Page 25 - November 15, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 25
Rise and Shine in the Dogpound Illinois…which also happens WINNER
to be home to Libby’s. Over 90
Dogpound percent of the pumpkins grown five small children together. As they sat
There was a father who called his
in the United States are grown
pumpkin in Illinois, and about 80 percent together in a circle on the floor, the dad
are processed in this town.
placed a toy in the middle. He explained
3. Pumpkins originated in Central to them that he won this toy as a door
By Walter “JR” Wilson America and are a fruit. prize and he wanted to give it to one of
them. He asked them, “Who is the most
ello, and welcome back to 10 ounces! You could put wheels on that 4. Craving of Jack-o-lanterns obedient?” Five sets of eyes looked
the wonderful world of the puppy and drive it on the highway. Now came from the Irish who used up at him. Sensing that they didn’t
HDogpound. If my count on my don’t kid yourself…these pumpkins to use gourds to ward off evil understand the word, he then asked,
articles is correct…and spoiler alert… are not your average squash grown by spirits but when they came to “OK, who always obeys mommy, and
it seldom is….we are close enough your local farmer. These are genetically America they found pumpkins does everything she says?” One of the
to Thanksgiving to start smelling the controlled seeds, often grown in special easier to carve. children picked up the toy and handed it
pumpkin spice in the air. Of course that beds and controlled environmental to the father. “You win!” exclaimed the
smell is hard to recognize in your local facilities. Other interesting facts; 5. Despite many pictorial child.
department stores where the pumpkin 1. Pumpkins are grown in 6 of the representation of the first
spice is mixed with the smell of holly and 7 continents…Antarctica is the Thanksgiving…pumpkin pie ICE CREAM
was not on the menu. They
evergreen. Did you know that there was a only exception…wonder why? actually used the pumpkin for
new pumpkin world record set a year ago 2. The self-proclaimed capital a container to make something As a drunken guy staggers out of
in Germany? A whopping 2,624 pounds, of the “pumpkin” is Morton, like custard. They would cut the bar one Friday evening, a fire engine
the top off…scoop out the races past, siren wailing and lights
seeds and filled it with cream, flashing. Immediately, the drunk starts
honey, eggs, and spices, put the chasing the engine, running as fast as
top back on, and buried it in he can until eventually he collapses,
the hot ashes of their cooking gasping for breath. In a last act of
fire. When done cooking, they desperation, he shouts of the fire engine,
pulled the blackened shell out “If that’s the way you want it, you can
of the ashes and scooped out keep your stupid ice creams!”
the contents for dessert.
That is all I have for today. As
6. As for me…I like pumpkin
pie but only around the winter always be good, do good, play safe, and
holidays, and it has to be with a remember: it is better to treat than it is
big helping of whipped cream. to trick. Think Congress needs to be
Yum! reminded of that. You think? JR
“There is always something to be
thankful about. It may take a bit of
effort to find it, but it is always there if
you look hard enough.”
– Dogpound Wisdom NOVEMBER 15, 2017 13