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Looking for Us?
                                                                                                     We have found a new home at Cindy’s Hair Pros
                                                                                                            FROM LEFT: KATIE, LEILANI, CLAUDIA, MELISSA, CINDY, DAVID,
                                                                                                            CHARLOTTE, MARY BETH, ANGIE, KELSEY, AMBER, AND LUCY
                                                                                                                 Cindy’s Hair Pros
       County's annual                                                       Sunday Veterans Day         11864 Chester Village Dr. Chester    804-706-6470
                                                                                                                  11864 Chester Village Dr. • 706-6470
       Veterans Day                                                          Hopewell will be honoring all Veterans         RECEIVE
                                                                                 St. James Catholic Church in
       ceremony                                                              Nov. 12 with a Mass at 11 a.m.  and a    25% off
                                                                             potluck lunch to follow in the parish hall.
                                                                             Lunch will be served. Bring your military
          The Chesterfield County  Annual  program two exhibits will be open at no   picture to share with the community   SINGLE HAIR SERVICE
       Veterans  Day  Memorial  Ceremony,  charge during and after the event. The   during the time served.  All are welcomed.     with non-perishable food
       sponsored by Chesterfield Historical  Chesterfield  County Museum exhibit:    Veterans need not bring a dish, as you are
       Society of Virginia, will be held Saturday,  "Ringing in the Centennial of Chesterfield’s   our honored guests.  All are invited.  St.   donation for local bank
       Nov 11, 2017, at 2 p.m. at                   1917 Courthouse;"        James is located at 510 Poythress Street,                EXP. 12/30
       the Chesterfield County                      commemorating the last   Hopewell.  If any questions, call Barbara at
       Historic 1917  Courthouse                    months of Chesterfield’s   (804) 943-3957.
       Green, 10011 Iron Bridge                     1749 Courthouse as well
       Road.                                        as the building of the new
          The   ceremony  is                        1917 Courthouse and its    Bazaar and Applefest
       free, and members of the                     preservation over the last 100
       public are encouraged to                     years.  At the Historic 1892
       participate in this annual                   Jail :  The Fort Lee Centennial
       event honoring those who                     Exhibit, "Mobilizing for                                         Saturday, Nov. 11
       serve.  Representatives                      War," displays war posters
       of veteran organizations                     to commemorate the                                                  8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
       throughout Chesterfield and surrounding  establishment of Camp Lee, later Fort Lee,
       counties have been invited to lay wreaths  as part of the effort to train and equip the   To pre-order your apples   Brunswick Stew, Yard Sale,
       along the  Veterans Memorial wall in  U.S. Army for World War I.                 or reserve your                 Crafts, Baked Goods, Jewelry,
       front of the historic courthouse. Music   For more information, call 796-7156 or   Brunswick Stew, sweet potatoes,
       will be performed by the  Thomas Dale  email      and collards;                   Frozen Casseroles and more.
       High School band and the L.C. Bird High   The Chesterfield Historical Society of   call 804-275-2325 or email     Breakfast & lunch prepared
       School chorus.                     Virginia is a 501 (c) (3) organization. The                fresh at the Choir Cafe
          Navy Cmdr. Heather H. Quilenderino,   mission of historical society is to collect,
       Operations Officer at Fleet Weather Center,   preserve, interpret, and promote the county’s   BEULAH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
       Norfolk, will be the guest speaker of the   past for the education and  enjoyment  of
       event.                             present and future generations.  www.      6930 Hopkins Rd. • 804-275-2325
          In conjunction with the Veterans Day

       Howlett Line Civil                                                                           Alzheimer’s
        War driving tour

          The Chesterfield Department of                                                     Specialty Center
       Parks and Recreation in partnership
       with the Chesterfield Historical Society
       of Virginia will offer a driving tour
       Saturday, Nov. 4 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. of
       Civil War battle sites that played a major
       role in the 1864 Bermuda Hundred
       Campaign beginning at Henricus
       Historical Park.
           Learn about a larger ring of
       fortifications that made up a Confederate
       line of defenses known as the Howlett
       Line. Constructed in late May 1864,
       this defensive position would prevent
       Federal troops from launching any
       further operations and keep the Army of           Preparing for the Holidays
       the James entrenched on the peninsula.
       This tour will include stops at Battery
       Dantzler, Parker’s Battery, Ware Bottom   Wednesday, Nov. 15th  6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
       Battlefield, Howlett Line Park, Fort
       Wead, and Sgt. Engle Park.
          The price of admission is $15                   Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center
       and registration by PayPal is to be
       done at www.chesterfieldhistory.          is designed with neighborhoods around a town center – giving residents with
       com.  Transportation provided. Space         Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
       is limited. Participants should wear
       comfortable shoes and bring snacks and               “Come take a walk through town with us”
       water. For more information, please                          Reservations and Deposits are now being taken
       call (804) 751-4946. Registration and        5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000
       payment must be made in advance.
                                                                                                                                                            NOVEMBER 01,, 2017  05
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