Page 3 - November 22, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 3


        Adams, Hughes sworn                                                  McPeters named chief

        in as constitutional                                                 deputy treasurer

        officers                                                             Carey Adams has named Timothy      customer service, managerial, and
                                                                                 Chesterfield County Treasurer
                                                                                                                process improvement experience
                                                                             M. McPeters as Chief Deputy        will be critical in our efforts to
            Carey Adams and Jenefer           “I am                          Treasurer. McPeters brings over 28   further enhance the quality service
        Hughes were sworn in as            honored                           years of public and private sector   we provide to our customers.” The
        constitutional officers of         and                               experience to the office, including   Chesterfield County Treasurer’s
        Chesterfield County Friday         humbled to                        over 18 years in the county’s      Office is responsible for the
        afternoon.                         be elected                        Commissioner of the Revenue        billing and collection of current
            In a ceremony in the county’s   treasurer                        Office and seven years with Coca-  and delinquent personal property,
        public meeting room, Adams was     and                               Cola. As Chief Deputy Treasurer,   real estate, and other local taxes.
        sworn in as county treasurer, and   sincerely                        McPeters will be responsible for   Additionally, the treasurer also
        Hughes was sworn in as the county’s   appreciate                     managing the daily operations of the   serves as the chief investment officer
        commissioner of the revenue.       the trust                         office, including customer service,   and banker for the county. The
            Adams has worked for           citizens                          automated systems, and billing. “I   office’s mission is to ensure fiscal
        Chesterfield County for more than   have placed                      am excited to add a person of Tim’s   integrity and provide world-class
        29 years. He worked for about four   in me,”                         caliber to our talented, experienced   customer service through excellence
        years as an accounting manager in   Adams                            team,” said Adams. “His extensive   in treasury management.
        the Accounting Department, and     said.     CAREY ADAMS
        he has served 25 years as chief    “I will
        deputy treasurer. He was appointed   continue to work diligently to ensure                              killer diseases. Intense prolonged cooking
        treasurer after the former treasurer   my office provides quality customer                              is required to destroy deadly pathogens
        retired Jan. 1.                    service to our citizens and that the                                 lurking inside.
                                           services we provide are efficient and               Letters to           Now, for the good news: Per capita
                                           convenient.”                                        the Editor       consumption of turkeys is down by a
                                              Hughes is a chartered accountant                                  whopping 34 percent (*) from a 1996
                                           with 30 years’ business experience,                                  high of 303 million, as one third of our
                                           and most recently served as director   Why Pardon A                  population is actively reducing meat
                                           of accounting at McKesson. She    Turkey?                            consumption; Our supermarkets carry
                                           has lived with her family in Bon Air                                 a rich variety of convenient, delicious,
                                           since 2009.                       To the Editor:                     healthful plant-based meat products,
                                              “I am humbled and honored to                                      including several oven-ready roasts.
                                           have been elected as commissioner     President Trump is getting his pardon   This Thanksgiving holiday, as we give
                                           of the revenue on Nov. 7,” Hughes   pen ready, as the Muller investigation starts   thanks for life and good fortune, let’s also
                                           said. “I would like to thank everyone   indicting his associates. This Wednesday,   skip the gratuitous violence and grant our
                                           for your support and look forward to   he plans to practice on two very innocent   own pardon to an innocent animal.
                                           getting to work to serve the citizens   Minnesota turkeys.
                                           of Chesterfield County.”              The other 244 million turkeys   Clive Vasquez
        JENEFER HUGHES                                                       killed in the U.S. this year have not been   Letters
                                                                             so lucky. They were raised in crowded
                                                                             sheds filled with toxic fumes. Their beaks   EDITOR’S NOTE:
                   A Completely Different Experience in Dining               and toes were clipped to prevent stress-  The opinions of the Editor’s Inbox do not
                                                                             induced aggression. At 16 weeks of age,   reflect the opinions of the Village News. Please
                                                                                                                    limit letter length to under 350 words. (The
                                                     LUNCH HOURS             slaughterhouse workers cut their throats   editor reserves the right to allow longer letters
                                               Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm    and dumped them in boiling water to    or edit letter length.) A name and address is
                                                    DINNER HOURS             remove their feathers.                 required to be considered for publication;
                                                   Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm         Consumers pay a heavy price too.   however, Village News will not publish or
                                                                                                                    distribute a letter writer’s address. Let us know
                                                   Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
                                                                             Turkey flesh is laced with cholesterol and   your opinions on current events; send your
                                                                             saturated fats that elevate risk of chronic   letter to
                      12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898                                              Thank you.

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