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       Christmas Mother introduced

       to community

                                              A Christmas Mother has been    no family is without food; no child is   11310 Ironbridge Road
          She is like a kid in a toy store,   chosen each year since 1979 to represent   without toys, books and clothing; and
       energetic and excited. Jeanne Hensel   the Christmas Mother Committee to the   no elderly person is forgotten as we   Chester, VA 23831
       is not in the business of buying toys,   media and to the general population as   celebrate the holidays. Volunteers have   804-796-7539
                                                          public spokesperson   worked countless hours in an effort   Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!
                                                          for the program.   to give our needy children and elders   Weekly Specials & Full Menu.
                                                              As Christmas   magical memories of the Christmas     Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!
                                                          Mother, Hensel will   holiday. However, we cannot achieve
                                                          work directly with   our mission without support from
                                                          schools, churches,   individuals, groups, and businesses here
                                                          and the Chesterfield-  in the community.”              Tax problems?
                                                          Colonial Heights       Last year the program helped 1,281     Are tax problems
                                                          Department of      families and 125 elders for a total of   keeping you awake
                                                          Social Services, to   4,819 persons assisted.          at night?
                                                          identify individuals   The committee is gearing up for
                                                          and families in need.   their annual Live & Silent Auction
                                                          She also carefully   to be held on Nov. 4 at the Cultural
                                                          screens candidates to  Center of India, 6641 Ironbridge Pkwy.
                                                          make sure they meet   Tickets are $60. If interested, call Anne          We can help
                                                          guidelines and are   Kalemjian at 768-8818 or any committee         you resolve your
                                                          truly in need of help.   member.                                       tax nightmare.
                                                              A Christmas        If you wish to sponsor a family   Free and confidential consultation.
                                                          Mother's           or senior citizen or if you wish to    Call today! The sooner you call,
                                                          responsibilities   volunteer to help at the Christmas   the sooner the problem is resolved.
                                                          include encouraging   Center, contact the office at 748-1183              804-425-9856
                                                          participation from   or 751-4657; or e-mail the committee at
                                                          local schools to       10310 Memory Lane, Suite 2E, Chesterfield, VA 23832.
                                                          provide gifts,
                                                          donations and
                                                          volunteers;                      HRS: T-TH 9-8, F 9-5, S 9-4
                                                          arranging sponsors                                                          S/M CLOSED
                                                          who provide toys,
                                                          clothing, books,
       2017 CHESTERFIELD-COLONIAL HEIGHTS CHRISTMAS       and food to families
                                                          or elders; and
                                                          accepting gifts and
       but she is collecting them – along with   donations of money, clothing, toys,
       clothing and gift cards – and giving   books, and food gift cards from those
       them away to needy families so they   in the community who wish to share
       may have a happy Christmas.  Retired   with others. She and her committee                        804-295-5245
       from a 30-year teaching career, 25 years   shop year-round items at reasonable   12128 Branders Creek Drive   Chester, VA 23831
       in Chesterfield County, Hensel was   prices and gift cards for food. When it
       announced as the 2017 Chesterfield-  is time for distribution, Hensel and the
       Colonial Heights Christmas Mother. She   committee will operate the Christmas
       was introduced to the community at a tea  Center, distributing gifts to needy
       in her honor Oct. 10 at Magnolia Grange   recipients.
       attended by former Christmas Mothers,   “I am honored and privileged to
       community members, family, and media.  represent women of the Christmas
          “I am very excited,” she said. “I   Mother committee,” she said. “It is
       have been in two parades so far, and I   about a cause that is near and dear to my
       get to go out and tell the community all   heart. The Christmas Mother Committee
       about the cause. The need is growing,   exists to ensure that, in our community,
       and costs keep going up, and we need                                         Studio B is a charming and delightful new salon and spa located
       more and more support from the                                                in Chester VA. Bethany Yurachek has 22 Years of experience
       community, but we have a very caring                                         in the hair industry. Bethany and her staff will leave you looking
       community; we have been fortunate.”                                       and feeling your best. Stop by and let us pamper you from head to toe.
          The Chesterfield-Colonial Heights
       Christmas Mother website states that                                                    We look forward to seeing you at the B!
       the program is a nonprofit, charitable
       organization established in 1972                                                           Career Opportunities!!!
       by Lucy Corr, then superintendent                                                              Studio B is looking for:
       of the Chesterfield County Welfare                         7                              •Talented and Experienced Stylists
       Department. The program’s sole purpose                                       •Friendly Salon Coordinator with excellent customer service skills
       is to assist families that are in need   HENSEL'S HUSBAND, RICK IS PICTURED
       during the holiday season.         TO THE RIGHT OF DALE DISTRICT SUPER-                      •Licensed Massage Therapist
                                          VISOR JIM HOLLAND SECOND FROM
       06   OCTOBER 18, 2017                                                                                  
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