Page 14 - January 3, 2018
P. 14

CLASSIFIEDS                                                                                        PLACING A
                                                                                                                            CLASSIFIED AD
                                                                                                                            Ads can be placed by
                                                                                                                            phone 804.751.0421, email
                          PERSONAL ITEMS  -  $5/week, $3 per additional week        SERVICE ADS  -  As little as $22/week           or in person M-F, 10-5.
                          COMMERCIAL ADS  -  $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line     LEGAL NOTICES  -  $9/column inch   DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PM
 april 2016.qxp_make cents  8/2/16  4:08 PM  Page 2
                   HOME IMPROVEMENT              NEED A MORTGAGE? WE CAN HELP     REAL ESTATE                      HOUSE FOR SALE
                                                                   NMLS#: 240990  BUYING OR
                                                                   Company ID: 34474
                                                                   Mortgage License #: MC-4467
 Wamsley Construction               J.M.H.        PERSONAL SERVICE  Pete Reese  BUYING OR
       Wamsley Construction
                                                      RETAIL, OFFICE &
                                                  FAST, ACCURATE ANSWERS
        Full Service Home Repair
       Full Service Home Repair   PAINTING & REPAIRS LLC  MEDICAL SPACE          SELLING?
                                                  COMPETITIVE RATES
 Remodeling, Renovation   House Wash              LOW FEES  − Variety of floor plans & upfits available  We have the expertise
                                                                                     Buying or Selling

                                • Over 35 Years Experience
      All jobs, large or small   • Low Pressure, high volume rinse  FAST CLOSINGS  We have the expertise to get it done
                                                                                  to get it done.
                                                      − Negotiable lease terms with incentives
                   • Removes mold, mildew, spider webs, nests & debris
                                                                                   Call us today for details.
                         Licensed, Insured
 Design  |  Print  |  Web  |  Signage  • Windows left virtually spot free with water  11480 Springhouse Way  SEE AVAILABLE   Call us today for details.
                                  • Licensed & Insured
                                                   Amelia, VA 23002
                   • Conditioner, exclusively used by ZAPP-IT
        All jobs, large or small.
      Call Chris 389-2514         • References Available email:  PROPERTIES AT
                   • Neighborhood discount (2) or more houses
 804.794.9558  Licensed, Insured WINTER SPECIAL                         804-982-1058            SERVICE
       Call Chris 389-2514                               any time you want. You can always  Rhonda Rost Reese
                                                         Check on the status of your loan
                         $25 OFF House Power
                                                         expect a timely response from our
 2025 New Dorset Road     Wash for Powhatan              assigned loan consultants.  SEAN EICHERT  REALTOR®
                                                         LOW RATES
 Powhatan, VA 23139       (804) 378-4915                 Finding a home loan that fits COMMERCIAL   804.350.9184 cell
                                                         your needs and your particular
                                                         situation can be overwhelming.
                                                                                     804.350.9184 cell
                                                                                     804.768.8170 fax
         FRANK’S HOME              INSPECTIONS           FAST CLOSINGS  PORTFOLIO MANAGER  4625 W. Hundred Rd., Chester  ®  GRAND OPENING!
                                                         Loan experts are ready to help.
                                                                                     804.768.8170 fax
                                                                                     804.768.3000 office
             • Licensed & Insured
                                                                                     804.768.9300 office
                                                         From purchase loans to equity
                                                         and refinance loans, the right
          MAINTENANCE                                    options are waiting for you.  Need a Home Mortgage?     $20,000 in FREE OPTIONS
                                                         Contact us to learn more.
                    Find your way to savings.
            POWER WASHING          INSPECTIONS                               JUMBO LOANS                           Visit our Furnished Model
           • CLEAN GUTTERS      april 2016.qxp_make cents  8/2/16  4:08 PM  Page 2  CONVENTIONAL LOANS                5131 Goldburn Drive
        • YARD WORK • STAIN DECKS   Plumbing, HVAC, & Gas -   804-419-2295   FHA / VA LOANS           Model Hours :  Thursday- Monday noon-4:30 and anytime by appointment.
