Page 6 - November 22, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 6

COMMUNITY                                                                                          Make someone’s day

                                                                                                                                 EXTRA fruitful
       YMCA director gives update to Lions Club

       on programs

       Contributed by Carelyn Steele Sheppard
                                                                             The disease
          Jamal Riley, the executive director   as Youth Development, designed to provide   of obesity has
       of the Chester YMCA, shared the “2025   support in all aspects of the individuals'   snowballed in             Delivery or Pick-Up
       Strategic Plan” with the Chester Lions   growth, (i.e., academically, physically,   this country,
       during their weekly meeting of Nov. 14.   emotionally, and spiritually).  One program   ocurring more                      CALL TO ORDER
       Although the Chester Y is only one of   has been developed to enhance academic   in our youth in                           804-748-7025
       the 21 Y’s under the Greater Richmond   achievement, and another to achieve   addition as well                 12760 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Chester
       area, it is the third-largest with about   success in Leaders programs and thereby   as many adults         Breckenridge Shopping Center • 804-748-7025
       11,000 members. It is very active in the   empower them as teens. The next two areas   who have no               11124 Hull Street Rd., Midlothian
       community, as well as at the site on West   of particular focus concern the importance   family history     Genito Crossing Shopping Center • 804-744-9006
       Hundred Road. The Chester Lions were   of and education about Healthy Living.   of or genetic
       grateful for the opportunity to  assist and   It has been repeated ad nauseam that all   markers for   CHESTER YMCA   STEPHANIE’S
                                                                                         EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
       work with the Y by doing eye screenings at   people should watch what they eat and   the disease.   JAMAL RILEY  PET GROOMING
       the Y’s last health fair for the community.  try to get more exercise.  The Y intends   The final portion of the plan brings it full   Welcomes Kristin Moloney,
          There are five specific areas of focus   to keep repeating it until it sinks into each   circle to Social Responsibility, which the
       on which the Y devotes time, energy, and   individual's plan for living. The second   Y and its members have for creating and   certified groomer, to our
       programs. Riley identified two of the areas   area, under Health, is Obesity & Diabetes.    nurturing all aspects of the community. The   staff. Kristin specializes in
                                                                             Chester Y has programs which reach out         creative grooming, Asian
                                                                                                                              fusion grooming and
                                                                             into the community in areas where they see     handstripping She has 13
              Your Community, Your Neighbors, Your News                      a need that would not otherwise be met,         years experience and is
                                                                             such as Greenleigh and Broadwater. YMCA
                                                                             was started as a Christian organization       Red Cross certified. Kristin
              Village      News                                              and still adheres to those values and   “I have a new groomer”  weekdays and Saturdays
                                                                                                                             will now be grooming on
                                                                             principles. The YMCA is open to everyone
                                                                             regardless of gender, race, religion, or        from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                             socioeconomic background or situation.   Call or come by to make an appointment.
              Chesterfield’s best COMMUNITY NEWS source since 1998           The Chester YMCA is an integral part
             Call (804) 751-0421 for more information on how to advertise your business today!  of this community, and its values are   15800 B Jefferson Davis Hwy. (Happy Hill SC)
                                                                             fundamental to society.

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