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       Little House family festival

       highlights pioneer days

       By Melissa Wilfong
          The day proved to be warm, sunny,   by the Frontier Culture Museum of   chalk and mini-blackboards in a mock
       and busy as children and other visitors   Staunton, Va. Two representatives,   classroom. The highlight was a short skit
       tried out all the fun activities and   Alexandria and Mikayla, showed   put on by the Chesterfield Children’s
       learning opportunities at Enon Library’s   children how to dress in period   Theatre.
       Little House Day.                  costumes. Mikayla led a day in the life   Little House Day was a success.
          Chesterfield County Public Library   as a school marm, and the children used   Children flitted from games to the
       organizer Lonnie Elliott said Saturday’s                              petting zoo and made crafts as they
       event was purely an educational                                       learned about the times from more than
       opportunity. “We want people to be able                               100 years ago.
       to come and see what life was like all
       those years ago,” Elliott explained.
          The event drew more than 300
       visitors and included a variety of fun
       activities. There were pioneer games,
       crafts including making yarn dolls and
       clay pottery stamped bowls, dance
       calling, a petting zoo, displays of farm
       equipment, and costumes for dress. “We
       were so pleased to see so many kids
       come in costumes,” Elliott said.
          A special treat was participation

                                                                             CHESTERFIELD CHILDREN’S THEATRE
                                                                             PERFORMED A SHORT SKIT OF LIFE ON
                                                                             THE PRAIRIE.                        SISTERS JULIE, EVA AND LYDIA JONES IN
                                                                                                                 THEIR PIONEER DRESS.
                                                                                SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL

                                                                                Steak & Ribs & a Baked Potato Bar

                                                                  PETTING                            all for $  10    95
                                                                  WAS PART
       MIKAYLA AND ALEXANDRIA FROM THE                            OF THE
       FRONTIER CULTURAL MUSEUM.                                  DAY’S

                                                                                ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN

                                                                                Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried
                                                                              oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish.
                                                                                     King’s Korner

       CLEMENTINE HAD FUN    ROLLING A HOOP WAS A   LACING UP A PIONEER VEST.  7511 Airfield Drive, Richmond 23237 (In the Chesterfield Co. Airport)  743-9333
       DRESSING UP.          GAME IN THE PIONEER                                                 Catering: 271-0033   |
                             DAYS.                                                   Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from
                                                                                        5 p.m. to 9 p.m. is $10.95 per person. Drinks are $1.99. Sunday Brunch from 10-:30-2:30 is $9.95                                                                                           SEPTEMBER 20, 2017  15
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