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       Living Safe
       Breaking it down                                                       being overcome because we go back     Obituary
                                                                              in is great. It is important to have that
                                                                              practiced home escape plan where a
       By Pete Hypes                                                          designated meeting place outside of
                                                                              the home is known by each member of
             house fire in our area recently   inhalation. One way to prevent a delay   your family.
             displaced two, sending one   caused by being unaware of the fire is        I want to go back to being near the
       A to the hospital due to smoke     to have a proper number of properly   fire, so close that your clothing catches
       inhalation. Let me start by saying   operating smoke alarms in your home.   on fire. If your clothing catches on fire,
       that I do not have any details on the   Early detection of the fire by smoke   then you must “stop, drop, and roll.”
       cause of this fire or the extent of the   alarms will allow you the greatest   Running will only spread the fire on
       damage to the home. I want to talk   opportunity to escape uninjured.   your person. Protect your face with
       about the potential causes of a person   Causes of a delay in exiting your   your hands while you are rolling on
       being overcome by smoke to help you   home could be many. If you are sound   the ground.                     MARTHA DAWN FOERSTER SAUL
       prevent this should a fire occur in your   asleep, then there will be a delay in        A fire in your home is bad, but
       home. Another thing that I will say,   your escape. Again, smoke alarms   you or someone in your home being    Martha Dawn Foerster Saul passed
       though I do not know what caused   are the answer to early detection   injured is worse. I did not talk about   away from her battle with cancer on
       this fire, is that unattended cooking   and early warning. Another cause of   a residential sprinkler system in this   September 10th, 2017. Martha was
       accounts for the greatest number of   delay might be a person’s physical   article, but it is the best means of rapid   born in Greenwich, Connecticut on
       residential fires in our county, state,   condition at the time of the fire. If   extinguishment or containment of a   February 4th, 1959.  She was a resident
       and nation.                        a person is bedridden for whatever   fire. A sprinkler system could lead to   of Chesterfield Co. since 1970 and a
            Smoke inhalation can occur for   reason, someone else will need to get   cold smoke, which could still lead to   graduate of Thomas Dale High School
       several reasons. I will name a few   this person out of a burning home.   a person being overcome, but early   (1977).  Martha enjoyed fishing on
       reasons and try to offer an escape or   Small children and pets will have to be  detection leading to early warning will   the James River, horseback riding,
       avoidance of each. The first reason   helped out of a burning home as well.   hopefully lead to early escape. Fire   working  with  her  “kids”  through
       that a person may be overcome is his   Incidentally, smoke normally rises and   protection systems are designed to   Chesterfield  transportation, enjoying
       proximity to the fire. A person may be   then mushrooms down, meaning that   give people the opportunity to get out   the companionship of her pets, but
       asleep and the fire starts close to him,   the best air is near the floor, hence the   as soon after the fire starts as possible.   most of all Martha loved to spend time
       or a person attempts to extinguish the   statement, “stay low and go.”  Heed the warning and get out!      with her family and friends.
       fire. Fires spread rapidly, filling the        Another cause of smoke inhalation                               She was preceded in death by her
       spaces around the fire with noxious,   is when a person re-enters a burning                                father, Fredrick Carl Foerster Sr; and
       toxic smoke. You cannot breathe    home for whatever reason. We have                                       brothers, Fredrick Carl Foerster Jr,  and
       smoke without it having an ill effect   all heard the statement “get out and                               Thomas Charles Foerster.
       on your body, especially your lungs,   stay out.” Once we have escaped   Richmond Spine                         She is survived by her husband
       heart, and brain. We are taught that   from our burning home, we should                                    of 40 years Douglas Linwood Saul
       smoke extinguishers are designed   not go back in for any reason. I say   Interventions                    Sr. “Pete”; her daughter, Amy Marie
       to extinguish small fires, but we put   this knowing that if your loved one                                Nunnelley;  son, Douglas Linwood
       ourselves in harm’s way if we attempt   is still in that burning house, you are   Peyman Nazmi, M.D.       Saul Jr; mother, Ruth Lorraine
       to fight the fire. Along these same lines   probably going to attempt to get to                            Kaufmann Foerster; son in law, Erik
       of proximity, if the fire occurs in your   them out. This situation stresses the   Marc Caligtan, M.D.     Cameron Nunnelley; daughter in
       bed or on the couch that you are laying   importance of calling 9-1-1 as quickly                           law, Jesse Douglas Saul; grandson,
       on, due to smoking, you will be hurt   as possible so that firefighters can get                            Stephen Douglas Nunnelley; and
       by the fire and the smoke.         there quickly and perform a rescue.   •   Epidural                      granddaughter, Peyton Julie Saul.
            Any delay in your exit from your   Firefighters are trained and equipped   steroid Injections             She leaves behind uncles, aunts,
       burning home can lead to smoke     to make rescues. The chances of us                                      nieces, nephews, and many other
                                                                                                                  family members and friends, all who
                                                                               •  Neck and back                   will miss her dearly.
        RECENTLY DECEASED                                                                                             Martha’s life will be celebrated
                                                                                  spinal injections               on September 21, 2017 at  The
                                                                                   Brandermill Church, 4500 Millridge
       BLACKBURN, Mr. Hughie Daniel Sr., 86, of Chester, husband of Evelyn Blackburn.                             Pkwy, Midlothian, VA 23112 (Sunday
       GASCOYNE, Ms. Elizabeth “Betty” Ann Muro, 69, of Chesterfield.                (804) 378-1800               Park) at 2:30 p.m.
       GOLDING, Ms. Charlotte Ann Leake, 69, of Chester.
       HARRAH, Mrs. Linda Lou Barney, 74, of Chesterfield, wife of Gaylord “Gabe”
                                                                                got storm damage?
                                                                                got storm damage?
       Harrah.                                                                 SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
       JOHNSON, Mrs. Rachel Rediker, 79, of Chester, widow of Albert C. Johnson Jr.
       RAY, Mr. James “Mike” Scott, 66, of Chester.                                    REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
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       TRIMMER, Mr. Lawrence “Irvin,” 78, of Chesterfield.                          We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
       TURNER, Mrs. June Narron, 88, of North Chesterfield, widow of J.V. Narron and   Your property may have damage from recent storms.
                                                                                        ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
       Bud Turner.                                                                   Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
       WHEATLEY, Mr. Leon “Pop” Sr., 90, of North Chesterfield, a World War II Navy   • Locally owned & operated
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