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11801 Centre St,
             FREE                                                                                                                      Chester.

              9/23                                                                                           10-4

                        Presented by the Chester Community Association and Sponsors

          Inflatables,  food,  live  music,  and  success every year with the community’s  crafts,  handing  out  swag,  having
       the World Champion Pie Eating Contest,  participation  and  support.  Also,  the  giveaways,  and  promoting  products  or
       oh my! September 23 marks the day that  volunteers, especially the Thomas Dale  services.  Crafters  range  from  handmade
       the  Chester  Community  Association  JROTC, have made it possible to keep it  jewelry to specially made jerky and fancy
       hosts  its  16th  ChesterFest  at  Chester  going because of their great dedication  towels to soy candles and wood products.   Sign Up for
       Village  Green.  Last  year,  thousands  of  and  enjoyment  throughout  the  process   “ChesterFest  really  creates  a  lot  of   the Dog Show
       people  from  the  community  attended  leading up to the big day. Seventh-year  activity in the community, both economic
       this family-friendly event, and this year  manager Elliott Fausz said, “When the  and  social,”  said  Fausz.  “And  every   in Advance
       is only expected to bring more.    community  comes  out  in  droves,  the  dollar  that  the  CCA  contributes  from
          ChesterFest  is  a  one-day  festival  vendors  are  having  a  good  time,  and  vendor fees and sponsorships goes right   at Centralia
       that began in 2001 when the association  the  music  is  playing,  it’s  an  incredible  back into the community.”
       needed  a  good  community  project.  It  feeling seeing it all come together after   Some of the projects the association   Animal
       started out as a big picnic with  a band,  eight to nine months of preparation.”  has on its list currently: building a dog
       karaoke,  some  kids’  games,  and  a  fire   The  event  has  something  to  offer  park at Goyne Park, Bank On (a financial   Hospital
       truck as the main attractions. Since then  for  the  whole  family,  with  a  special  wellness  program),  Christmas  wreaths
       many things have changed to better fit  KidsZone just for the little ones to burn  along  Route  10,  financial  contributions   Show starts at 10:15
       the goal of having a fun family-oriented  off  some  energy,  live  music  from  a  to  schools  programs,  and  Chester  Park
       occasion that can increase the quality of  variety of bands and games for the teens,  beautification..
       life for the community.            and multicultural foods for the foodies   It  is  nearly  impossible  to  attend
          Over  the  years,  more  bands,  more  of the family. There will also be a rock-  without  finding  an  attraction  that  suits
       attractions, and the KidsZone have been  climbing  wall,  an  obstacle  course,  your  taste,  and  perhaps  in  the  end,  you
       added. The festival has developed into  games, fellowship, and an exciting dog  will consider joining the volunteer team.
       something  unimaginable  thanks  to  the  show to start off the day. And who could  ChesterFest  will  be  held    Saturday,
       support of the sponsors and volunteers.  miss  the  World  Champion  Pie  Eating  Sept.  23,  at  the  Chester  Village  Green,
       The KidsZone has really evolved under  Contest.                       11801  Centre  Street,  Chester.  For   The Dog Show is sponsored by
       the leadership of Christian Life Church.   In addition, 150 craft, merchant, and  more  information,  go  online  to  www.  Centralia Animal Hospital
          This tradition has only been able to  non profit vendors will be on hand with
       be continued because it has been a huge  the intention of selling unique handmade                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 20, 2017  09
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