Page 10 - January 03, 2018
P. 10

SPORTS                                                                                            Tax problems?

                                                                                Are tax problems
                                                                                                                 keeping you awake
       Local coaching carousel spins                                                                             at night?

                                                                                                                                   We can help
          Two coaches from local teams    He authored two signature wins for   and Clover Hill’s John Fout also               you resolve your
       have left their respective programs.   the program; in 2016, the Monarchs   announced he was moving on from              tax nightmare.
       L.C. Bird coach Tony Nicely stepped   defeated now three-time defending 5A  his school after the Cavaliers first
       down after just one season leading the   state champions Highland Springs 8-7   postseason appearance in seven   Free and confidential consultation.
                                                                                                                   Call today! The sooner you call,
       Skyhawks. L.C. Bird finished 7-4 in   and this season, they beat the eventual  seasons. Former Meadowbrook head   the sooner the problem is resolved.
       2017, falling in the first round of the   3A state champions Hopewell 13-6 to   coach Troy Taylor said on Facebook
       playoffs to Varina.                clinch a playoff berth. Meadowbrook   that he was resigning from his                     804-425-9856
          Meadowbrook coach Adam Tiller   appeared in the playoffs in each of   coaching post at Virginia Union as
       also announced recently that he    Tiller’s three years at the helm.   quarterback coach. In the second   10310 Memory Lane, Suite 2E, Chesterfield, VA 23832.
       was leaving the Monarchs program.      Hermitage coach Patrick Kane   of his three seasons at VUU, the
       Tiller finished with a 15-16 record   left his coaching post after a long,   Panthers ended a 24-year playoff
       in his three seasons at the school.   successful tenure at the school,   drought.
                                                                               DONATE TODAY
       Braxton, Hicks get

       college offers

       BY JOSH MATHEWS                                                                                             11310 Ironbridge Road
          Meadowbrook defensive back      The schools join Bluefield College
       Dontez Braxton snagged two         and UVA-Wise as those interested in                                        Chester, VA 23831
       additional college offers this week,   Braxton’s services.                                                        804-796-7539
       from the University of Charleston      Matoaca offensive/defensive                                         Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!
       in West Virginia and Saint Anseim   lineman and team captain Austin      Help And Hope For Those In Need       Weekly Specials & Full Menu.
       College in New Hampshire. Both     Hicks picked up an offer from UVA-                                       Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!
       schools play at the Division II level.   Wise last week as well.

       15 student-athletes to

       be selected for

       Int’l Children’s Games

          Fourty different countries will join   County in these annual games for youth.  Your town
       together for the International Children’s   Interested student-athletes
       Games, a cultural exchange and mini-  and coaches should apply to Team
       Olympics for 12-15 year olds, which   Chesterfield before Jan. 10, 2018.       is my town.
       is sanctioned and supported by the   Applications and an informational
       International Olympic Committee.   The   slide show can be found at www.
       2018 ICG will be held in Jerusalem July
       29 through Aug. 3, 2018.               Organizations and companies
          Chesterfield athletes can participate   who wish to sponsor a student-athletes
       in volleyball, swimming, track, tennis,   are encouraged to contact Team
       and soccer. They represent the U.S. at   Chesterfield.
       this event designed to promote peace and   Visit  or           Now proudly serving Chesterfield.
       cultural understanding through sports.      e-mail         I live and work here just like you. With all kinds
          Fifteen youths and four coaches   for more information.  Team Chesterfield           of local insurance advice, I can help you get
       will be selected to represent Chesterfield   can be reached at 804-721-5681             the coverage you need and save you money
                                                                                               too. Call or stop by anytime. I’m always happy
               SEND US YOUR NEWS!                                                              to help.

                                                                                Lyndsay Chandler
                  HAVE A UNIQUE PHOTO TAKEN IN                                  804-796-5511
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                 NEWS@VILLAGENEWSONLINE.COM                                     © 2014 Allstate Insurance Co.

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