Page 19 - November 15, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 19

HOLIDAY Surprises                                                                                                 STYLIST WANTED

       Put Giving Twists on                                                                                                      Apply in person 9am-6pm

       Holiday Traditions                                                     Do My Hair
                                                                                                                   Berrin Kara, a former Gabes hair stylist
                                                                                                                    of 10 years, opened Do My Hair in

                                                                                                                   Stop by before your next holiday
       (Family Features) If giving is an   Add a special pre-dinner starter. The      Call for your next           Chester last December.
                                                                                                                   event to look your best!
       important aspect of your holiday   holidays bring plenty of opportunities
       traditions, you may find yourself   for celebratory meals, and it’s the          (804) 318-1236
       repeating the same activities year   perfect time to ask everyone to lend    Haircuts • Color • Perm • Brazilian Blowout • Wax •
                                                                                            Women •  Kids • Men
       after year. While the giving feels   an hour or two to a good cause.          4316 W. Hundred Rd.
       good, it can also grow monotonous.   Instead of spending hours around
       This season, make your generosity   a table, spend some of that time             in the Village of Chester
       feel fresh and new by putting your   catching up while you volunteer
       own unique twist on your favorite   at a food bank or other charitable
       holiday traditions.                organization. When you make                      O! So Chic
                                          your way on to dinner, your festive
       Cook extras for the cookie         spirit may be even stronger for the
       exchange. A baking party is a      difference you made together.
       wonderful way to kick off the                                           Gifts that SPARKLE under the tree
       holiday season. The delightful     Travel with care. As you flit from one   Gifts for the Home
       aromas and hours of laughter       place to the next checking off your list
       blend with the sweet treats for a   of holiday chores, you may encounter   Gifts for Neighbors & Friends
       cheery (and tasty) tradition. This   any number of homeless and needy
       year, instead of simply baking     families. Instead of simply handing over   featuring local artists, jewelry
       cookies to trade with your friends,   a few dollars as you pass by, keep a   and home décor accessories
       encourage everyone to bake several   supply of holiday care packages in the   Holiday shopping hours:
       extra batches and take them to a   car. Include items like warm socks or   Mon 11-4, Tues-Fri 10-6
       local soup kitchen or senior living   gloves, toiletries and non-perishable   Sat 10-4, Sun - Closed
       community.                         snacks. You may even want to include
                                          an uplifting note to share some festive   10432 Iron Bridge Rd • Chester Va 23831•Chesterfield Meadows West Shopping Center
          Extend a seasonal icon. The     seasonal cheer.                                              804-638-3357
       ringing bells and red kettles found
       outside of retailers across the    Give gifts with meaning. If you’re like
       nation are nearly as symbolic of the   most people, there are many on your   Drifty’s Holiday Follies
       holiday season as twinkling lights   shopping list who truly don’t need a
       and red-nosed reindeer. During     thing. Instead of wracking your brain,                                                          by
       the holiday season, more than 3    donate to a cause in their honor. It                                                     Paul Deiss
       million families and children rely   may be the foundation of a beloved
       on The Salvation
       Army to provide
       them with a warm
       meal on Christmas
       Day or toys for their
       children. This year,
       the organization
       is making it easy
       to extend those
       kettle collections
       off line as well with
       the Fight for Good
       campaign, which
       allows you to create
       your own fund
       raiser, including setting a goal and   alma mater or an organization serving
       designating the cause you’d like to   orphans in the country where they
       support. Visit to   honeymooned. The more personal
       create your own fundraising page   the connection, the more gratefully
       and encourage friends and family to  it will likely be received. After making                                      Your holiday
       donate and start their own pages.  your donation, simply gift your                                          tradition awaits!
          In addition, you can donate     recipient with a card that explains
       to the Red Kettle Campaign by      the contribution you’ve made in their
       dropping dollars and coins into the   name.                                                      November 27 - December 19
       thousands of Red Kettles found in      No matter which cause you           Order Tickets by Calling 804-748-5203
       front of retail stores and on street   support, a fresh approach to your
       corners, or donate your time by    charitable giving can renew your spirit
       contacting your local Salvation    and enthusiasm for helping those in
       Army for volunteer opportunities.    need this holiday season.
                                                                                  17401 Jefferson Davis Hwy                                                                                            NOVEMBER 15, 2017  11B
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