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                                                                     THE SCENE
       New citizens

                                                                             with his or her country of origin; among   be patriots.
                                                                             these countries were Russia, Canada,   Charles Grant, executive director
                                                                             Australia, Philippines, Mexico, Egypt,   of Henricus, welcomed the attendees.
                                                                             Venezuela, Vietnam, India, Honduras,   U.S. Magistrate Judge, Roderick C.
                                                                             Jamaica, the United Kingdom,        Young, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert
                                                                             Argentina, Cambodia, Germany. They   McIntosh, presented the candidates
                                                                             named their native countries but were   for citizenship, and Lori Jackson
                                                                             ready to give their allegiance to America,  administrated the Oath of Allegiance.
                                                                             to be able to vote, to participate in their
                                                                             community and local government, and to
                                                                           PHOTOS LINDA FAUSZ| VILLAGE NEWS  GIOVANNA MERINO,
                                                                              PICTURED LEFT: JUDGE
                                                                                  RODERICK YOUNG
                                                                                  MEXICO NATIVE, 14
                                                                                  YEARS IN THE U.S.
                                                                                   RIGHT TOP: INDIA
                                                                                  NATIVE KHUSHBOO
                                                                              VORA RECEIVES A FLAG
       BY LINDA FAUSZ                                                         FROM A DAUGHTERS OF
          Taking the Oath of Allegiance is   first interview July 6.  “They initially   THE AMERICAN
       the final path to become a naturalized   told me they did not know when I would   VOLUNTEER. SHE HAS
       citizen.  For many, it is a long road and   have my interview due to a backlog in   BEEN IN THE U.S. SINCE
       a pricy one, nearly $1,000 from start   applications. I decided not to renew my   2010. RIGHT BOTTOM:
       to end.  For some it can take years.   green card, so I was lucky.  Some people   VIJAG MUTHURAJ TAKES
       “People think it is an easy process, but   are not so lucky to pass.  I have a friend   A PHOTO OF INDIA
                                                                                     NATIVE VANITHA
       it’s not,” said Soutsada Sourinphoumy,   who has failed twice already.  It is hard.   MURUGESAN FOLLOWING
       a native of Laos.  Sourinphoumy has   The hardest parts are the laws.”        THE CEREMONY.
       been in the States for 16 years. She   Sourinphoumy joined 59 other             TIVE VANITHA
       drove from Tappahannock for her final   candidates for their naturalization   MURUGESAN HAS BEEN
                                                                                IN THE U.S. SINCE 2008.
       path to citizenship. Her application was   ceremony on the bluff at Henricus last
       accepted in March and she attended her   Thursday. Each was introduced along                  LUCY CORR           LUCY CORR           LUCY CORR
                                                                                                                                Why Lucy Corr?
                                                                                                                                   Why Lucy Corr?hy Lucy Corr?
                                                                                                 INVITEVITES YOU TOTO              W   ────
                                                                                                   OUR   SUMMER SUMMER          YOU DESERVE
                                                                                                                                  YOU DESERVE U DESERVE
                                                                                                                                    TO LOVE
                                                                                                                                     TO LOVE  LOVE
                                                                                                                                  YOUR JOB!
                                                                                                         HIRINGHIRING                            YOUR JOBYOUR JOB!
                                                                                                    OPEN HOUSEOPEN HOUSE               ────
                                                                                                                                    Lucy Corr
                                                                                      We are looking to grow our team              Lucy Corr proudly proudly
                                                                                                                                     offers a total total
                                               AFTER BEING MARRIED TWO                                                            proudly offers
                                                                                             Wednesday, August 9ednesday, August 9 , 2017, 2017
                                                                                                                                   rewards package package
                                               WEEKS AGO, DAVID GARCIA HAD          with people who share our passion             a total rewards
                                                                                                         11 a.m. until 7 p.m.1 a.m. until 7 p.m.1 a.m. until 7 p.m.
                                               ANOTHER CELEBRATION WITH HIS           for creating the best experience               that includess
                                                                                                                                   competitive pay, petitive pay,
                                               WIFE ANDREA GABRIELA VERA OR-                                                       package that
                                                                                                        Health Care Center ealth Care Center Health Care Center
                                               DONEZ, A VENEZUELA NATIVE, ON                  for our residents.                   shift differentials, hift differentials,
                                                                                                                                   bonus & incentive s & incentive
                                               HER BECOMING A U.S. CITIZEN.                                  Auditorium          competitive pay,
                                                                                                                                    programs, Paid ograms, Paid
                                                                                                                                    Time Off (PTO), Time Off (PTO),
                                                                                                                                  shift differentials,
                                                                                              Lucy Corr is a Not-for--Profit Retirement Community Community   VRS (Virginia (Virginia
                                                                                              offering Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Adult Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Adult Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Adult   bonus & incentive
                                                                                                                                     Retirement etirement
                                                                                                                                     System) with with
       SOUTSADA SOURINPHOUMY ENJOYED THE                                                      Day Care, Independent Living, and Companion Independent Living, and Companion Independent Living, and Companion   programs, Paid
       SIGHTS OF HENRICUS PARK FOLLOWING THE                                                  Services for seniors for more than 40 years. for seniors for more than 40 years. Visit isit   Time Off (PTO),
       NATURALIZATION CERMONY.                                                                during our open houseduring our open house, receive a tour, meet with   contributions  &
                                                                                              hiring managers, and learn aband learn about opportunities within out opportunities within   m VRS
                                                                                                                                     much more!uch more!
                                                                                              our community to earn a great living and retirementto earn a great living and retirementto earn a great living and retirement,   (Virginia
                                                                                              while making a difference in our seniorswhile making a difference in our seniors’ lives.  Retirement
                                                                                               Positions Spotlight:
                                                                                                                                    Employee gymym,
                                                                                        •RN • LPN • CNA • Reg. Med. Aide           System) with
                                                                                                                                   computer lab, gift gift

