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JANE JONES, all of which unknown Row 6 7 2
ORA LOU SIZEMORE, persons are made parties defendant 7 9 6
NOW HIRING Plaintiff herein by the general description of Three- 4 2 1
Food Service Associates PARTIES UNKNOWN. by-three 2 5 Column
THEREFORE, it is ordered
Contracted Pay Rate $10.00 - $15.40 v. Civil Action No. CL17-2197 that the defendants KEVIN L. square 9 3 7
(determined by experience) ROY F. SIZEMORE, ET AL. SIZEMORE, PATTY BARNES, 9 8 2
*Substitute Pay Rate $9.00 Defendants. ROBERT SIZEMORE, KENNY 8 2 4
• Training is provided, no experience necessary. 8-17-17 SOX, THOMAS THOMPSON, How to do Sudoku
The object of this proceeding
Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
• Work from September to mid-June with summers off. is to probate a certain written RALPH THOMPSON, JR., FRED Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
© 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
Pub Date:01/05/07 Slug:05USUDOKU16.eps
• All student holidays off to spend with your family! instrument (the Will) described in DAVID SEMONCO, ANDY appear just once in every column, row, and
• Permanent part-time positions available. the Motion for Inter Partes Probate SEMONCO, BRIDGETTE three-by-three square. See example above. For
• Advancement opportunities available with benefits. filed herein as the last will and SEMONCO BUTLER, GREGORY strategies, go to
testament of Clarence Dan Sizemore JONES, and JAMES THOMAS Sudoku The Christian Science Monitor
By Ben Arnoldy
Apply via the CCPS website at http://mychesterfield- (the Decedent), who died on May JONES, and any other persons Difficulty: Complete job description and application 4, 2017, a resident of the County of having and interest in the probate
procedures are available on the website. Chesterfield, Virginia, whose address of the Will or an interest in the Row 2 8 1 6 9
EOE/M/F/D was 5617 North Chesterwood Drive, Decedent’s estate, including 6 7 2
Chesterfield Virginia 23234. any and all unknown HEIRS 7 9 6
An Affidavit has been made AT LAW OF CLARENCE Three- 4 2 1
Help Wanted for cleaning MISCELLANEOUS and filed that defendants KEVIN L. DAN SIZEMORE, including square 2 5 Column
crew members. Exp. SIZEMORE and PATTY BARNES specifically any unknown issue of 9 9 3 8 7
Necessary. Valid Driver’s Bay garden window, 36-inch. are nonresident individuals, that the Decedent’s deceased siblings 8 2 2
Lic. mandatory and own Stationary Exercise Bike. diligence has been used without ELLIS BAILEY SIZEMORE, 6 5 9 7 1
transportation to office Driveway Gates (2) 8 ft. W effect to locate defendants ROBERT WILLIAM E. SIZEMORE, Sudoku solution
in Chester. FT, Mon.-Fri. 4ft. Hi, Chain Link Wire. (804) CHUCK SIZEMORE, NANCY CHARLES SIZEMORE, MAY How to do Sudoku
Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
Benefits Available. Maid 240-6160. MAULE, CATHERINE SOX, ELIZABETH SIZEMORE, appear just once in every column, row, and
Services with AR, Inc., 804- THOMAS THOMPSON, RALPH EVELYN THOMPSON, DOROTHY three-by-three square. See example above. For
strategies, go to
748-8471. THOMPSON, JR., FRED BARNES, BOOTHE, LOUISE BARNES, ARIES (March 21-April 19). It is sometimes forward.
Pub Date:01/05/07 Slug:05USUDOKU18.eps
The Christian Science Monitor
DENNIS SEMONCO, DAVID By Ben Arnoldy CLARA SEMONCO and MARY hard for you to direct compassion toward LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Most people
MOVING SALE SEMONCO, ANDY SEMONCO, JANE JONES, which persons are yourself. Realize that you are hard on believe they smile more than they actually
© 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
CEMETERY PLOTS BRIDGETTE SEMONCO BUTLER, generally described as PARTIES yourself in a way that others are not and do. You’re different, and that’s why
Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
Living room sofa/love seat/ GREGORY JONES, and JAMES UNKNOWN, do appear herein on or never would be. To accept that you’re someone falls in love with your smile
before October 11, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Sunset Memorial Park, 5 chair/ottoman for sale. In THOMAS JONES, and that there and show cause why the will should not always going to do the right thing is and then with you. You don’t wait for the
are or may be persons whose names
plots, all together, 2w/vaults. excellent condition for $1,500 are unknown with an interest not be admitted to probate. to accept your humanity. It is divine to right time to project magnetism and heart.
$15,000. 803-289-7214. Formal dining set with large in the probate of the Will or an forgive, though, even when the one you Any old time is good enough for you,
table/7 chairs/china $2,500. interest in the Decedent’s estate, AN EXTRACT TESTE: are forgiving is you. especially when you feel as happy as you
Two (2) cemetery plots, Call 804-677125304 479- including any and all unknown Wendy S. Hughes, Clerk TAURUS (April 20-May 20). If you find do this week.
Garden 2 Lot 437 3 & 4. 5906. HEIRS AT LAW OF CLARENCE yourself full of doubts this week, it’s SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). This week
Sunset Memorial Park. DAN SIZEMORE, including Graham C. Daniels, Esq. actually a good thing -- it’s a sign that you experience events differently from the
you are intelligent, that you care and that
way the others involved experience them.
specifically any unknown issue of
$5,790 Value. Both for $4,790. RECREATION the Decedent’s deceased siblings RITTER you want something from the situation An objective witness would say that your
803-447-6650. ELLIS BAILEY SIZEMORE, 11901 Iron Bridge Road
Pub Date:03/17/06 Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps
that you don’t feel completely entitled to.
