Page 15 - November 29, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 15

                          CLASSIFIEDS                                                                                        PLACING A
                                                                                                                             PLACING A CING A
                                                                                                                             CLASSIFIED AD
                                                                                                                             CLASSIFIED AD
                                                                                                                             CLASSIFIED AD
                                                                                                                             Ads can be placed by
                                                                                                                             Ads can be placed b
                                                                                                                             Ads can be placed by y
                                                                                                                             phone 804.751.0421, email
                                                                                                                             phone 804.751.0421, email
                                                                                                                             phone 804.751.0421, email
                                                                                                                             or in person M-F
                                                                                     SERVICE ADS  -  As little as $22/week           -  As little as $22/week           -  As little as $22/week
                           PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week
                                                                                                                             or in person M-F, 10-5.
                           PERSONAL ITEMS                                            SERVICE ADS                             or in person M-F, 10-5., 10-5.
                           PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week
                           PERSONAL ITEMS
                                                                                     SERVICE ADS
                                                                                     SERVICE ADS  -  As little as $22/week
                                                                                                                             DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PMT 5PM
                                                                                                                             DEADLINE IS WED. A
                                                                                     LEGAL NOTICES  -  $9  -  $17/column inch  -  $9/column inch
                           COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line     -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line     -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line
                           COMMERCIAL ADS                                            LEGAL NOTICES  $9/column inch           DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PM
                                                                                     LEGAL NOTICES
                           COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line
                           COMMERCIAL ADS
                                                                                     LEGAL NOTICES  -  $17/column inch
       JOB OPPORTUNITIES          ELECTRONICS                            EVENTS                                        SUDOKU
       Yard work and small repair.   Verizon LG for sale $65. Call                                                                             Difficulty:
       one afternoon a week. Chester   804-691-2290.
       area. $16.50/hr, Non-smoker.  HOUSEHOLD                                                                                                              2 8 1 6    9
       Call 804-425-5147.                                                                                                                        Row
                              China cabinet walnut color,                                                                                                  6    7      2
       Need help with leaf removal.    3 upper glass cabinets, 3                                                                               Three-      7  9      6
       Good pay everyday. Call 804-  middle drawers, 3 lower                                                                                   by-three     4  2        1
       590-3061.              cabinets with shelves. $100.                                                                                     square    2              5  Column
                              (804-513-2305.                                                                                                             9        3  7
          CEMETERY PLOTS                                                                                                                                   9      8  2
                                   RECREATION                                                                                                            8      2    4
       2 plots side-by-side w/vaults.                                                                                                                    6    5 9 7 1
       Sunset Memorial Park. Org.   2016 Polaris sling shot SL
       $8,740, asking $6,000 OBO.   autocycle with 40 miles.                                                                                   How to do Sudoku
       804-590-9183.          Blue/white, 3-wheel street                                                                                       Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                                                                      – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
                                                                                                                                                          Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                              legal, loaded with many                                                                                          appear just once in every column, row, and
                                                                                                                                                         © 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
       Sunset Memorial Park. 4   options, helmet and summer      DECEMBER 2, 2017                                                              three-by-three square. See example above.
                                                                                                                                                     Pub Date:01/27/06  Slug:27USUDOKU16.eps  Size: 25p x 4.125”
       plots. $5,000. 804-561-6284.                                                                                                            For strategies, go to
                              and winter gear included.   Everything For Kids  Fall & Winter Sale  Southside Moms of Multiples  7401 Hull Street Rd.  Cash and credit cards.  Sat., Sept. 30, 8-11am.  Manchester Middle School,  toys, and more.  Find us on Facebook. Strollers, clothes, furniture,  Sale!
                              $25,000. (804-513-2305.                                                    By Ben Arnoldy                                              The Christian Science Monitor
       4 adjoining Sunset Memorial                                                                                  Sudoku
       Park lots. B-59  1, 2, 6, 7.   2016 Honda Metropolititan                                                     Difficulty:                      2 8 1 6      9

       $6,900 757-254-8812.   scooter, blue, street legal.                                                          Three-      6     7          6    2 1
                                                                                                                         7  9
                                                                                                                         4  2

                              49CC, 32 miles, garage kept.                                                          by-three   2 9     9             3 8     7   5    Column

       2 plots side-by-side. Best   Under warranty. $1,900 (804-                                                        6 8       5 9 7 1   4

