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       Traffic law awareness                                                                                      DONATE TODAY

       campaign to travel

       through Chester


                                                                                                                   Help And Hope For Those In Need

                                                                                                                  Tax problems?
                                                                                                                    Are tax problems

                                                                                                                  keeping you awake
                                                                                                                  at night?

                                                                                                                                   We can help
                                                                                                                              you resolve your
                                                                                                                                 tax nightmare.
                                                                                                                   Free and confidential consultation.
          A tow truck procession with a       The route for the procession   ceremony that precedes the ride and    Call today! The sooner you call,
       colorful ceremonial casket will be   will begin around 11:45 a.m.  from   its procession of emergency service   the sooner the problem is resolved.
       making its way through Chester  on   Oxbridge Square and travel west on   vehicles. All interested are invited to            804-425-9856
       Saturday between noon and 12:30    Hull Street Road to 288;  288 South   attend. For more information on the
       p.m. carrying the message "Slow    to Route 10 East to 295 North; 295   Spirit Ride, visit  10310 Memory Lane, Suite 2E, Chesterfield, VA 23832.
       Down, Move Over." Eagle Towing     North to 64 West to Talleysville exit
       will be leading the American Towman   (211).  Organizers are expecting
       Sprit Ride with the ceremonial casket,   to have around 20 vehicles in the   SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL
       then relaying to Dennis’ Towing and   procession, which will include local
       Recovery in Providence Forge. The   and state police, sheriffs, fire, EMS,
       casket, which pays tribute to tow   and tow companies in the area.       Steak & Ribs & a Baked Potato Bar
       operators and other first responders   The American Towman Spirit
       killed by passing vehicles while   Ride started in New York on June 1                         all for $        95
       working on the roadside, has been   and will travel across the nation over                               10
       relayed across the nation followed by   the course of 18 months. The goal
       processions of tow trucks and other   is to educate drivers about laws that
       emergency service vehicles.        require them to slow down and move
          The ceremonial event begins at   over when they see an emergency
       Oxbridge Square at 11 a.m. with host   vehicle like a police cruiser, fire
       speaker Mike Corbin, who is traveling   truck, ambulance, or tow truck.
       across the country with this event.  Also   The ceremonial casket, named
       participating are Bruce Eagle Jr, owner-  Spirit, and custom painted by artist
       operator of Eagle Towing; Lori Rice,   Cecil Burrowes, who specializes in
       Virginia DMV deputy director;  and Scott   painting intricate designs on trucks
       Kapton, senior field project manager,   and wreckers. Depicted on Spirit are a
       and an incident management specialist   dozen scenarios of first responders at
       with Parsons. Parsons is a consulting   the scenes of highway incidents. One
       firm currently working with VDOT to   scene portrays a towman carrying the
       implement a program in the area for   world on his back while cars whiz by.
       quick clearance of incidents on the local   The casket was built by a lifelong
       highways. Kapton has personally lost   singer-songwriter, Mike Corbin, who   ALSO ON THE MENU - KING’S KORNER FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN
       someone close to him because the state's   composed the Spirit Ride’s anthem,
       "Slow Down Move Over" law had not   "Booms in the Sky." Corbin performs   Friday Night is Seafood Bar Night with all you can eat fried
       been properly followed to.  He will be   this song and "Bless the Spirit   oysters, spiced shrimp, fried shrimp and baked and fried fish.
       sharing his stories.               Riders" to honor first responders at a

                           SEND US YOUR NEWS!                                        King’s Korner
        6        ANNOUNCEMENT? OR VACATION  PHOTO? SUBMIT IT TO                7511 Airfield Drive, Richmond 23237 (In the Chesterfield Co. Airport)  743-9333
                                                                                                 Catering: 271-0033   |
                          NEWS@VILLAGENEWSONLINE.COM                                 Buffet from Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is $8.50 per person. Friday and Saturday dinner buffet from
                                                                                        5 p.m. to 9 p.m. is $10.95 per person. Drinks are $1.99. Sunday Brunch from 10-:30-2:30 is $9.95
       06   NOVEMBER 01, 2017                                                                                 
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