Page 12 - 09-20-2017 Full Page magazine views
P. 12

Plenty of unique

        crafts at ChesterFest

          Each year at ChesterFest, craft, mer-  memories without the hassles of technolo-
       chant, and non profit vendors offer unique  gy, her booth is one to visit. Not only will
       handmade  crafts  to  the  community.  This  you get an amazing, original work of art,
       year there will be over 150 vendors set up  but you will get to add your own creativity
       looking to attract your interest and to be-  to it with pictures.
       come one of the many reasons for you to   For  the  fourth  year,  Classical  Glass
       be glad you went. Many of these vendors  returns  with  beautiful  fused  glass  jewelry
       have been coming to the event for years and  and wine bottle cheese boards. Susan Sex-
       have created items based on different styles  ton began her hobby seven years ago, when
       and trends.                        she attended a few fused glass classes, then
          Becky’s Blooms and Baskets is one of  decided to take things a step further. She
       the many returning vendors. Becky Joyner  bought the necessary materials to start mak-
       spends her time crafting handmade scrap-  ing more glass crafts, which turned out to  A  Thing  For  Towels,  will  attend  as  well.  schemes.
       books with different themes depending on  become not only a stress reliever for her, but  Throughout the year, the duo work together   In addition to these marvelous vendors,
       what she likes. She has been making these  it’s resulted in wearable accessories for oth-  to crochet and to make kitchen towel sets and  many more will attend with items that appeal
       for years, with her inspiration coming from  ers. The glass fuser goes to a few events ev-  other kitchen accessories. The idea began be-  to all tastes and styles. ChesterFest will be
       personal  scrapbooking  experience.  “It’s  ery year, but one of her favorites has always  cause they both enjoy knitwork and wanted  held Sept. 23 at the Chester Village Green,
       nice  to  know  your  work  is  appreciated,”  been ChesterFest. She said “ChesterFest is  to help others make their kitchen prettier in  11801 Centre St., Chester. ChesterFest is a
       the  crafter  said.  “It’s  about  the  personal  definitely one of the better ones [festivals]  a way that is fun and creative. Some of their  free and open to the public. For more informa-
       satisfaction  of  having  created  something  I go to.”               previous  works  have  included  owls,  cats,  tion and a complete vendor list, go online to
       that people enjoy.” If you enjoy preserving   Tabitha Stetler and her mom, who own  dogs, and different holiday themes and color

                                                          For more information and to get involved with
                                                         the effort, contact Elliott Fausz at (804) 405-5443

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