                                                                              NEED A MORTGAGE? WE CAN HELP
                                                                             CASH OUT HOME LOANS
                                                                                                                            Directions:  Route 10 to Kingsland Road,
         • CARPENTRY •  PAINTING   $60. Permits - $100 and up.               100% USDA LOANS         BUYING OR              bear right at fork.  At stop sign, left onto
             TREE WORK           VA Lic. #  2710008210.   TREE SERVICE       REFINANCE HOME LOANS                           Salem Church Road.  Windermere on left,
                                                                                            NMLS#: 240990
                                                                                            Company ID: 34474
                                                                                            Mortgage License #: MC-4467
          804-248-8961        Call James at (804) 717-5755.                  560 CREDIT SCORES        SELLING?                  keep straight to MODEL.
                                                                               PERSONAL SERVICE
                                                                             97% CONVENTIONAL LOANS
                                                                                          Pete Reese
                                                                               FAST, ACCURATE ANSWERS
                             Save an average of $500*    CHESTERFIELD        AND MUCH MORE 804.564.3300  See website for VIRTUAL TOURS at
                             Stop here for great rates with                    COMPETITIVE RATES
                                                        House Wash
                             America’s #1 car insurance company**.  TREE SERVICE, LLC  LOW FEES           Buying or Selling
                             Give me a call today.      • Low Pressure, high volume rinse  FAST CLOSINGS  We have the expertise to get it done ROOFING
                        PAINTING  Design  |  Print  |  Web  |  Signage  • Removes mold, mildew, spider webs, nests & debris  11480 Springhouse Way  Call us today for details.
                                                             Est. 1945
                                                        • Windows left virtually spot free with water
                                                          A.B. Leake (Owner)
                                                        • Conditioner, exclusively used by ZAPP-IT  Amelia, VA 23002
                    Jeff Cochran Ins Agcy Inc           • Neighborhood discount (2) or more houses  email:
                    Jeff Cochran Ins Agcy Inc
                    Jeff Cochran, Agent
                    2190 Plainview Center
                                                         WINTER SPECIAL
                    3387 Anderson Highway  804.794.9558  Tree Removal, Stump Removal,                                    FREE Hail Damage
                    Powhatan, VA 23139
                    Powhatan, VA  23139   Pressure Washing
                    Bus: 804-598-2277                               SERVICE
                    Bus: 804-598-2277
                                                                                     Check on the status of your loan
                              Interior/Exterior Painting      Trimming & Tree Pruning.  any time you want. You can always    Inspection
                                                            $25 OFF House Power
                                                                                     expect a timely response from our
                                                                                     assigned loan consultants.
                                     2025 New Dorset Road
                     *Average annual per household savings based on a national 2012 survey of new policyholders who  Wash for Powhatan  LOW RATES
                                 Deck/Fence Staining
                           reported savings by switching to State Farm.  Free Estimates - Fully Insured  Finding a home loan that fits
                            **Based on A.M. Best written premium.  Powhatan, VA 23139  your needs and your particular
                                                                                     situation can be overwhelming.
                   1005000.1  State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company – Bloomington,  IL  (804) 378-4915  Loan experts are ready to help.  804.350.9184 cell  • Roofing
                                                                                                          804.768.8170 fax
                              Siding Replacing          804-275-0311                FAST CLOSINGS        804.768.9300 office  • Siding
                                                 • Licensed & Insured
                                                                                     From purchase loans to equity
                                                                                     and refinance loans, the right
                                                                                     options are waiting for you.
                              Carpentry                         Find your way to savings.  Contact us to learn more.  Need a Home Mortgage?
