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        Mega site protest                             100 years and countingHistoric

        heating up                         Chesterfield Courthouse celebrates with

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        intended to be an official statement.)  Fort Lee on their 100 year anniversary
            The Village News asked former   BY DANIELLE OZBAT
        Chesterfield Planning Director, Kirk   Chesterfield County officials and   courthouse, which was demolished   This is a centennial year for Fort
        Turner about the project. He indicated   residents descended upon the Historic   in 1916 and replaced with the current   Lee, so 100 soldiers representing WWI
        that the Mega site would have immense   Courthouse Green last Thursday   courthouse. The Historic 1917   draftees and displays of tactical vehicles
        buffers as deep as 100 feet, although,   to celebrate the 100th anniversary   Courthouse is a Chesterfield County   from the 508th Transportation Company
        having been moved to revitalization, he   of the Historic 1917 Courthouse.   Historic Landmark, a Virginia Historic   were present for the celebration and the Fort
        may not have as much input as he once   Led by Chesterfield Historical   Landmark and on the National Register   Lee 392nd Army Band performed.
        did on the project.                Society of Virginia co-chairs George   of Historic Places.               LTC Brain S. Neill, Battalion
             “This would be a huge change to   “Buddy” Cranford and Liess van der   As part of the centennial   Commander of 266th Quartermaster
        the area,” said Karl Staffinger.  “They   Linden-Brusse, the centennial event   celebration, the original 1749   Battalion, said Fort Lee and Chesterfield
        have been talking about the E/W    commemorated the day the cornerstone   courthouse bell (the oldest historic   County have had a strong relationship over
        connector for years but it has not been   for the courthouse was laid.   artifact in the county and three years   the last years and through many conflicts
        with a railroad.  We need your help,   Two buildings sits on the     older than the Liberty Bell) was   and wars.
        e-mail your friends about the Mega site.  footprint of the original 1749 colonial   removed from the cupola of the 1917   “We’ve maintained a relationship
                                                                             courthouse. It was then cleaned and   between Fort Lee and Chesterfield County
                                                                             preserved before being placed on   because at the end of the day, we’re all in
                                                                             permanent display in the Chesterfield   this together. Our children go to the same
                                                                             County Museum as part of the “Ringing   schools, we attend church together, we go to
                                                                             in the Courthouse Centennial” exhibit.   the same groceries and say hi, we live next
                                                                             A replacement iron bell, which was   door to you; it’s all one big mostly happy
                                                                             made in 1860, was installed in the   family,” Neill said. “I hope the next 100
                                                                             cupola and was rung 100 times before   years between Fort Lee and Chesterfield is
                                                                             the event.                         as good as or better than the last 100 years.”
                                                                                 Lane B. Ramsey, retired            The Chesterfield County 2017-2018
                                                                             Chesterfield County Administrator and   Centennial Committee has worked on this
                                                                             the keynote speaker at the celebration,   event for two years and is currently planning

                                                                             said the courthouse was slightly over   a celebration for the 100thanniversary of
                                                                             a half-century old when he started   Armistice Day for next year.
                                                                             working for the county in 1972 and
                                                                             that he has a lot of memories about the
                                                                                 “Over the years, all the repairs and
                                                                             hard work that people did to keep this
                                                                             facility active and viable, and all of it
                                                                             was done to keep it a major landmark
                                                                                         in this community,”
                                                                                         Ramsey said. “All the 35
                                                                                         years I've worked for this
                                                                                         county, I've looked at
                                                                                         this building every day,
                                                                                         and I still drive by …
                                                                                         three or four times a day
                                                                                         and I always look over
                                                                                         at this beautiful building
                                                                                         standing here, so it’s
                                                                                         certainly is a landmark
                                                                                         and something we should
         PLACED TO EXPLAIN THE HISTORY OF THE COURTHOUSE.                                all be proud of.”      BELL  TO BE PLACED IN  THE CHESTER-
                                                                                                                FIELD MUSEUM

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