Page 12 - January 3, 2018
P. 12


                                          Students honored for
                                                                             completing JTCC
       Continued from page 2

       Thursday, February 15, 4:30-6 p.m.                                    nursing program
       Chesterfield Community Development Building,
       9800 Government Center Parkway, Chesterfield                              With family and friends cheering   forward by mentoring those who are
       Come and join with grandparents and other kin who are raising children. Network, share   them on, more than 40 John Tyler   new nurses.
       stories, and help each other.  Child care is provided. Open to anyone in the community; you   Community College students   Of the 43 nursing graduate
       do not have to be a Chesterfield resident to attend. For more information contact the Senior   celebrated their completion of the   candidates recognized during the
       Advocate’s Office, 804-768-7878 or    Nursing Program during the college’s   ceremony, the following are in the
                                                                             Fall 2017 Nursing Pinning Ceremony.   Village News readership area:  Rachel
                                                                             The ceremony was held Dec. 14, 2017   Bennett (23832); Jennifer Jessie
       CHESTERFIELD COUNCIL ON AGING                                         at the Nicholas Center on the Chester   Gallier (23831); Savanna Hartbarger
       Thursday, February 22, 9-10:30 a.m.                                   Campus. In her address to the students,  (23832); Rachel Holder (23831);
       Mast Auditorium at Lucy Corr Village, 6800 Lucy Corr Blvd., Chesterfield  Terri Clinger, professor of nursing   Jillian Laurent (23838);Maureen
       Join Chesterfield seniors and professionals for our annual organizational meeting as we   at Tyler, encouraged students to   Mitchell (23832); Julia Springer
       review the Council’s work in 2017, learn about the various committees and ways to get   continuously build on their education    (23838); Jesslyn Walker (23832);
       involved.  The Council’s mission is to educate and advocate on issues relating to older   and skills and to become role models   Sarah Waller (23832); Mariashley
       adults and individuals with disabilities. For more information contact the Senior Advocate’s   of excellence. “Nursing is a lifelong   Wiglesworth (23838); and Emily Zinn
       Office. Contact information can be found in the first listing above.  journey,” she said. “Your education   (23838).
                                                                             at John Tyler Community College        Pinning dates back to the
       BEING MORTAL, SOUP FOR THE CAREGIVER’S SOUL WORKSHOP                  is only a first step. We provided you   1880s. The pin, given to graduate
       Wednesday, February 28, 2-3:30 p.m.                                   with a strong foundation, and it’s now   candidates, symbolizes the school of
       North Courthouse Road Library, 325 Courthouse Road, North Chesterfield   up to you to continue.” Tyler nursing   nursing where the students earned
       If you thought you were dying, what would matter most? Join a national dialogue taking   alumna Michelle Hayes, who currently   their clinical experience, achieved
       place in your community concerning an inescapable reality of life:  death. Gather with   works at CJW Medical Center, shared   academic credentials and began their
       friends, neighbors and peers to watch the "Frontline" documentary, Being Mortal,   her personal journey and offered   socialization into the profession. The
       which explores what matters most to patients and families experiencing serious illness.    insights into what she has learned so   ceremony marks the completion of
       Registration from 1:30-2 p.m., light refreshments will be provided.  For more information   far. Hayes advised her new peers to   that rigorous training, and it is often
       contact the Senior Advocate’s Office. Contact information can be found in the first listing   keep learning, to expect challenges,   viewed with the same importance as
       above.                                                                to never give up, and to one day pay it   commencement.

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       12 JANUARY 3, 2018                                                                                    
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