Page 9 - villagenews11-01-2017
P. 9

       Living Safe                                                           a proud, retired veteran who is battling   DONATE TODAY
       Restaurant review                                                     stage 4 cancer. Walking into Mission
                                                                             Barbecue was an uplifting experience
                                                                             for both of us. I sincerely believe
       By Pete Hypes                                                         that this is the norm rather than the
                                                                             exception. I like good barbecue, and I
         have offered a few fire station   serious about honoring public safety   have been missing Sibley’s ever since
         recipes, but I have never done a   personnel, active duty military, and   the fire that gutted the restaurant. I was
      I    restaurant review in my column.   veterans. The feel of this place was   at Ralph’s in Roanoke Rapids, N.C.
       There are many good restaurants    different, so different that it made me   last week. Mission Barbecue (Glenside
       across this land, and I especially like   look at the items and pictures that   and Broad) has hit the top of my list
       to go to the places that all the locals   adorned the walls. Again, everything   for whenever I am in the West End, or
       go, wherever I am. Today was a     seemed to point to a respect and   even when I am not. Thanks for a great   Help And Hope For Those In Need
       different experience from the moment   admiration for those who wear, or once   dining experience!
       that we drove into the parking lot. I   wore, the uniform.
       am talking about Mission Barbecue,        I do not know if we were talking
                                                                               got storm damage?
       located at Broad and Glenside. The   to the manager or just another   SAVE ENERGY! SLASH FUEL BILLS!
       parking lot was adorned with the flying  nice employee, but she invited us   got storm damage?
       U.S. flag. There was also something   to a special Veterans Day at their       REDUCE OUTSIDE NOISE!
       that I have not seen in any other   restaurant. If I heard her right, there   We specialize in exterior home remodeling!
       parking lot, and that was a “Veterans   will be someone there singing the            CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE
                                                                                       ON OUR REPLACEMENT WINDOWS
       Only” parking space. I was sold on   national anthem that day. She was also   Your property may have damage from recent storms.
                                                                                    Call today for a FREE storm damage assessment.
       this place before I walked in.     telling us how they had tried to honor
            Once we sat down, we were     our Virginia State Police officers,   • Locally owned & operated
       greeted by a member of the staff who   considering those who had recently   • Highest quality materials
       asked if we needed help. She saw   made the ultimate sacrifice. This    • Exterior remodeling services
       that the veteran who was with me   was not the conversation that I am   • Fast, reliable service
       was disabled, and she offered to help,   accustomed to having with the staff in   • Fully licensed & insured
       after we ordered. Every staff member   a restaurant.
       that we encountered was extremely        This may be my first and last                                        804-520-9791
       friendly. The food was excellent. I   restaurant review, but it was an                                         Free Estimates • No Obligation
                                                                                                                       Locally Owned & Operated
       really did not have any expectations,   experience worth mentioning. My                                      Locally Owned & Operated Since 1998
       other than looking for a good lunch;   meal tasted great, but the customer                        
       we got so much more. I felt like I   service was truly the best that I have   Storm Damage Restoration • Roofing • Siding • Windows • Gutters
       had walked into a place that was   experienced in a long time. I was with


       ALFARO, Mr. Carlos Mauricio, 31, of North Chesterfield, husband of Alma Alfaro.
       BLOOM, Mr. Lawrence Jay, 52, of Chesterfield.                                              A Division of Central Virginia Dental Care
       BOWMAN, Mrs. Hilda Pippin, 74, of Chesterfield, widow of Walter Woodrow
       BURTON, Ms. Victoria, 53, of Chester.
       CROSBY, Mr. Norman H. Jr., 63, of North Chesterfield, husband of Jewel C. Crosby.
       HOFFMAN, Mrs. Gloria Jean Nuthall, 77, of Chester, widow of William A. Hoffman.
       JESTER, Mrs. Barbara Woodson, 73, of Chesterfield, widow of Joe M. Jester.
       KEEFE, Mrs. Barbara Ann, 61, of North Chesterfield, widow of Gregory Keefe.
       LEE, Ms. Evelyn Deloris, 75, of Chesterfield.
       MC CALL, Mrs. Suzanne Shindel, of Chesterfield.
       MICHAEL, Mr. Timothy Philip, 19, of Chesterfield.
       NASH, Mr. Robert Milton Jr., 59, of North Chesterfield, husband of Susan Nash.
       O’BRIEN, Mr. Robert Lee Jr., 73, of Chesterfield.
       PEEBLES, Mr. William D., 87, of Chesterfield, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force,
       husband of Anne Peebles.
       RAU, Mr. Willy Roland, 65, of Chesterfield, husband of Karin Rau.      GREAT SMILES START HERE
       SHERRILL, Mr. Robert Edward Sr., 75, of Chester, an Air Force veteran, husband of
       Edna L. Sherrill.
       STONESTREET, Mr. Charles “Stoney,” 79, of Chesterfield, a Navy veteran, husband of      GET ACQUAINTED OFFER
       Laura Stonestreet.                                                       Complete exam, necessary X-rays, intra oral photos, cancer
       WHITE, Mrs. Annette Marie, 90, of Chester, widow of Harold E. White.      screening, periodontal screening, and consultation for  99
       WOODY, Mr. Ronald Stephen, 71, of Chester, husband of Jo Ann Woody.
                                                                                                        (regular fee is  199.)
                                                                                                Call for an appointment today.
                                                                                              10611 GREENYARD WAY
                                                                                 (IRONBRIDGE ROAD ACROSS FROM CHESTERFIELD MEADOWS AND BY THE NEW KROGER’S MARKETPLACE)
                                                                                           NOVEMBER 01,  2017  09
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