Page 9 - January 03, 2018
P. 9

       Living Safe
       The human factor                                                          What caused the accident? Some   if this was the worst thing that she

                                                                             would say the text, but I say the person’s   had ever seen in her 7 years as a state
       By Pete Hypes                                                         behavior and attitude surrounding what   trooper. She said that though it was the
            his past week, we saw the     infrastructure is in place and the system   it takes to prevent an accident while   first of this type, they see many things
            maiden journey of a new high-                                    driving, as well as their desire to read   on that job. Police officers, firefighters,
       T     speed train end in catastrophe   is properly activated.         and possibly answer the text, allowed a   and medics are reactionary resources
                                               Let me use one example to try to
       near Dupont, Wash. All but the lead   accentuate my point. Texting while   huge distraction from the task-at-hand   in place to deal with things that people
       engine left the track, killing three and   driving has led to many accidents. It   to occur.              cause. Do not get me wrong, public
       seriously injuring many others. As the   got to the point that many states have        We need to be intentional in   servants attempt to be proactive by
       National Transportation Safety Board   put in place laws deeming this practice   everything that we do if we are serious   educating the public, but the educated
       (NTSB) continues their investigation,   unlawful. Our phones even have a   about preventing accidents. I remember   public must heed the warnings and
       some preliminary findings have been   mechanism that prevents calls and texts   a Public Information Officer for the   change their behavior based on the
       reported. It was initially reported that the   from coming through while driving.   Washington State Patrol, being asked   message received. Think about it!
       train may have struck something prior   The problem with these features is that
       to the derailment. The two things that   they can be overridden or deactivated
       I heard on the news were that a safety   by the user. Even though texting while   Paying Cash!
       mechanism designed to automatically   driving is unlawful or not allowed
       slow the train in a curve had not been   by an organization, people still do it.   Gold, Silver, and Platinum
       activated yet and that the engineer may   There have been major accidents that
       have been distracted by a trainee. This   have occurred because the driver was   BUYING KENNEDY HALVES 1965 TO 1969 *CALL FOR PRICE*
       accident, as well as the many others   adjusting the radio, so radio controls   Village Coin is  paying top dollar for your jewelry
       that happen every day, shows us that the   have been added to the steering   and anything gold, silver, or platinum.
       predominant contributing factor is the   wheels of most vehicles. The radio is                       WE BUY & SELL ALL
       human factor.                      a momentary distraction, but texting                                 UNITED STATES
            We can boil down everything that   while driving is much worse. Let’s walk
       happens and find the human factor   through texting while driving:                                GOLD & SILVER COINS
       somewhere in it. Whether it is a fire in                                                          Licensed and Bonded. Serving the Same Location for 32Years
       the kitchen, a motor vehicle accident,   •	  A text is received on your
       a child who drowns, a train that derails    phone                                  Village Coin
       or a cruise ship that sinks, the human                                                1910 Boulevard, Colonial Heights
       factor may not be the only contributing   •	  You do whatever is necessary     (Corner of Temple Ave. & Boulevard, two story building w/maroon awnings)
       factor, but the human factor or human       to open the text                                    520-4949
       error is going to play into it somehow.
       As a firefighter, I was always taught   •	  You read the text
       that every accident is preventable. The   •	  You answer the text and
       problem in our culture is that, except for   let’s say, for the sake of this                            Gotta
       the major incidents, we see accidental      argument, you answer by
       causes as unfortunate, but acceptable. In   typing
       fact, most safety mechanisms that exist                                                                 love a
       are there for once something occurs. A   •	  The whole time you are
       few examples would be smoke alarms,         doing this, you are trying
       sprinkler systems, or air bags. Even        to pay attention to what is                                 good
       safety mechanisms that are put in place     happening around you
       to automatically slow a train in a curve   •	  Amid the texting process, you                            combo
       are there to override when the engineer     have an accident.
       does not, but it all only works when the

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       STANCOMBE, Mrs. Edith “Edie,” 73, of Chesterfield, wife of Donald Stancombe.
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                                                                                  State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL
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