                                                                                                                              • Windows
                                                                                                        Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
                              Drywall Installation/Repair      Drywall Installation/Repair      Drywall Installation/Repair  JUMBO LOANS  Locally Owned & Operated for over 20 years
                                                                                                    CONVENTIONAL LOANS
         804-386-9742         FREE ESTIMATES         HOME IMPROVEMENT               MULCH          FHA / VA LOANS              Fully Licensed and Insured
                                                                                                    CASH OUT HOME LOANS
                                                                                                    100% USDA LOANS
              Billy Donovan   Licensed & Insured                                                   REFINANCE HOME LOANS
                                                                                                    560 CREDIT SCORES
                                                                   J & D      DeepWoods Mulch Sales  97% CONVENTIONAL LOANS  CHIMNEY SWEEP
                                                                                                    AND MUCH MORE
                                                               Save an average of $500*
                                                               Stop here for great rates with
                                                               America’s #1 car insurance company**.  “Call us, Let’s Do Some Work!”
                                                               Give me a call today.
                         BANKING                                                       Natural & Dyed Mulch
                                                        Jeff Cochran Ins Agcy Inc        100% Organic   CHESTERFIELD TRI-CITIES
                                                        Jeff Cochran Ins Agcy Inc
                                                        Jeff Cochran, Agent
                                                        2190 Plainview Center           Compost/Topsoil
                                                        3387 Anderson Highway
                                                        Powhatan, VA 23139
                                                        Powhatan, VA  23139              RR Crossties  CHIMNEY SWEEP “CTCCS”
                                                        Bus: 804-598-2277
        LENDING WITH SOMEONE                            Gutter Cleaning and             Sand/Gravel/Stone  Serving Richmond & Surrounding Areas Since 1985
                                                        Bus: 804-598-2277
                                                                                         Tractor Work
                                                         *Average annual per household savings based on a national 2012 survey of new policyholders who
          YOU  KNOW AND TRUST                         Gutter Guard Installation  Ronnie Osterbind, Owner  Clean, Inspect, Relines & Repairs
                                                              reported savings by switching to State Farm.
                                                              **Based on A.M. Best written premium.
                                                          State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company – Bloomington,  IL
                                                                               All Types of Chimney Work
                                                      Call David (804) 614-6435  804-837-0230                WINTER IS AROUND THE CORNER.
                                                                                                         Get your chimney cleaned and safety checked
                                                                                                              for the UPCOMING heating season
                                                                     LEAF REMOVAL                     804-271-7544 or 804-748-0099
                       12101 Olivers Way                                                                         BILL BRANTON
         Ward Shelton                   Elliott Fausz    SHELTON’S
                        804-751-0909                                                                                 CLASS B
                 1-800-550-1873  LENDER          Lawn Service, Inc.                         GENERAL CONTRACTOR
                                                               804-512-5477                          OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                        SEAL COATING • ASPHALT • AGGREGATE
                                                                                                                                   ASK FOR HENRY
        We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy for achieving equal housing     CLASS B LICENCE & INSURED    804-400-8677
                                                                                                     A+ RATING WITH BBB
        opportunity throughout the Commonwealth. We encourage and support advertising   CURBSIDE     FREE ESTIMATES
        and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because           10% SENIOR DISCOUNT          Chester, Va.
        of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap.  LEAF VACUUMING
        All real estate advertised herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which
        makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because                  Village News office is
        of race, color, religion, national origin, sex elderliness, familial status or handicap or   OR COMPLETE CLEAN-UP FROM YARD
        intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.”  Mowing, Aeration, Landscaping, Grading, Leaf Vacuuming,   located at 11801 Centre St.
        This newspaper will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that violates                           in Chester
        the fair housing law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised   Mulch, Topsoil & Gravel, Asphalt Seal Coating & Repair
        in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. For more information                Village Green across from
               or to file a housing complaint call the Virginia Fair Housing Office at   Free Estimates                                                                       Lic. & Insured
               (804) 367-8530, toll free call (888) 551-3247, for the hearing impaired                           Chester Library
               call (804)367-9573.
       14 JANUARY 3. 2018
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