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            Put your                                                                                            BRIEFLY

           lights on                                                                                            DEDUCTIONS

                                                                                                                    With the tax reform debate underway,
                                                                                                                Apartment List took a closer look at the
               Boaters Still Needed                                                                             popular mortgage interest deduction and
                                                                                                                compared federal expenditure on the MID
            for JRAC’s 25th Annual                                                                              to spending on Section 8 rental assistance
                   Parade of Lights                                                                             programs.
                                                                                                                    In a new report released today,
                                                                                                                we found that the MID cost the federal
                                                                                                                government $71.0 billion in 2015, more
            Boaters, don’t put your pow-                                                                        than double the $29.9 billion funding
        erboats up for winter yet! Instead,                                                                     for Section 8. Additionally, the MID is
        plan to decorate them and partici-                                                                      a highly regressive benefit, with most of
        pate in the James River Advisory                                                                        the expenditure going to high-income
        Council’s 25th Annual Parade of                                                                         households. Only 11 percent of low-
                                                                                                                income households receive assistance
        Lights on Saturday, Dec. 9, 6-9                                                                         with their housing costs, and spending
        p.m.JRAC is seeking 25 boats for   PARADE OF LIGHTS BEGINS AT RICHMOND AND ENDS AT HENRICUS PARK        per household is nearly four times higher
        this special anniversary year to                                                                        for high-income households compared to
        make this parade the most mem-     Henricus Historical Park.                                            low-income.
        orable yet! This is a great year to   The parade follows a 14-mile   Anne Canipe selected                   Here are some highlights you might
        become involved because boaters    parade route from City of Richmond   as Geography Teacher            be interested in:
        will be competing for $500 in cash   to the Varina-Enon Bridge. The boats   Fellow                          Nationwide, MID expenditure is
        prizes. It’s a great opportunity for   gather at 5:45 p.m. at Libby Hill Park,                          more than double the funding for Section
        businesses and corporations to     and there is a countdown to the illumi-  As part of the award for being   8, and 85 percent  of MID benefits go to
        “show their colors” with decora-   nation at 6 p.m. The parade will end at   selected as an AGS Geography Teacher   high-income households; spending per
        tions that highlight who they are   approximately 8:30 p.m. at Henricus   Fellow, Chester resident and teacher   household is just $416 for the low-income
                                                                                                                group, compared to $1,549 for high-
        and what they do. Sponsors for the   Historical Park.                Anne Canipe will attend the AGS Fall   income households
        event also are being sought at var-  Boats will be judged and prizes award-  Symposium, Geography 2050: The   Overall, households in Richmond
        ious levels. Contributions are tax   ed in four categories:          Future of Mobility, on November 16   receive average federal housing assistance
        deductible.                                                          and 17, 2017 at Columbia University in   of $760 through the MID and Section 8,
            Start working on your boat’s          Most original display.     New York City. The                 compared to the national average of $676
        theme and register today at https://                                     Symposium provides Teacher         Spending per household in Richmond         Best appearance on the water.  Fellows with the opportunity to gain   is just $342 for low-income households,
        al-parade-of-lights/.                                                cutting-edge content knowledge and   compared to $1,910 for high-income
            This festive parade marks the         Most charming display or the   awareness of the real-world geographic   houeholds.
        beginning of the holiday season    one with the “wow” factor.        workplace skills demanded by today's
        and has become a tradition for            Best-in-show.              geospatial companies.              and the Emergency Communications
        many families in the region. More                                                                       Center. You will be able to talk to
        than 10,000 people gathered last      In addition, best novice and run-                                 members of the departments on
        year at viewing sites along the    ner-up novice awards will be presented   Public Safety               Saturday, Oct. 21, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                                                                                                    Participate in information
        James River to see the boats, and   to the best of the first-time entries.   Career Expo                sessions, hands-on demonstrations and
        enjoy the parade and other holi-   There also will be a special award for                               tours. Human Resources staff will be
        day entertainment.                 the marina with the most participating   Folks looking for a career, and   on hand to help with applications.
            The Richmond region view-      boats.                            teens and families who might want      The event will take place at the
        ing sites include:                    For more information about JRAC,   to consider public safety as an option   Eanes-Pittman Public Safety Training
             Libby Hill Park, Osborne      contact Kim Conley, executive director,   post-graduation.           Center, 6610 Public Safety Way,
                                           at 748-1567 or visit
        Park and Boat Landing,                                                   There may be opportunities in the   information at
            Dutch Gap Boat Landing and                                       Police, Fire and EMS, Sheriff’s Office   careerexpo.

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