       location in Sunset Memorial   513-2305.                                                                      How to do Sudoku
                                                                                                                    Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
                                                                                                                    appear just once in every column, row, and
       Park, w/vaults. Org. $8,240,                                                                                 three-by-three square. See example above. For
                                                                                                                    strategies, go to
       asking $6,000 OBO. 727-239-  ROOM FOR RENT                                                    By Ben Arnoldy           The Christian Science Monitor
                              One bedroom for rent. Mature                                                                                       Sudoku solution
       Sunset Memorial Park burial   adult w/job to share kit/bath
       plot. Prime location. $2,500.   w/2 mature adults. Private                                               WEEKLY HOROSCOPE
       609-744-2216.          room, all Utl. w/WiFi included.
                                                                                                             Pub Date:03/17/06  Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps
                              804-908-4193.                                                          ARIES (March 21-April 19). You’re as   guiding planet Venus tersely angles
                                                                                                         © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
                                                                                                      Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                                                                                                                  SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
       Sngl. HS plot with O/C. Sunset   SHOES             VOLUNTEERS                                 spontaneous as a volcano, but luckily   Uranus, you may be inspired to push
       Memorial Park. Val. $5,935, will                                       EVENT ADS              one that spouts good ideas and love.   your luck. If you don’t go for the gusto,
                                                                                                                            how are you ever going to make yours
       sell for $5,000.  804-514-9190.  Born leather ankle boots.   NEEDED         CALL              Some will still jump back, surprised   an epic story? Then again, it’s hard to
                                                                                                     by your actions because they don’t
          COLLECTIBLES        Size 8. Black leather. $30.   Volunteer watercolor                     understand your motives. Being on the   predict how people will react to grand
                              OBO.  Call 748-5633.                                                   inside, you know that everything you   gestures. Be willing to accept the con-
                                                      for seniors for local non-  804-751-           do happens in a natural progression.   sequences whichever way they pan
       Goebel Hummel Goose Girl                       profit.1 day per wk                            TAURUS (April  20-May  20).  People   out.
                                                                                                                   Pub Date:01/27/06  Slug:27USUDOKU18.eps  Size: 25p x 4.125”
       and Swiss Boy, vinyl, 12” EC   Michael Kors ankle boots.   for 2hr starting 1/10/18.  0421    want to meet with you, which could be   SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll
                                                                                                              © 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
       Manger plate. $50 Call 748-  Size 8.5. Black leather. 1”   Call (804)706-9198 for info        a waste of your time. Some meetings   love -- really love -- what you have.
       5633.                  heel $30 OBO.  Call 748-                          3- LINES -           only accomplish half of what they set   Don’t think this in any way limits you
                                                                                                       Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
                              5633.                                                                  out  to do, but that’s  better than the   to having this same thing forever. If
                                                                                                                                    – STAFF                 ILLUSTRATOR.eps
                                                      NEEDED                         $11             many meetings that accomplish abso-  anything, you’ll be given more bounty
                                                                                                                            because the universe delights in your
                              Madison Comfort mules. 9                                               lutely nothing. You’ll be successful
            YARD SALE         med. Black leather.  $20.   Early-riser volunteers to help  FOR        when you make a list of what you can   appreciation. Inspiration comes with
                              OBO.  Call 748-5633.    set up tables,etc for classes                  accomplish on your own and tackle it   the dreamy Pisces moon on Tuesday
                                                                                                                            and Wednesday.
                                                                                                     line by line.
                                                      for seniors
         ADVERTISE HERE                               for local non-profit. 7:30-  ONE WEEK          GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It’s not   SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll
       If you are reading this, so is                 8:30AM                                         always easy to mount a solid shield of   meet with some resistance to your
                                                                                                                            plans. Consider your options. Some-
                                                                                                     spiritual protection against the mental
          your potential buyer.                       1 day per wk starting 1/10/18.                 and emotional projections of your   times it’s better to retreat than to push
            Call 751-0421                             Call (804) 706-9198 for info                   peers, especially when those projec-  through. In fact, a swift retreat could be
           to place your ad.                                                                         tions are positive. But try anyhow. It’s   one of the more powerful tools in your
                                                                                                     important to stay independent of the   arsenal. It shows that you really only
                                                                        LEGALS                       good opinion of others. Ultimately,   want what’s good for you and every-
                                                                                                     you’ll be happier if you are pur-  one involved.
                                                                                                     pose-driven instead.   CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re
                                                                                                                            still charged up by the sun, Mercury
         DONATE TODAY                                                                                CANCER (June 22-July 22). If you feel   and Venus in your sign. When the sun
                                                                                                     like you’re not getting the recognition
                                                              Save Big $$ by Advertising             you should be getting, try to find a way   leaves your realm on Saturday, you’ll
                                                                                                                            get the wonderful satisfaction that
                                                                                                     to be fine with it this week. You will get
                                                                                                                            comes from looking at your past work
                                                                                                     your time. There’s absolutely nothing
                                                                  Your Legal Notice                  wrong with playing second fiddle. The   with the perspective of time on your
                                                                                                                            side and determining, objectively, that
                                                                                                     orchestra wouldn’t sound right without
                                                                  in the Village News                the third, fourth and fifth fiddles, either.   it’s good -- really good.
                                                                                                                            AQUARIUS  (Jan.  20-Feb.  18).  The
                                                                                                     LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). One way to
                                                                                                                            week gets better as it progresses.
                                                              Ads starting at $9/col. inch           keep from getting stressed out is to   You’re coming into your own now,
                                                                                                     go  for  simplistic,  achievable results.
                                                                                                                            and when the sun reaches your part
                                                                                                     Keeping it simple in many cases this
                                                                                                     week will involve telling the truth. “Oh   of the sky on Saturday, you’ll be fully
                                                                                                     what a tangled web we weave, when   in your zone. Go carefully with your
                                                                                                     first we practice to deceive,” said the   growing confidence. You’re too kind to
                                                                                                     Scottish author Sir Walter Scott, born   let it go to your head, but it’s nice to
                                                                                                     under your sun sign.   have down-to-earth friends around as
                                                        We are Certified by the Circuit Court to Publish Legal Notices  VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your earthy   a reminder.
                                                                                                                            PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your
                                                                                                     characteristics include emotional sta-
                                                                                                     bility, practicality and such a healthy   emotional reactions might be a little
                                                        Ads may be received electronically.  Paid by check or credit card.    respect for the tangible that you some-  over the top this week as your already
                                                        For more information or to submit your ads call Linda at 751-0421   times doubt intangible things really   impressive  powers  of  empathy get
                                                                                                                            activated  to  the  max.  So  if  you  find
           Help And Hope For Those In Need                      or e-mail:  exist. You may question unseen forces   yourself crying at cat food commer-
                                                                                                     such as love and spirit, but you’ll be                                                                quite relieved to witness the evidence   cials or cheering loudly for Honey Boo
                                                                                                                            Boo, chalk it up to your ability to relate
                                                                                                     that comes your way on Wednesday.
                                                                                                     LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). As your   to almost anyone.
                                                                                                                             NOVEMBER 29,  2017  15
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