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Ads can be placed by
phone 804.751.0421, email,
PERSONAL ITEMS - $5/week, $3 per additional week - $5/week, $3 per additional week
PERSONAL ITEMS SERVICE ADS - As little as $22/week - As little as $22/week or in person M-F, 10-5.
$9/column inch
COMMERCIAL ADS - $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line - $11 for 3 lines, $2 per additional line LEGAL NOTICES - $9 - $17/column inch DEADLINE IS WED. AT 5PM
2 8 1 6 9
Row 6 7 2
Food Service Associates Three- 4 2 1
Contracted Pay Rate $10.00 - $15.40 by-three 2 5 Column
(determined by experience) square 9 3 7
*Substitute Pay Rate $9.00
9 8 2
• Training is provided, no experience necessary. 6 5 9 7 1
• Work from September to mid-June with summers off.
• All student holidays off to spend with your family! How to do Sudoku
• Permanent part-time positions available. DECEMBER 2, 2017 Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
• Advancement opportunities available with benefits. appear just once in every column, row, and
Apply via the CCPS website at http://mychesterfield- – STAFF ILLUSTRATOR.eps three-by-three square. See example above.
Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email: Complete job description and application For strategies, go to
© 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
Pub Date:01/27/06 Slug:27USUDOKU16.eps Size: 25p x 4.125”
procedures are available on the website.
EOE/M/F/D By Ben Arnoldy The Christian Science Monitor
Sudoku Sudoku Solution
2 plots side-by-side. Best Part-time caregiver needed Row 2 8 1 6 9
location in Sunset Memorial in Chester for elderly woman. 6 7 6 2
7 9
Park, w/vaults. Org. $8,240, Call 425-2688, Lv.Msg. Three- 4 2 1
asking $6,000 OBO. 727-239- by-three 2 5 Column
1713. 9 9 3 8 7
(2) cemetery plots, side- 6 5 9 7 1
by-side, Sunset Memorial 4 pc. LR set. Sofa, love seat, How to do Sudoku Sudoku solution
Gardens. $4,000 for both. chair, ottoman. $1,500. 7 pc. CENTRAL VIRGINIA – Nov 4 Fill in the grid so the numbers 1 through 9
1-804-598-1162. White dining set. $399. Call Central Virginia Coin and ADVERTISE HERE appear just once in every column, row, and
three-by-three square. See example above. For
strategies, go to
Sunset Memorial Park burial 479-5906. Currency Show If you are reading this, so is ARIES (March 21-April 19). There’s a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You can’t always
your potential buyer.
plot. Prime location. $2,500. ENTERTAINMENT Saturday, November 4, By Ben Arnoldy Call 751-0421 perspective that comes over you from time cure restlessness by getting rest. What
The Christian Science Monitor
609-744-2216. 2017 9:30-5:00. John Tyler to time, a feeling that life has few good days you need is interesting stimuli. But don’t
Community College, 13101 to place your ad. and even those are filled with trouble. Hang be fooled -- you can’t scratch this itch by
Sngl. HS plot with O/C. Sunset Play Station 3. Asking $200 Jefferson Davis Hwy on, because the mood will pass and so will buying things. That initial rush will be
the trouble. What you really need is rest.
followed by a letdown, because this is not
Memorial Park. Val. $5,935, will OBO. 721-7939. Chester, VA 23831. Dealers You’ll soon be enjoying yourself without a material problem; it’s a spiritual one. Seek
sell for $5,000. 804-514-9190. buying, selling, and trading
CAC door speakers; lites and US, Foreign, and Ancient ESTATE SALE worry. An abundance of good times is in challenges that will force you to develop
Sunset Memorial Park. 4 links to the music; brand new Coins & Currency. Free store. your skills.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Some say
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Remember the
plots, $1,500 each. 2 open, in box. Asking $125. 721- parking, admission, and ESTATE SALE story about the man who was sad because that all that counts in life is intention. But
2 closing $1,000 each. All 7939. appraisals. Raffles all day Nov. 3, 4, & 5. 8:30 – 5:30 he had no shoes and then he met a man who good intentions can be misunderstood, and
Pub Date:01/27/06 Slug:27USUDOKU18.eps Size: 25p x 4.125”
together or separate. Upfront Questions? Bill Scott 9801 Patromdale Dr. had no feet? It is rare to find a person who negative consequences can come out of
Pub Date:03/17/06 Slug:17USUDOKU18.eps
© 2005 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
by gate. Nice location. 804- PETS 804-350-1140 N. Chesterfield. can appreciate life without first witnessing simple accidents in which there was no bad
© 2006 The Christian Science Monitor ( All rights reserved.
