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FEATURE                                                                                        Briefly

                                                                                                                2017 Fall “Field Day”
                                                                                                                at Presquile National
        Proposed  construction  plan  creates  Wildlife Refuge
        consolidated Matoaca Middle, site for                                                                   Service announces an upcoming event
                                                                                                                    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
        replacement Matoaca Elementary                                                                          scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 30 at
                                                                                                                Presquile National Wildlife Refuge.
                                                                                                                This event offers visitors an opportunity
            Parents of Matoaca Elementary and                                                                   to explore the 1,329-acre island refuge
        Matoaca Middle students got their first                                                                 and the native plants and animals it
        look this week at a new construction                                                                    supports, as well as the sustainably
        plan that would unite the currently split                                                               designed education facilities of the
        Matoaca Middle campuses and provide                                                                     James River Ecology School.  All
                                                                                                                prospective participants must call or
        a construction site for a replacement                                                                   e-mail between September 9th  and
        Matoaca Elementary.                                                                                     September 27th to secure a seat on
            “I’m excited to share with the                                                                      the boat for a specific time.  Space is
        community this new plan, which is                                                                       limited.  To reserve your seat, e-mail
        efficient in that it not only creates better                                                            <> or leave a
        learning environments for our K-8                                                                       phone message (804-829-9020) with
        students, but it also shows that we are                                                                 the following information:  preferred
        being good stewards of our taxpayers’                                                                   reservation time (e.g., 9:30 a.m. or 11
        investment in public education,”                                                                        a.m.), total number of people in your
        Matoaca District School Board member                                                                    party (e.g., 4- myself and three guests),
        Rob Thompson said. The proposed plan                                                                    and the best way to reach you for
                                                                                                                confirmation of reservation (e-mail or
        calls for a new wing to be built onto the                                                               phone #). If e-mailing, list “Field Day”
        current Matoaca Middle East campus.                                                                     in the subject line.
        The new wing design would come
        from the new middle school prototype
        recently approved by the School                                                                         Moore’s Lake
        Board and would add approximately   Matoaca Middle campuses under        The projects include the renovation   project underway
        30 classrooms and provide space for   one roof, creating instructional and   of seven elementary schools, two
        students currently attending class at   operational efficiencies,” Thompson   middle schools and one high school and   Heavy equipment has moved for
        the Matoaca Middle West campus.    said. “In  addition, after looking at   the construction of a new elementary   the Moore’s Lake project off Jefferson
        (Matoaca Middle is currently split   nearly 40 potential sites to build an   school. The Monacan High School   Davis Highway. Moore’s Lake LLC
        into an East and West campus, with   elementary school, we finally have a   renovation project is complete, and   recently closed on the approximately
        eighth-graders and the center-based   proven site and the opportunity to save   the Providence Middle renovation is   58.6 acre property with the purchase
        gifted program at the East Campus and   costs related to land acquisition, utilities  underway.         from Americana Park LLC and
        sixth- and seventh-graders at the West   and infrastructure. It’s a win-win for   Construction is also underway   Trollingwood Land LLC at a price of
        Campus.)                           everyone.”                        for a replacement Beulah Elementary   $3,850,000. The Moore’s Lake project
            Once the wing is completed, the   The formal plan will be presented   and a replacement Enon Elementary.   will building an apartment community
        two campuses will be consolidated into   to the entire School Board at an   Construction on a new Old Hundred   around the iconic Moore’s lakes, a
        one school on the existing East Campus   upcoming meeting. A community   Elementary is expected to begin within   popular recreation destination that
        site in 2020.                      meeting for substantial accord will be   the next year.              closed in the early 80s.
            At the same time the wing is being   scheduled for later this month.
        constructed, a replacement Matoaca    A presentation about the plan           A Completely Different Experience in Dining
        Elementary will be built on the West   can be viewed on the county’s
        Campus site. The new 750-student   website. About the 2013 school bond
        school, which was overwhelmingly   referendum, the Matoaca Elementary                                           LUNCH HOURS
        approved as part of the 2013 bond   construction project is part of the bond                               Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
        referendum, is projected to open in   referendum overwhelmingly approved                                        DINNER HOURS
        2020.                              by Chesterfield County voters in 2013                                      Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
                                                                                                                       Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
            “I’m looking forward to the time   that will renovate and/or replace older
        when we can finally bring the two   school facilities in the county.             12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898

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