Page 5 - January 03, 2018
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                                                                             mama duties, all the while shooting my  swell. My most wonderful husband
       Mixing Bowl                                                           steroid nose spray up my nose while at   quickly took control, sending me to
       Sick day                                                              the stop light ( I apologize if anyone   bed, and he fed, bathed, and put the
                                                                                                                 children to bed. To give credit where
                                                                             witnessed this). I finally finished
                                                                             shuttling people around and arrived
                                                                                                                 credit is due, my boy can handle all of
       for mama                                                              home, ahhhh, at last.               that on his own, and the girl could, but
                                                                                                                 we admittedly still baby her a bit.
                                                                                 I made some tea, took my meds,
                                                                             and proceeded to pass out sitting up
                                                                                                                    The next day arrived, and I had
       By Gena Lashley                                                       on the couch. I’m sure I was a pitiful   gotten my half a day of sick time
                                                                             sight. I became aware of a small hand   off. The husband had errands to run,
             s most of you may know, Mamas   cooking supper one night, it dawned   rubbing my forehead, and awoke to find   and I was on duty. Breakfast, dishes,
             don’t get sick days. I don’t know   on me that I feed my children all day,   my sweet darling daughter looking at   laundry, and bathing (me included) had
       Awho came up with this ridiculous   every day. Now, I know that’s my job   me (very close up by the way) intently.   to happen, and only as Mamas can, I
       notion that mothers are still on duty   as a parent to feed my offspring, I get   “Are you feeling better, Mama?” she   moved forward with my day, snotty
       when sick, but unfortunately, it’s a fact.   that. However, I cook them every meal   said so sweetly, a concerned look on her  nose and all. Here’s to you Mamas, may
       Thankfully, I rarely get sick. I usually   besides their lunches that are packed   face. I was definitely not feeling better,   we all earn a little more sick time in the
       succumb to some congestion grossness   for school, and I still fix those; they just   but her sweet concern made my heart   new year!
       about twice a year. Much to my dismay,   aren’t hot meals. Thankfully, after this
                                                                                got storm damage?
                                                                                got storm damage?
       I began feeling sick during the holiday   realization, my sweet boy started helping
       break. I kept putting off going to the   fix the lunches. Such a good kid.  SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
       doctor, convinced I had just caught    So, I’m doing all of this                REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
       my sweet flower’s cold from the week   motherhood stuff feeling like crud    We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
       before. Of course, that was not the case.  when one morning I wake up with a          CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
                                                                                        ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
       It started with a stuffy nose, something   major sinus headache. I knew I was   Your property may have damage from recent storms.
       that I can tolerate with the help of over-  in trouble, and made a point then and   Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
       the-counter meds and nose spray. I kept   there to make a doctor’s appointment.   • Locally owned & operated
       bustling through my days, getting up   We Mamas can even self-diagnose   • Highest quality materials
       early, cooking breakfast, doing things   with the best of them. I KNEW I had   • Exterior remodeling services
       with the kids, fixing snacks, fixing   a sinus infection, and with a trip to
       lunch, going to the library, shuttling   Charleston coming up in a matter of   • Fast, reliable service
       the kids and their friends around, all   days, I knew I needed some strong   • Fully licensed & insured
       the while feeling like I had been hit   meds and fast. I didn’t want to travel                                 804-520-9791
       by a truck. The holidays are no time to   feeling like death. After going to the                                Free Estimates • No Obligation
       be getting sick; I had a few batches of   doctor and being written multiple                                   Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
                                                                                                                        Locally Owned & Operated
       cookies and some bread to bake, and   prescriptions (I was right, severe sinus                     
       of course, last-minute shopping. While   infection), I continued on with my   Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters

       Chili                                                                                        Alzheimer’s

       cook-off in

       January                                                                               Specialty Center

          Dunlop House is having a chili
       cook-off Jan. 26 from 4 p.m. to 5:30
       p.m. It is open to families, friends,
       and professionals to see who wins the
       Best Chili award. . You may attend as
       a participant or a taster.  For questions
       and to RSVP, call Amanda at 520-0050
       or e-mail her at agriffith@dunlophouse.
       com by Jan. 24.
          Dunlop House Assisted Living and
       Memory Care is located at  235 Dunlop
       Farms Blvd., Colonial Heights.
                                                       Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty
                                                  Center is designed with neighborhoods around a town center –
                                                  giving residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia
         SEND US YOUR NEWS!                                             the chance to live normal lives.

          HAVE A UNIQUE PHOTO TAKEN           Each day residents can walk through town and engage in activities normally done at
                                               home. Stop by the bank or post office • Go to the library • Swing by the Tavern for a
           IN CHESTERFIELD? WEDDING           non-alcoholic beverage • Go to the drug store and enjoy something to eat at the Café
         ANNOUNCEMENT? OR VACATION           • Stop by the market and pick up a snack  • See a movie in the theater • Attend church
                                                 services in the chapel • Go to the salon/barber shop for a shampoo or a shave!
              PHOTO? SUBMIT IT TO
        NEWS@VILLAGENEWSONLINE.COM                          “Come take a walk through town with us”
                                                    5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000

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