Page 21 - November 15, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 21

                                                                             without a permit; get your permit! It is   carrying a concealed weapon, with the
       Living Safe                                                           then absolutely necessary that those who   proper permit.
       Fire safety and                                                       are carrying know how to use the weapon        A security plan and a fire escape plan
                                                                             that  they  are carrying.  Friendly fire has
                                                                                                                 where both issues receive equal billing
                                                                             been a problem in military engagements,
                                                                                                                 can  be  developed.  We  cannot  say  that
       security                                                              and I would hate to see a friendly fire   certain things  will  never  happen  to  us.
                                                                             situation, if it is at all avoidable. Friendly
                                                                                                                 My  heart  grieves  for  what  happened  at
       By Pete Hypes                                                         fire is defined as a person shot by someone   that small church in Texas. I am never
             or all the years that I have been  you see something, say something.  that  is “on your side,” in a matter of   surprised by the magnitude of evil. The
             writing this column, my primary       Securing a building that is not  speaking.  The person who carries a   Bible teaches that evil will one day be put
      Ftask has been to emphasize fire  occupied or securing your home before  concealed weapon and is faced with using   away forevermore. Until then, we must
       safety. Considering the mass shooting at  everyone goes to sleep is a vital piece  it has a tremendous responsibility. Let me   be sober-minded and vigilant, taking
       First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs  to a peaceful rest. Keep in mind, locked  make this clear: I am not against people   nothing for granted. Make peace with
       Texas, I am going to attempt to talk  doors do not prevent someone from                                   God by accepting His Son Jesus, then live
       about both. I am thankful for all police  getting in, but you do want to delay                            your life in Him without fear.
       officers, but they cannot be everywhere  entry as much as possible. The types of   Obituary
       at the instance that they need to be there.  locks that you have, especially if they
       It is as important to have a security plan  are  deadbolts,  is  where  fire  escape  and   DAVID LINDSEY SIMMONS  Richmond Spine
       as it is to have a fire escape plan. The  security sometimes come into conflict.
       issue is to ensure that you are thinking  Deadbolts that are locked with a key can   David Lindsey Simmons, 77, of   Interventions
       of both, as you develop a comprehensive  be a problem without a plan. To leave the   Cumberland County, Va., passed away
       plan, whether in your home, business,  key in the deadbolt defeats the purpose   on October 31, 2017.  He was a native   Peyman Nazmi, M.D.
       or church. This article will not have all  of the security provided, but might allow   of Lake Charles, La., graduating from   Marc Caligtan, M.D.
       the answers, but it is my intent to get you  you to get out quicker in a fire. I have   Louisiana Tech Univeristy where he
       thinking about ways to make your home,  seen a couple of cases recently where   was a member of the Kappa Sigma
       business, or church safer.         thieves broke the door, door jamb, and   fraternity.  David did post graduate   •   Epidural
                                                                              studies at the University of Tennessee,
            What I have learned the hard way  locking system as they entered the home.   Chattanooga, and began his chemical     steroid Injections
       is that you need to have deterrents to  Again, your locking system only slows   engineering career at the DuPont
       crime.  The  first  thing  that  is  helpful,  a criminal from getting into your home,   Chattanooga Nylon plant.  He retired   •  Neck and back
       from a fire and security perspective, is a  it does not prevent them from getting in.   from the DuPont Kevlar division at the
       monitored alarm system. Many will say  We have come to the day where it will be   Richmond, Va., Spruance plant after      spinal injections
       that it is important to advertise that your  necessary to lock our church doors while   40 years of service.
       home, business or church is protected  services are taking place. Your church’s   David was an active member of
       by an alarm company. From a security  door-locking mechanisms must give   the Presbyterian Church as an Elder,    (804) 378-1800
       perspective, the alarm system only goes  people the ability to get out, but must   Deacon, Sunday School teacher,
       so  far.  It  will  tell you  where  entry was  prevent people from getting in.  While   and choir member and a member of
       made and may even track a person’s steps  I  am  talking  about  doors, let’s  address   several church and community choirs.
