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JULY 12, 2017 XIX NO.46

              Village      News


         June Bugs Appear from Ground, Frighten Residents, Disappear

           They came from the ground after lying in wait for
       a year, biding their time until climbing the last couple
       of inches into the sunlight. The frightening scene of
       these creatures can be intimidating if they grab your
       leg with their tiny legs and squeeze until shooed away.
       Watching them emerge from the lawn can be an eye
       opener. Do you run for the hills or face the slithering
       yet to form insect on your own?
           It’s only a June bug.
           They may not harmful but they sure ain’t pretty.
       Get up close and personal and you will find they are   same family, scarab, laying eggs that will hatch
       dressed quite flamboyantly with a bright-green, almost   into larvae and then they dive deep into the soil,
       translucent, shell. The bug is about the length of the   then in the spring they will come up get closer to
       first joint of your finger.                     the surface, pupate and become adults. “And the
           “We actually put up laminated pictures here   party begins again,”  as Likins puts it.
       because people want to know what these are... ‘are   While in the larvae stage they may eat roots
       they hornets? they ask.’ So we tell people that they’re   of Bermuda grass and moles may pursue them.
       harmless and they’re not doing anything but flying,”   As Likins said, moles eat meat such as larvae
       said T. Michael Likins, Director of the Chesterfield   and voles are vegetarians. You can remember that
       Cooperative Extension.
           They fly only about a foot to 18 inches above the                 Read more on page 3
       ground Likens indicated.
           “That’s where the females, are going to be, that’s   ABOVE: JUNE BUGS BROKE GROUND LAST
       where she’s going to lay her eggs, that’s where the   WEEK AFTER TWO DAYS OF RAIN. THE LITTLE
       guys are looking for her,” said Likins. “You can get   CREATURES DID NO HARM BUT SCARE A FEW
       crop damage from her from the green June beetle but   PEOPLE AND THEY WERE GONE BY SUNDAY.
       in your landscape, it’s only going to be a background   RIGHT: A SINGLE BUG CRAWLS ON THE LAWN
                                                       IN CHESTER LOOKING FOR A MATE.
           The June, Japanese, and May beetles are in the

                                                                              Bellwood Elk herd welcomes new arrivals

                                                                              BY BECKY ROBINETTE WRIGHT          admiration for animals.
                                                                                      Move over Bambi, the                Bellwood reserved some of his
                                                                              Bellwood Elk herd, located at the   acreage as a wooded park and permitted
                                                                              Defense Logistics Agency (previously   deer, rabbits and other wildlife to live
                                                                              known as DSCR) at 8000 Jefferson   and roam freely. Around 1900, he
                                                                              Davis Hwy. has its share of delightful   brought a pair of elk from Yosemite
                                                                              cuteness, too, and the public is   National Park and Washington state to
                                                                              welcome to stop and take a peek.   establish an elk herd on his land.
                                                                                     “So far we have four new             The elk were a popular attraction
                                                                              calves this year,” said James Parrish   with curious visitors, and hundreds
                                                                              Chief of the Environmental Division   would visit on the weekends to view
                                                                              Defense Logistics Agency Installation   them.
                                                                              Support at Richmond. “We are still in        When James Bellwood died, the
                                                                              the birthing season, so there may soon   family decided to sell the land, but was
                                                                              be more surprises.”                concerned about the elk. The Army was
                                                                                      The elk herd itself has    interested in purchasing the property,
                                                                              historical significance;  it was   so the Bellwood family agreed to the
                                                                              originally established around 1900   sale on the condition the Army would
                                                                              by James Bellwood, the last private   continue to keep the elk on the property
                                                                              owner of the land that now occupies   and provide for their care. The deal
                                                                              the supply center. Bellwood was a   was agreed upon and was sealed by a
       A MONARCH ELK WITH SEVERAL COWS. PHOTO COURTESY OF DSCR FROM A FILE    successful farmer and had a special
       PHOTO FROM JULY 2015 BY AMY T. CLEMENT, DLA AVIATION CHIEF OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS.                                           Read more on page 3
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