tune of $30 per bag. I had two of them… that was an option even though it was
one for my clothes and one with all of
printed on my ticket [as I said, I have not
Hwonderful holiday world of long trip….I flew rather than driving…. my camera equipment. Tina…the one flown for a while]…but I told him I was
the Dogpound. I hope everyone in to see my oldest daughter get married. getting married, wanted me to bring my not in any mood to go back and wade
the pack had a wonderful and blessed Now, it has been several years since I movie camera so the whole wedding through another line of travelers just to
Thanksgiving; spending it with all of last flew, and I was not really sure what could be captured. I have one of those avoid taking off my belt and shoes. So
your loved ones and eating more food to expect when I arrived at the airport. old palm recorders [which is rather bulky I stayed in this line, and I was rewarded
that you should at any one meal setting. As usual, from the get go, I had a small compared to today’s standards], coupled with a nice pat-down by a male TSA
As for me, in a few days I will be hitting problem. I could not get my ticket from with all of the accessories, plus my other officer. I offered to let the female TSA
the road to spend Thanksgiving with my the kiosk. I swiped my credit card… camera, which made that bag pretty officer help him out, but he did not take
sister and her family in Ohio. I cannot ”Cannot find you.” So it prompts me to weighty. The clerk asked what all was kindly to that suggestion. Not sure why.
remember the last time we were all able tell it where I am going…”Cannot find in there, and she raised a big eyebrow LOL
to get together for this particular holiday, your flight.” One more time, it prompts
when she found out. She suggested
that “maybe” I should take the camera THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK
with me. I told her that probably would
not be a good idea, trying to carry all “Do not spoil what you have by desiring
that stuff with me onto the plane. She what you have not; remember that what
shrugged and essentially indicated I had you now have was once among the
been forewarned. I figured the risk was things you only hoped for.” Epicurus
low since it was old stuff and not really [This is a good one to think about.]
worth the effort to steal. [Good news.. That is all I have for now. Traveling
everything made the round trip!] With wears you out, and I need to get some
that out of the way, I get into the security good shut-eye. As always, be good, do
check out line…with 50 yards of roped:
good, play safe, and remember to count
your blessing each and every day.
Help And Hope For Those In Need NOVEMBER 29, 2017 13