                                                                                       •Nurse Supervisor • Nurse Manager           shop, & cafeteriacafeteria
                                                                                             • Staff Education Nurse             contributions &
                                                                                      Specialist • HVAC/Maintenance Tech           much more!
                                                                                         • Environmental Services Tech            6800

                                                                                                                                  6800 Lucy Corr Blvd.  Lucy Corr Blvd.
                                                                                             We are looking to grow our team with people ooking to grow our team with people ooking to grow our team with people
                                                                                     • Environmental Services/Laundry Aide       Chesterfield, VA 23832hesterfield, VA 23832
                                                                                              who share our passion for creating the best who share our passion for creating the best who share our passion for creating the best   804-748-15111511
                                                                                                   experience for our residents.experience for our residents.   Onsite Employee
                                                                                      To learn about opportunities within our

                                                                                                         Position Spotlightosition Spotlight:
                                                                                community to earn a great living and retirement, while   gym, computer
                                                                                             RN LPN CNA RegReg Med Aide Nurse Supervisor       Nurse Supervisor
                                                                                      making a difference in our seniors’ lives,   lab, gift shop, &
                                                                                             Bus Driver Food Service WorkerFood Service Worker Laundry AideLaundry Aide
                                                                                          please visit              cafeteria
                                                                                             Maintenance Tech Environmental Services AideEnvironmental Services AideEnvironmental Services Aide
       HAVING COME TO AMERICA FROM MEXICO 18                      7                          Environmental Services Environmental Services Tech Staffing CoordinatorStaffing Coordinator
                                                                                                                                 Save Time: Submit an ave Time: Submit an
       YEARS AGO, JUAN PABLO CONTRERAS GETS A                                     Lucy Corr is a Not-for-Profit Retirement Community   S
                                                                                             Social Worker Activities DirectorActivities Director
                                                                                                                                     employment ployment
       PHOTO WITH CHESTER'S UNCLE SAM, TOMMY   A BOY NAMED DYLANDVWITH A         offering Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Adult Day   Lucy Corr is an
                                                                                              Education & DevelopmentDevelopment Specialist
                                                                                                                                   application on our lication on our
       SAMMONS.                                U.S. FLAG WHILE WAITING TO SEE   Care, Independent Living, and Companion Services for   Equal Opportunity
                                                                                                                                    website prior to website prior to
                                                                                             Adult Day Center Program CoordinatorAdult Day Center Program Coordinator
                                               HIS COUSIN, GIOVANNA MERINO,                seniors for more than 40 years.          Employer.

                                               GIVE HER OATH OF ALLEGIANCE.                           Lucy Corr is an equal opportunity employer.     Formatted: Font: 9 ptpt
                                                                                                      Lucy Corr is an equal opportunity employer.
       06   SEPTEMBER 20, 2017                                                                                
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