Page 4 - January 03, 2018
P. 4


                                                                             MEGA Mentors
       Donated glasses                                                       to hold annual

       recycled                                                              fund raiser

       BY CARELYN SHEPPARD                                                          MEGA Mentors will host its
          The glasses donated by citizens   websites agree is that the recycling   annual Fine Art Benefit and Sale   and captured in Hollywood cinema.
       through the Chester Lions Club     centers all collect used eyeglasses   on Friday, Jan. 12, 2018, at 7 p.m.   Guests will have the opportunity to
       donation boxes are refurbished – or at   to provide them for distribution to   at the historic Hippodrome Theater   purchase an array of fine art pieces
       least cleaned and graded according to   optical missions around the globe.  at 528 N. 2nd Street in Richmond.   and silent auction items that will
       the prescription – before being sent   In reality, there are at least four   Proceeds will be used to fuel MEGA’s   directly benefit deserving students of
       to Lions International for use in other   recycling centers for eyeglasses   programs and activities for the 2018-  Chesterfield County Public Schools.
       countries.  Those glasses are collected   in Virginia.  There is the one in   2019 school year.              To register for the event or
       from the green mailboxes in front   Roanoke for Western, Arlington        In conjunction with the Freedom   to make a donation, visit www.
       of the south door of the Kroger at   for Northern Virginia, Hampton   Classic Festival weekend, this For more
       Breckenridge Shopping Center where   Roads for Eastern Virginia, and   philanthropic event has become one   information about the event or MEGA
       Jefferson Davis Highway (Route 1)   now Farmville for Central Virginia.   of the best art shows on the East   Mentors, call (804) 639-8774, e-mail
       intersects with West Hundred Road   This newest center is currently   Coast. It will feature an exclusive, or
       (Route 10), and in front of Wells   in a church basement. It can use   showing of striking artwork, a high-  visit the website.
       Realty on Centre St. The Chester   the church’s dishwasher, and it    tech silent auction, and great people,   The trade school's mission
       Lions also have smaller collection   has two of the machines to read   music and food. The nationally     is to teach life skills, provide
       boxes located inside Wal-Mart.     prescriptions that have been donated   renowned artists are trailblazers in   meaningful learning experiences,
          When you look up Eyeglass       by Roanoke and another center.     the areas of figurative, contemporary,   and build leadership skills in
       Recycling Centers on the computer     Lions Clubs in the United States   and abstract art consisting of   African American and other
       under Lions International, you will   have been recycling used eyeglasses for   originals, prints, and sculptures. This   underrepresented Chesterfield County
       find a number of different websites   80 years. Please continue to support the   year’s featured artist is Willie Earl   Public School students through
       with quite a variety of information   Chester Lions in their efforts to assist   Robinson.  His unique artistic vision   mentoring, tutoring, experiential
       that is not necessarily consistent. For   Lions International, which adopted   and collection of work have been   field trips, and recognition. This is
       example, one of them lists only six   the Eyeglasses Recycling Program in   celebrated in many galleries, put into   accomplished through an established
       sites in the U.S. for recycling and   1996. There are now eyeglass recycling   permanent collections in Cottonlandia   program based on four core values:
       one of those six is in Roanoke. The   facilities in at least eight other countries   Museum and Delta Blues Museum,   Respect, Responsibility, Effort, and
       only information on which all of the   around the world.                                                  Achievement.

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