                                                                              David and his wife Susan retired to
       through your property, but it does nothing  interior doors. From a fire perspective, it   their farm in Cumberland County     We take
       in the way of identification. Security  is better to sleep with your doors closed.   where he enjoyed hunting, raising
       cameras are a necessary piece of a  From a security perspective, it is better to   horses, training his bird dog Gator          your
       comprehensive security plan. Companies  sleep with your doors open so that you   and sitting on the porch enjoying
       are coming up with easily installed and  will possibly hear someone trying to get   the company of friends and family.          smile
       affordable camera systems that can  in. The sad fact is that there is a much   David and family were VA residents
       be monitored on a cell phone or other  greater chance that someone will attempt   of Chester, VA for 18 years. The boys      personal
       electronic devices.  Another necessary  to break into your home then there being   graduated from Thomas Dale High
       item is appropriate lighting.  The more  a fire in your home.          School.
       lit up a property is, the less likely that a       I will end with a subject that may not be   David is survived by his wife,
       person will go undetected. Keep in mind,  a good ending point, but here goes. One   Susan Spangler Simmons, married 55
                                                                              years (also from Lake Charles, La.);
       a great security or fire monitoring system  means of security is the people who carry   three sons: Glenn Matthew Simmons   Metal - Clear - Invisible Braces
       are people who pass by and see something  a concealed weapon. First, it is against   and wife Carolyn of Moseley, Va.;
       that does not look right. Remember, if  the law to carry a concealed weapon   David (Brad) Simmons and wife   FREE CONSULTATION
                                                                              Rhonda of Disputanta, Va.; and Brian
        RECENTLY DECEASED                                                     Trevor Simmons and wife Katherine
                                                                              of Potomac, Md. David was the proud
                                                                              grandpa of five grandchildren: Hannah
       ALBIN, Mrs. Marie A., 90, of Chester, widow of William Albin.          Simmons Lankford and Russell
       ARMSTRONG, Mrs. Doris, 90, of Chesterfield, widow of John Armstrong.   Braden Simmons of Arizona; and Sara           WB
       BARNES, Mrs. Betty M., 78, of Chesterfield, widow of Robert Barnes.    Elizabeth Simmons, David Matthew
       BOUGHAN, Mr. David Scott, 68, of Chesterfield, husband of Elaine Aldrich   Simmons, and Amelia Lindsey     ORTHODONTICS
       Boughan.                                                               Simmons of Maryland. He recently
       BROWN, Mrs. Joan Wilkins, 77, of North Chesterfield, widow of Edward E. Brown.  welcomed his first great-grandson,
       EHRGOTT, Mrs. Sylvia Asbell, 84, of North Chesterfield, wife of Walter Ehrgott.  Landon Lankford, of Arizona.  David   Accept most insurances
                                                                              is also survived by many cousins in
       JONES, Mrs. Nellie I., 91, of Chesterfield, widow of James Robert Jones Sr.  the Lake Charles area. Memorial   including Medicaid
       LANIER, Dr. Daniel Jr., 84, of Chester, a retired Army officer, husband of Kay   contributions may be made to the   Active-Duty Military
       Franklin Lanier.                                                       American Cancer Society or the John   Discounts & Sibling
       MITCHELL, Mr. Wyatt Douglas, 61, of Chesterfield, husband of Kimberly Nikole   Randolph Fire Department.       Discounts
       Welsh Mitchell.                                                            The Rev. Dale Brown will officiate            Wakeshi Benson, DDS, FADI
       MOSELEY, Mr. Chazaray Danilo “Slim,” 28, of North Chesterfield.        a “celebration of life” service at the
       PRESSWALLA, Dr. Frank Behram, 76, of Chester, husband of Daisy Presswalla.  Cumberland Presbyterian Church      (804) 454-1888
       SHARP, Mrs. Frieda Wiegand, 95, of Chesterfield,widow of Roland Ellis Sharp.  in Farmville, Virginia on Saturday,
       SINKS, Mr. Michael Dean, 62, of Chester, a Navy veteran who served during the   November 18, 2017 at 1:00PM.    12230 Iron Bridge Road • Suite B
                                                                              Puckett Funeral Home will be serving
       Vietnam War, husband of Anita Minor Sinks.                             the family.
       WISE, Mr. Christopher Alan, 54, of Chester,  husband of Crystal Gardner Wise.                                      Chester, VA 23831
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