Page 13 - January 3, 2018
P. 13


       Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
                                                                             hair framed her face like a golden halo,   coming! I am coming.”  I open the door and
       Last Dogpound                                                         and her red dress caressed her body ever so   I am met by a young man in a suit.  I sign
                                                                             gently.  She wore ruby shoulder dusters in
                                                                                                                 for the package and close the door.  I pour
       for 2017                                                              her ears and enough diamonds around her   me a morning scotch and sit down at the
                                                                             neck and wrists to buy this joint twice over.
                                                                                                                 kitchen table. I take a stiff drink and open
                                                                             I watched her over the rim of my glass as I   the package.  In big letters it read “From
                                                                             took another sip, trying to act like I did not   the Lady in Red.”  Wow! This morning
       By  Walter “JR” Wilson
                                                                             notice her, but I know my eyes betrayed me.    is actually looking up.  I take another big
               ello and welcome back to the last   all over the Hollywood and congressional   I could not take my eyes off this vision of   swig of scotch and let it hit my stomach
               great read of the Dogpound for   landscape. Kind of makes you wonder how   female attraction, and I was actually hoping   before I open the rest of the envelope.
       Hthe year of 2017.  I still struggle   men like James Bond or those hard-nosed   she would notice the guy in the crumpled   “What is this?!  A court summons?  Sexual
       with saying that phrase...the end of 2017.    detectives  in Mickey Spillane stories would   suit coat and two-day-old beard.   Then just   harassment?! I need another drink!”
       When you get older, things are supposed   fare these days?  Let’s take a look.  I took a   as I was about to give up hope, she looked   With that little story, we bring the 2017
       to slow down…you know…to match your   sip of my scotch as I eyed the festive crowd   straight at me.  I tipped my drink to her and   Dogpound to a close.  Stealing a phrase
       slower speed, but instead it seems to be   over the rim of my shot glass.  Someone in   gave her my best smile...and gestured to   from Carol Burnett….I am so glad we had
       going faster and faster.  Speed does make   this room was a murderer. Someone killed   the empty stool next to me. She gave me   this time together, and I truly hope that I
       the time go by, but at the same time it does   the owner in his office upstairs and they all   a coy smile and then disappeared into the   was able to bring to my Dogpound pack a
       seem to limit the time you are supposed to   had the motivation, but who had the will to   back of the bar.  I thought about following   few smiles, a chuckle or two, and maybe
       be smelling the roses.  So looking back on   take that knife and plunge it into his back?    her...I actually got up and took a few steps   at times even gave you something to think
       the year it is kind of fun to pick out the top   I took another sip and felt the cool sting   when the third scotch convinced my legs   about.  I am ever thankful to Linda and
       things to remember about this year.  One, of   trickle between my teeth and gums when I   that I better sit this one out.  “Bang!  Bang!   Mark for allowing me to be part of their
       course, is the election of the non-politician   saw her in the doorway.  A lady in red with   Bang!”  I tried to pry my eyes open and get   great newspaper.  May God be with
       Donald Trump, which is closely followed   a smile that lit up the room.  Like an angel   my brain in gear.  Where am I? Bed...smell   you through the New Year, and fill your
       by  “The Russians are coming,” and last   without wings, she walked confidently   of booze…sunlight streaming through the   life with comfort, love, and cheer. May
       but not least, the rise of sexual misconduct   through the crowd, giving a nod here and   blinds…clock reading 8:15 a.m…still in my  this day and the days ahead, hold many
       scandals knocking men off their pedestals   a pat there to those she recognized.  Her   clothes.  Oh yes…home not-so-sweet home.   blessings for you and your love ones.
                                                                             “Bang! Bang! Bang!” That must be my   See ya on the other side.
                                                                             front door and someone is very impatient.    Happy New Year!   JR
                                                                             I stumble out of the bed, throw on a robe   Answers to the crossword puzzle
                                                                             and run my fingers through my hair.  “I’m
                                                                                                                 on page 15

                                                                                 DANIELS, WILLIAMS,

                                                                                        TUCK & RITTER

                                                                                                ATTORNEYS AT LAW

                                                                                          Engaged in the General
                                                                                      Practice of Law, Including:
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                                                                               • Collections                           Litigation

                                                                                                     Graham C. Daniels
                                                                                                     Travis R. Williams
                                                                                                        cheryl s. tuck
                                                                                                       Todd M. Ritter
                                                                                                     PAUL L. SPAULDING

                                                                                                Located In Chester At
                                                                                                  11901 Ironbridge rd.
                                                                                                       P.O. box 3570
                                                                                             Chester, Virginia 23831–8481
                                                                                             Telephone: 804-748-9803
                                                                                     Evening Appointments Available
                                           Crossword answers on page 15                                                                                               JANUARY 3, 2018  13
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