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OCTOBER 18, 2017 XX NO.8
Village News
Is the mega Building Chesterfield’s
site being Blueprint - FY2019 Budget
For the past month, the Matoaca
MegaSite mania has dominated
the news with no sign of slowing
down. After three tense information
sessions, county officials seem
unwavering in their pursuit of
forging ahead with constructing the
site despite growing opposition and
backlash from citizens.
In complete contrast to the
MegaSite controversy is the recent
news that a Facebook data center will
be headed to eastern Henrico County.
Announced by Gov. Terry McAuliffe
last week, the social media site will
be investing $1 billion into a data
center in the White Oak Technology
“I am proud to welcome
Facebook to Henrico County, and we
look forward to a strong partnership.
When an industry giant like Facebook
selects Virginia for a major operation,
it’s proof that our efforts to build
an open and welcoming economy
that works for everyone are paying
off,” Governor McAuliffe said. “For
as a key hub for global Internet
traffic, emerging as one of the most are excited about it. exist. George L. Fickett Jr., a retired school system that the citizens of
active data center markets in the Though both sites promise jobs Chesterfield County employee, spoke Chesterfield are already complaining
world. Working with companies and tax breaks to their respective in defense of the county. about!”
like Facebook and many others, we areas, the response to the Mataoca “From experience, I know According to another resident,
are advancing Virginia’s position MegaSite has been largely negative, homes bring in less tax dollars than who chose to remain anonymous, the
as a global leader in the technology with some wondering if it is just industrial or commercial properties Megasite is progress even though she
economy and a world-class home to being rushed in response to the and put a drain on county [taxes]. would be losing her home.
innovative companies of every size.” Facebook data center. There were also The county has less of these and “I’m okay with the mega
The county has been working on comments in regarding to the actual need to even the balance,” Fickett industrial center. It is progress,” the
this project for three years and the 100 jobs at the data center versus the said. “Changing from residential resident said. “I’m not pleased to
There’s nothing standard
data center will provide thousands of speculated 5,000 at the Megasite. to industrial was a good change. lose my house, but it is what it is.
about our standards
construction jobs and 100 full-time be safe to say that one would be Homes bring more cost to the county. No one wants their lives disturbed, I
With all the opposition, it would
understand this. All that is being said
operational jobs. The data center will
Sixty-five hundred homes on this
FREE hard-pressed to find people that are property would mean more school is that negative [things] could happen
be complete in 2019, and in addition
There’s nothing standard
children to the already overcrowded
to community leaders, local residents
in favor of the Megasite, but they do
but … good things can happen also.”
about our standards
Lunch FRIDAY, OCT. 20 • Complimentary Lunch
(heart heathy chili)
& Health 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. FREE • FREE health screenings
• Door Prizes
Screenings! There’s nothing standard FREE! Lunch • Health tips from local professionals
about our standards
• Raffle gift basket: including gift
Date: Friday, October 20 Featuring: Nayar Health Care Rx Pharmacy Chester & Health cards, local honey, natural
products & more.
Time: 11am - 3pm 12230 Ironbridge Rd.
Cost: FREE! FREE Chester • 804-717-5000 Screenings!
Location: Rx3 Pharmacy Chester Medicare certified and ACHC accredited
12230 Ironbridge Rd skilled home health services. Your Community, Your Neighbors, Your News Friday, October 20 Featuring: Nayar Health Care
Chester, VA • Skilled nursing Time: 11am - 3pm
• Physical therapy
• Complimentary Lunch Lunch Cost: FREE!
• Occupational Therapy
(heart healthy chili) • Medical Social Work and Aide services Location: Rx3 Pharmacy Chester
• Door prizes in the comfort of the patients home. Medicare certified and ACHC accredited
• Skilled home health is offered at
• FREE health screenings & Health 12230 Ironbridge Rd skilled home health services.
• Health tips from local professionals no cost to Medicare beneficiaries. Chester, VA • Skilled nursing
• Physical therapy
• Raffle gift basket: including gift cards, • Complimentary Lunch • Occupational Therapy
local honey, natural products & more P: 804-330-5433 • F: 804-330-5423 (heart healthy chili) • Medical Social Work and Aide services
• Door prizes
in the comfort of the patients home.
To Register, call Rx3 at - 804-717-5000. • FREE health screenings • Skilled home health is offered at
no cost to Medicare beneficiaries.
• Health tips from local professionals
Friday, October 20
Featuring: Nayar Health Care
Time: 11am - 3pm • Raffle gift basket: including gift cards, P: 804-330-5433 • F: 804-330-5423
local honey, natural products & more
Cost: FREE!
Location: Rx3 Pharmacy Chester To Register, call Rx3 at - 804-717-5000.
12230 Ironbridge Rd Medicare certified and ACHC accredited
skilled home health services.
Chester, VA • Skilled nursing
• Complimentary Lunch • Physical therapy
• Occupational Therapy
(heart healthy chili) • Medical Social Work and Aide services
• Door prizes in the comfort of the patients home.
• FREE health screenings • Skilled home health is offered at
• Health tips from local professionals no cost to Medicare beneficiaries.
• Raffle gift basket: including gift cards,
local honey, natural products & more P: 804-330-5433 • F: 804-330-5423
To Register, call Rx3 at - 804-717-5000.