Craft, supplies, home office,
210-0977. Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
intent. You’ll wrestle with your own sense of
a comparatively worse situation. This week
Distributed by The Christian Science Monitor News Service (email:
FREE grey and white bunny RECREATION cameras, foam, furniture, you celebrate, knowing you have it good. morality this week and pin down some rules
3 burial plots Sunset Memorial bedding, vintage jewelry, GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You can be too that feel right and good to you.
Park (Garden of Devotion). with floppy ears. 363-7959. KAYAK- 2014 Wilderness antiques, dishes, cookware, hard on yourself, expecting to outperform SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Would
Sunset price $3,120 ea./sell Systems Pungo 120 - color - clothing, & accessories. Lots others even when your circumstances put you really want to be someone’s hero, idol,
$2,500 ea. OBO for all. Cash WANTED sand - $ 700 OBO neg. - EC of items priced under $5. you at a disadvantage. Be kind to yourself guru or god? Maybe the admiration would
only. Randy (804) 919-2375. - Don 804-334-2053. this week instead of over-committing to feel good for a while, but power is addictive,
Someone with a darkroom prove a point. Think of your entire situation, and it has been known to corrupt even
who can develop film. 363- YARD SALE and take on only the amount of work you can the most honest people. This week you’ll
comfortably fit in.
gravitate toward humility, modesty and
MAUSOLEUM 7959. Multi-family yard sale. Nov. 4, Garage/yard sale. Nov. 4, CANCER (June 22-July 22). Some people lifting other people’s spirits.
8-1. Custom drapes, furniture, 7-3. 2933 Kingsland Rd. will do nice things for you because they CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). If you put
(2) Mausoleum in Sunset baby items, antiques, ex. equip. NASCAR items, HESS truck, want you to think nice things about them. your mind in charge, your heart will keep
Memorial Park. Opening& EVENT ADS 14901 Walthall Dr. off Ruffin Mill. antiques, cast iron, dolls, Some people will do nice things for you challenging its decisions. Because the heart
Closing. 4 level, No. 7 & 8. Christmas items. Antique because it’s just how they are. If you can tell doesn’t make consistent sense (if it makes
Total $17,880. 804-526-3778 CALL Yard Sale. Nov. 4. 7:30 fishing lures2933 Kingsland the difference between these two types and any sense at all), parts of the week will seem
complex and confusing. Still, the heart’s
surround yourself with people who fall into
or 796-1582. Rd. the latter category, your week will be great. language is trustworthy. Over the long haul,
Everything For Kids a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Little bit of
Sat., Sept. 30, 8-11am. Southside Moms of Multiples Sale! Fall & Winter Sale 804-751-
Cash and credit cards. Manchester Middle School, Strollers, clothes, furniture, Find us on Facebook. 7401 Hull Street Rd. toys, and more. everything, something for LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You think you some of the nonsense will prove wise.
ADVERTISE HERE 0421 everyone. 10801 Chalkley Rd. should be able to take your belief system a la AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You believe
in teamwork, and yet once a person
carte, picking and choosing the beliefs that
If you are reading this, so is suit you best. Unfortunately, many beliefs disappoints you, you don’t automatically
your potential buyer. 3- LINES - are package deals. If anyone can finagle new hand your trust over again. A practical
Call 751-0421 Village News office is and better ways to think this week, it will be mindset rules the week. You’ll come up
to place your ad. $11 located at 11801 Centre St. you. Stay optimistic, because you’re likely to with secret contingency plans that will allow
you to operate as a team without risking too
find what you’re looking for.
FOR in Chester VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your notion much. You truly understand power.
of vacationing may not match up to
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Experience is
ONE WEEK Village Green across from the realities of the week. Leisure time, often the best teacher, but it’s not the only
teacher. You can follow the instructions left
unguarded, gets eaten up by some very
Chester Library unleisurely obligations and commitments. by people who learned before you and avoid
To some degree, it can’t be helped. However,
doing work that’s already been done. Skip
if you make a few sacred commitments to ahead. This is like a relay. You start at the
yourself, you should be able to honor them point where the torch is passed to you, not
by the week’s end. back at the beginning. 1125
NOVEMBER 1, 2017 15