Page 7 - 09-20-2017 Full Page magazine views
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                                                                     THE SCENE

       Class of '67 celebrates 50 years

          The Thomas Dale Class of 1967          The weekend celebration continued   time was had by all.        afternoon for a cookout at The
       celebrated their 50th class reunion   Saturday night with dinner and dancing   The TDHS Class of ’67 will also   Highlands to wish each other a heartfelt
       over the weekend of Sept. 9-10. with   at The Reserve at the Highlands   be making a monetary donation to the   goodbye.
       the celebration beginning Friday night   with over one hundred attending   Cultural Arts Center, which will be   The TDHS Class of ’67 hopes
       at Howlett's Tavern in Village Green.   and reacquainting with old friends.   located in the Village Green next to the  to see each other again soon. In fact,
       Approximately 80 were in attendance,   The dinner was absolutely delicious.   Chester Library.            there was discussion of holding a 70th
       with classmates coming from as far   Afterwards, there were many hitting the   For those who did not have to   birthday bash in 2019. Stay tuned.
       as Oklahoma, Texas, Massachusetts,   dance floor getting down to music from   get an early start or flight home, we                   5
       Tennessee, and Alabama!            the '60s from DJ Brad Beazley. A fun   gathered for one last time on Sunday   Contributed by Brenda Robinson
                                                PHOTOS BY STUART RIDOUT                     HRS: T-TH 9-8, F 9-5, S 9-4

                                                                                                                                     S/M CLOSED

       SUSAN ROOP HASTINGS,                                                                            804-295-5245
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                                       BETTY LONG MAYNOR, DAVE CUNNINGHAM,
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                                       BETTY WRAY O'NEILL, JAMIE MAUGHN, AND
                                       HARPER ALEXANDER
                                                                                   Studio B is a charming and delightful new salon and spa located
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                                                                                              We look forward to seeing you at the B!

                                                                                                 Career Opportunities!!!
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                                                                                                   •Licensed Massage Therapist                                                                                            SEPTEMBER 20, 2017  07
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