Page 24 - November 15, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 24


       THOMAS DALE 50,                    travel to Manchester to face the Lancers   new season begun this week for teams   veteran lineup out on the field.”
       FRANKLIN COUNTY 0                  in a titanic local match-up, pitting   that made it to the playoffs. This week   L.C. Bird finishes their season at
          Running backs Chris Tyree, A.J.   against each other the best two teams   brought frigid temps along for the ride to  a respectable but uncharacteristic 7-4
       Chavis, and Elijah Burns led a massive   in Chesterfield this year, and two of the   get things started for each team’s playoff   record. According to,
       Thomas Dale rush attack, totaling 363   best teams in the state. The winner of   runs.                    it’s the team’s lowest win output since at
       yards as the Knights rolled in the first   the game figures to have a solid chance   The first quarter started off   least 1998. This could be characterized
       round of the Region 6 playoffs over   to make a run for the 6A state title.   relatively slow, with both teams   as the first time in some time that the
       Franklin County, 50-0.             Manchester has never won a title, and   dissecting each other’s offenses.   Skyhawks have had to ‘rebuild’ to some
          Thomas Dale totaled an impressive   Thomas Dale won their first state crown   Varina though did manage to squeak   extent.  In 2006, the Skyhawks went 8-3.
       468 rushing yards in the bout, and the   in 2009.                     in a last second touchdown to end   Varina will travel to play Hermitage next
       defense pitched a shutout. Special teams   The game will be at Manchester this   the first quarter to lead 7-0, thanks to   week in the regional semis, starting at 7
       fired on all cylinders, too, as Jamarkus   Friday at 7 p.m. It is recommended that   quarterback Brion Logan’s 10-yard   p.m. Friday.
       Wilson returned a punt for a touchdown   you seek out advance tickets and get to   scramble. Around 2 minutes into the
       to go with a receiving score from John   the game early, as it’s expected to be a   third quarter, L.C. Bird had possession   HERMITAGE 35,
       Pierce.                            sell-out.                          of the football, when quarterback   MEADOWBROOK 6
          Defensively speaking, Zach Jacobs                                  Marcus Banks was rushed and threw
       and Dusan Stjepanovic led the way with   VARINA 33, L.C. BIRD 7       an interception to linebacker Jeremiah   The Monarchs finished their season
       each eight tackles and two tackles for                                Rhodes of Varina, which Rhodes took   at 4-7, qualifying for the playoffs with a
       loss.                                  As the high school football regular   back 60 yards for a touchdown. From   4-6 record in year three of Adam Tiller’s
          In the next round, the Knights will   season came to an end last week, the   there, it was mostly a Varina-dominated   tenure as head coach. Meadowbrook has
                                                                             attack. Running back Jeremiah Carter   qualified for the postseason in each of
                                                                             scored Bird's lone touchdown, a 57   the last three seasons.
                                                                                                                    Last Friday they met Hermitage,
       Pocahontas State Park                                                 yard run. Xavier Addison nabbed an   which is widely considered to have one
                                                                             interception for L.C. Bird.
                                                                                 “The key to tonight was we had a
       completes discovery                                                   veteran team out there that knew what   of the best defenses in the state and
                                                                                                                 figures to have an excellent shot to make
       center project                                                        they were doing,” said head coach Stu   a run at the 5A state title.
                                                                             Brown of Varina. “It makes all the
                                                                                                                    The Panthers were able to smother
                                                                             difference in the world when you have a   the Monarchs' attack, winning 35-6.
          Pocahontas State Park opened their   developed the educational exhibits found
       new Discovery Center Nov. 17, with a   in the center without the support from
       ribbon cutting ceremony With more than   our community partners and the Garden
       1 million visitors and over 6,000 school   Club of Virginia.”
       students visiting the park each year,   Other partners in the community
       the Discovery Center will provide the   also contributed to the Discovery
       opportunity for visitors to be exposed   Center project. Friends of Pocahontas
       to areas of the park in new and different   State Park, Coqui Bike Shop, Doliber
       ways.                              family, Brown family, Appomattox River
          Pocahontas State Park received a   Company, and Recreational Equipment,                 A Division of Central Virginia Dental Care
       grant award of $15,000 from the Garden   Inc. (REI) see this as project as a
       Club of Virginia for the Heritage Center   way to educate our community of the
       Conversion to Discovery Center Project   importance of the unique natural and
       in early 2017. This award is part of the   cultural experience the park brings to the
       GCV’s 2020 Centennial Project which   Richmond Metro area.
       supports various projects in Virginia   Virginia State Parks are managed by
       State Parks.                       the Virginia Department of Conservation
          The concept plan for the conversion   and Recreation. For more information
       was developed by park staff and people   about Virginia State Parks activities and
       from the community coming together at   amenities or to make a reservation for
       a visitor experience planning workshop   one of the more than 1,800 campsites
       which helped identified the importance   or 300 climate-controlled cabins, call
       and relevant themes of the park. These   the Virginia State Parks Customer Care
       themes were then used to develop the   Center at 800-933-7275.
       concept and content of                                                 GREAT SMILES START HERE
       the Discovery Center.
          “The Discovery
       Center at Pocahontas will                                                               GET ACQUAINTED OFFER
       showcase the resources
       within the park and                                                       Complete exam, necessary X-rays, intra oral photos, cancer
       for many visitors this                                                    screening, periodontal screening, and consultation for  99
       center will be the first                                                                          (regular fee is  199.)
       opportunity to learn                                                                     Call for an appointment today.
       about interacting with                                                                       717-2099
       the natural environment,”
       said Park Manager Josh                                                                  10611 GREENYARD WAY
       Ellington. “We couldn’t                                                   (IRONBRIDGE ROAD ACROSS FROM CHESTERFIELD MEADOWS AND BY THE NEW KROGER’S MARKETPLACE)
       have purchased and                                                                 

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