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Rise and Shine in the Dogpound towel…but before I could gather him in, doctor, “Hey, doc, I’ve lost my sense of
he would find a little hole and escape. taste. I can’t taste nothing, so what are
Dogpound going So the chase moved from the kitchen, to you going to do?” The doctor scratched
the dining room, and then down the hall
his head and mumbled to himself a little,
to the birds into the utility room. This was ideal, then told Mr. Thompson, “What you
since I could close the door going into
need is jar number 47.”
the house and open the door leading into
So the doctor brought the jar out,
the garage. With a bit more prodding, opened it, and told Mr. Thompson to
By Walter “JR” Wilson he finally took the hint and escaped taste it. He tasted it and immediately spit
ello and welcome back to noise. I go into the kitchen and there's a to freedom. That is not the end of the it out “This is gross!” he yelled. “Looks
the wonderful world of the bird trying to get out of the house… the invasion of the birds. I left the house like I just restored your sense of taste,
HDogpound. I went down to hard way. Now, this bird had to really for a while…and when I pulled into the Mr. Thompson,” said the doctor. So Mr.
the basement yesterday and I was hit want to get into my house because he garage…guess what…there was another Thompson went home very mad. One
with a terrible smell. I mean it was bad. would have had to come in the patio bird banging his head on the window. month later, Mr. Thompson decide to go
I did a quick search for the dead bodies, door, make a sharp left turn toward the A different bird…but still the same back to the doctor and try once again to
but the smell was so prevalent I could basement steps…make another sharp problem. Now, with the garage door expose him as a fake, by complaining
not zero in on a specific location for the right turn…go up a flight of stairs…then wide open…you would think this was of a new problem. “Doc,” he started, “I
smell. Not finding anything, I gave the in the hall way make a sharp left…then a piece of cake. I get a mop handle and can’t remember anything!”
basement a full barrage of Febreze and a sharp right…then another sharp left to flush him from the window, and instead Thinking he had the doctor stumped
let it sit for a day. The next day was no arrive in the kitchen. You would think of flying out this huge opening, he now, he waited as the doctor scratched
better, so I opened up the basement patio he would need a GPS to accomplish all decides to settle in on top of the garage his head, mumbled to himself a little,
doors and turned the furnace fan on to of that! So I get a towel and proceed to door. Oh, come on! Really?! I punched and told Mr. Thompson, “What you
try and get the smell out of the house. try and hunt down the little guy before the door opener to make it move a bit, need is jar number 47, it’s – But before
I even went out and turned the propane he breaks his neck or wing. I got him and the bird finally came down from his the doctor could finish his sentence, Mr.
tank off just in case there was a gas leak. cornered and covered him with the perch and allowed me the opportunity Thompson was cured, and – ran out of
I head upstairs and hear this banging to herd him into the open skies. Yes! the room.
Lesson learned…keep the doors closed!
That is all I have today. As always,
be good, do good, play safe, and
remember: birds of the same feather do
“Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn’t not belong in your house. JR
people feel as free to delight in whatever
sunlight remains to them?”
– Rose Kennedy
JAR 47
A new doctor had arrived in town.
He could cure anything and anybody.
Everyone was amazed with what he
could do – everyone except for grouchy
Mr. Thompson, the town skeptic.
Grumpy old Mr. Thompson went to visit
this "miracle doctor" to prove that he
wasn’t anybody special. When it was
time for his appointment, he told the SEPTEMBER 20, 2017 17