Page 5 - November 22, 2017 Magazine Style Full page issue
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Looking for Us?

                                                                                                      We have found a new home at Cindy’s Hair Pros
                                                                             are right  and when they are wrong. My   O! So Chic
       Mixing Bowl                                                           heart can grow with love and quiver with
                                                                             sadness. It is my life force; I am thankful
       Gratitude                                                             for my heart.                        Gifts that SPARKLE under the tree
                                                                                                                  Gifts for the Home
                                                                                 I am thankful for all of my hopes.
                                                                             My hopes give me purpose and a reason   Gifts for Neighbors & Friends
       By Gena Lashley                                                       to breath every day. I have many hopes,   featuring local artists, jewelry
                                                                             hopes that the human race will start to   and home décor accessories
            his is Thanksgiving week, a time   inside yourself and recognize that YOU   embrace compassion, kindness, and a
            for us to gather with friends and   are enough to be thankful for, your hands,   peaceful existence. My hopes offer my   Holiday
       Tfamily to give thanks for all of   your feet, your heart, your hopes.   heart a reason to pump, my feet a reason   shopping hours:
                                                                                                                  Mon 11-4,
       our blessings. It’s so easy for some to list    I am thankful for my two hands;   to move, and my hands a reason to offer   Tues-Fri 10-6
       their blessings, ticking them off one by   they have been able to hold my babies and   comfort and kindness. I am thankful for   Sat 10-4,
       one. A nice house that gives you shelter   those of others, they offer comfort just by   my hopes.         Sun - Closed
       during the cold, a warm bed to sleep in,   being placed on an arm, or shoulder, or by   May you all find something to   10432 Iron Bridge Rd • Chester Va 23831•
       and the person you love sleeping soundly   testing a forehead for fever.  They provide   be thankful for, and have a peaceful   Chesterfield Meadows West Shopping Center
       beside you. Healthy, happy children, a   food for my family, they cleanse me and   Thanksgiving.
       good paying job, a refrigerator stocked –  my children, and they are able to offer                    FROM LEFT: KATIE, LEILANI, CLAUDIA, MELISSA, CINDY, DAVID,
       hunger something that doesn’t even cross   love, peace, and comfort to those who                      CHARLOTTE, MARY BETH, ANGIE, KELSEY, AMBER, AND LUCY
       your mind – all of these are signs of an   need it. I am very thankful for my hands.                       Cindy’s Hair Pros
       exceptional, pleasant life, things worthy of   I am thankful for my feet. They allow
       giving thanks.                     me to walk every day  and take me so                           11864 Chester Village Dr. Chester    804-706-6470
                                                                                                                   11864 Chester Village Dr. • 706-6470
          I want to give thanks for so much   many places. I am able to walk over to the
       this year, and give hope to those who feel   person in need and offer my compassion.                            2017 Winner of the
       that they have nothing to be thankful for.   They allow me to move quickly, or to                                Tri-Cities Official
       There are many times in life when you   enjoy a leisurely stroll, taking in the                                People Choice Awards
       feel beaten down, not lifted up. You are   wonders of the world around me. They
       stressed, fearful, anxious, and exhausted   give me the ability to run, feeling the wind                         “Best of the Best”
       from worry. Worry about being laid off,   in my hair and my heart pounding in my   11310 Ironbridge Road              VOTED
       about paying your bills, about having   chest. I am thankful for my feet.  Chester, VA 23831
       a place to put your head every night,   I am thankful for my heart. My heart   804-796-7539                 BEST HAIRCUT
       wondering if there is enough money to buy  tells me so much; it is my guide through                                in the Tri-Cities
       food and put gas in your car so you can   life. My heart feels joy, and if feels pain.   Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!
                                                                                  Weekly Specials & Full Menu.
       make it work, pondering how to buy your   It allows me to live; with each pump of   Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!  Thank you for voting for us!
       child a new coat now that it is getting cold.   blood that courses through my body, I
       The list is endless. I hope that you can look  am alive.  My heart tells me when things

       Holiday concert at
       Thomas Dale                                                                                  Alzheimer’s

       High School
                                                                                             Specialty Center
          Thomas Dale High School’s
       performance bands are having their
       annual holiday concert Wednesday, Dec.
       6,  at 7 p.m.  Admission is $5.   The
       band boosters will also be announcing
       the winners of the 2017 raffle.  Please
       join us for an evening of great music to
       get in the holiday spirit.  Please contact for more

       Auditions                                        Understanding and Responding to
       Driving Miss Daisy                                       Dementia-Related Behavior

          The Theater Company at Fort Lee                            presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
       announces auditions for “Driving Miss
       Daisy.” Auditions will be held Dec. 18                      Wednesday, Dec. 20   6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
       and 19  at 7 p.m. at the Lee Playhouse,
       Building 4300 Mahone Ave., Fort Lee.               Fundraiser Bingo, Wednesday, Nov. 29  6 p.m. - 7 p.m.  $15 a person
       Director Joy Williams seeks Daisy: a                     with all proceeds going to the Alzheimer’s Association
       Caucasian woman who can play early    Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center is designed with neighborhoods around a town
       72-97; Boolie: her son, needs to play    center – giving residents with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
       40-65; and Hoke: African American                    “Come take a walk through town with us”
       chauffeur who plays 60-85. Readings
       will be from the script. Rehearsals will                     Reservations and Deposits are now being taken
       begin early January for a Feb. 2-25 run.     5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000
       No performers paid. For additional                      
       information, call (804) 734-6629.                                                                                            NOVEMBER 22,, 2017  05
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