Page 11 - villagenews11-01-2017
P. 11

       created two flower gardens.”
          Bush said after the presentation that
       when she began working at the school in                                                                                                    PHOTOS BY LINDA FAUSZ   VILLAGE NEWS
       1987, the grounds were in rough shape.
          “I used to bring my lawn mower to
       school, and along with the custodian, [I]
       would mow the grass. That was before
       Parks and Recreation took over,” she   idea was formed that the students could
       said.  “A lot of parents would come on the   also participate during the school day by
       weekends to help beautify the grounds.  bringing in pansies or a spring bulb to plant
           “Our PTA has continued the tradition   in the flower beds.  That is how Pansy Day
       since then by helping coordinate volunteers   got started.
       to come to Curtis and help students with   “I honestly think that Curtis has one of
       the planting.  The Parks and Recreation   the prettiest school grounds in the county,”
       Department took over the maintenance   she said. “It has help  kids to understand
       of all school grounds, and they have been   [beautifying their surroundings] and to take
       a wonderful help in keeping our grounds   more pride in planting, and I have watched
       looking beautiful. From this beginning, the   it grow.”
                                              Retiring bittersweet for Bush. “I am
                                                        kind of sad. This is my
                                                        second home,” she said.
                                                        “Everything that goes on
                                                        during the school day, I
                                                        think this is the last time
                                                        I will see it, but I am
                                                        excited, too. This [Pansy
                                                        Day] is what I am most
                                                        proud of. I hope they
                                                        keep doing it.”

                                                                                                                 A PLAQUE PLACED AT THE ENTRANCE
                                                                                                                 OF THE SCHOOL RECOGNIZING BRENDA
                                                                                                                 BUSH AND HER COMMITMENT TO THE
                                                                                                                 SCHOOL’S BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT.                                                                                           NOVEMBER 01, 2017  11
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