Page 10 - November 22, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
P. 10



       C.C. Wells event raises money for

       school in Florida hit by Irma

                                                                             in the United States impacted by the   The kickoff for the Turkey Trot
                                                                             recent hurricanes, students selected   was held Nov. 8. Fifth-grade student
                                                                             Florida, which was hit by Hurricane   work was compiled and highlighted in a
                                                                             Irma.  A school in Hillsborough     presentation shown at assemblies for the
                                                                             County in Tampa, FL was selected for   entire school. This taught students from
                                                                             support from Wells.  The school in   all grade levels about hurricanes, the
                                                                             Florida caught fire from an electrical   Turkey Trot, and the school selected for
                                                                             malfunction after the extensive water   donations. The kickoff ended with a rap
                                                                             damage sustained by the storm.      from a group of fifth graders. Staff and
                                                                                 In the library, students researched   students were excited for the big event.
                                                                             hurricanes and their impact. They      On Friday all grade levels ran,
                                                                             developed Google slides to teach    jogged, and walked the Turkey Trot
                                                                             others about hurricanes and how to be   course, completing as many laps of the
                                                                             prepared. In physical education, they   0.7-mile course as they could in the time
                                                                             developed the course for the Turkey Trot   given. Students from ages 5 to 12 joined
                                                                             and developed flyers to send home to   their friends in tackling the challenge.
          C.C. Wells Elementary participated   The Turkey Trot, held Friday, was
       in their first Turkey Trot for a Cause,   developed over a month-and-a-half   promote the race and request donations.   Fifth graders not only got to run the
                                                                                                                 course themselves, but also volunteered
                                                                             In Spanish, they created bilingual signs
       a project-based learning event developed   period. Tyler Harris, a local high school   to help participants navigate the course.   at stations, directing younger students
       by fifth grade students during their   student at L.C. Bird and son of a Wells   In art, they discussed the importance of   and encouraging them along the way.
       resource classes.  The students were   kindergarten teacher, came to discuss   their efforts, how races help raise funds,   The Turkey Trot for a Cause raised
       challenged with this problem: they   with the fifth graders a similar service   and the value of their jobs as volunteers   $1,714.42. C.C. Wells expressed pride
       wanted to help kids impacted by a   learning project he developed the Run   on race day. In music, they recorded a   in  supporting the hard work and efforts
       hurricane and develop a school-wide   4 Massey 5k. Wells students asked   song to send with the final project and   of its students and gratitude for the entire
       event that would raise funds to help with   questions and learned from his expertise.  donations to the school.   school community’s support of this event.
       recovery.                              After learning about the regions

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                                         NEW TO CHESTER, VA                          The Kiwanis Club of Chester thanks the below
                                 GREAT PROMOS, GREAT SELECTION
                                                                                           listed donors who helped make the
                                                                                           Vietnam War Era Veterans Event on
                                                                                                October 4th a big success:
                                                         OUR LOCATION
                                                      4314 West Hundred Rd.                                        Cesare and Terry Evola
                                                        Chester, VA 23831         Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Barbie
                                                          804-318-9106            Jason and Katherine Branch            Ronnie L. Gray
                                                                                      Tim and Lisa Brock              Heritage Chevrolet
                                                                                      Sal and Tillery Buffa       Rudy L. Hawkins Electrical
                                                                                Carter Myers Automotive Group       King’s Korner Catering
                                                                                      Chesterfield County          Kustom Karts of Virginia
                                                                                     Board of Supervisors               Mary K. Lykins
                                                                                      Chesterfield County              Duane Wittman
                                                                                     Sheriff’s  Department            Rick & Sue Young
                                                                                                Chesterfield Rental Company

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