2007 Breckenridge Park DONALD SIZEMORE, © 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved. way is factually accurate, but that doesn’t
Post Office Box 3570
model trailer. 44’ long w/38’ Entitlement breeds an off-putting sort of matter in the least to the others, each
Sunset Memorial Park burial WILLIAM E. SIZEMORE, Distributed by The Christian Scienc confidence. Your humility and vulnerability being invested in his or her own point of
Chester, Virginia 23831-8481e Monitor News Service (email:
plot. Prime location. $2,500. X 12’ insulated screen room. CHARLES SIZEMORE, MAY 804/748-9803 SCOTT WALLACE – STAFF ILLUSTRATOR.eps view. Getting along is more important than
are part of what makes you great.
609-744-2216. Front & rear decks, fire pit, GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You could being right.
grill, outside furniture, shed. really use a stellar idea. That’s why too SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Because
Sunset Memorial Park, 2 All furnishings convey plus YARD SALE much time spent giving your attention your mind is so curious and your love of
plots in Section 2, near the golf cart & 18’fishing boat, to entertainment, games and devices learning so deep, you will always have more
road and brick walkway, both motor, trailer. Lot rent paid to Chesdin Landing Community Community Yard Sale – is dangerous this week. In order to get questions than answers. But that doesn’t
for $3,900. Contact Larry 331 Dec. 17. 34K 804-706- Yard Sale. 23838, Sat. Sept. Saturday, 09/23/17 (8 am – 1 your good idea, you need mental space mean you’re not qualified to teach what you
Crow, 804-674-1265. 1173 or 804-304-0982. 23. 8-12. Furniture, clothes, pm) in the Arbor Landing and and maybe some boredom, too. How are already know. You will be exceedingly lucky
Everything For Kids you going to get any ideas if you don’t let this week when you share your considerable
Sat., Sept. 30, 8-11am. Southside Moms of Multiples Sale! Fall & Winter Sale
Cash and credit cards. Manchester Middle School, Strollers, clothes, furniture, Find us on Facebook. 7401 Hull Street Rd. toys, and more. sports equip., household Bel Arbor neighborhoods off
Sngl. HS plot with O/C. Sunset PETS items, etc. Ironbridge Parkway (behind yourself daydream? knowledge and wisdom.
Memorial Park. Val. $5,935, will Brewster’s). Clothing, toys, CANCER (June 22-July 22). Psychological CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The rules
studies suggest that women are generally
of right and wrong do not seem as clear-
sell for $5,000. 804-514-9190. Gates Bluff Community Yard household and gardening better at picking up nonverbal cues than cut to you this week as they did last week,
Sale. Sept 23. 8am-1pm Rain items, Christmas items, men, but this week gender won’t seem to and this might be confusing. If you think of
Date Sept 30 8am-1pm Off collectibles, memorabilia and matter as much as astrological sign. You’re morality in terms of helping and harming,
2 side-by-side burial plots at much more!
Sunset Memorial Park in the Beach Road and Route 10. a nonverbal cue master, and everyone else decisions might be easier for you to make.
Know who might be helped and/or harmed
is relatively clueless. To communicate
Garden of the Word section. well, you’ll have to spell everything out. before you make your move.
$3,500 for both. Call 804-721- Yard Sale, Sept 23, 8 Garage/yard sale. Sept. 23 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Much growth AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You want
5862. Lv. Mg. 7-3. 2933 Kingsland Rd.
until. 2720 Osborne Rd. NASCAR items, antiques, comes of your journey this week. You’ll everyone to be honest and do the right
Ladies clothes, girls 7-10 cast iron, dolls, a variety of realize there’s something you haven’t totally thing, especially yourself. You don’t have
Sunset Memorial Park. 4 clothes, some men clothing, everything. 2933 Kingsland accepted and that it is indeed acceptable. the stomach to be “bad,” because you’ll
plots, $1,500 each. 2 open, Adopt us. Katie, 6-year-old household goods, lamps, On the other side of this hurdle, you’ll find always get caught (by yourself!), and it’s
2 closing $1,000 each. All black, female, Karin terrier coats, lots of misc. items. Everything For Kids a sense of identity. You’ll see how your just not worth it to you. Just know that not
together or separate. Upfront female and Bernie, a 12-year- Sale! parents’ beliefs have imprinted on you, everyone thinks like this. This week you’ll
and you’ll also understand how to exert
figure out whom you can and can’t trust.
by gate. Nice location. 804- old, white,male, mixed. Call Boy Scout Troop 819 yard Southside Moms of Multiples your free will. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You
210-0977. for details. 804-433-7878. sale. Oct. 7, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fall & Winter Sale VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). In some know when a person is humoring you.
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Sat., Sept. 30, 8-11am. religions, serious devotees give up their That quality of attention can be more
ADVERTISE HERE 12201 Richmond St. Manchester Middle School, past identities to start anew in the religion. undermining to your self-esteem than
If you are reading this, so is 7401 Hull Street Rd. That is an easier way to change than outright rejection. But take heart, because
trying to promote continuity with the past
in the end those who don’t take you
your potential buyer. Cash and credit cards. without letting it trap you in your old self. seriously will be sorry. You’ll put your
Call 751-0421 Strollers, clothes, furniture, A breakthrough in your personal life will ideas into action and see winning results
to place your ad. toys, and more. make you feel like you can finally move that include more money and friends.
Find us on Facebook. 105
SEPTEMBER 20, 2017 19