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       Football recaps

       L.C. BIRD 53                       With time running out for the half,   face the Prince George Royals Friday   the Warriors finished strong and won
       GEORGE WYTHE 6                     quarterback Marcus Banks launched   night in a big game for the home   28-21.
                                          a 39-yard pass to wide receiver    team. The Warriors came in 2-6 and     Nick Lainer finished the game
          After taking back-to-back losses   LaPierre for his third touchdown of   having been eliminated from the   8-for-14 with 155 passing yards and
       for the first time in years, L.C.   the night. The Skyhawks led 31-0 at   playoffs with their loss the week   a touchdown, Jarrod Mosby was the
       Bird hosted George Wythe Friday    halftime.                          before. As for Prince George, they   leading receiver with 4 receptions
       night for their homecoming game.       Bird continued to score in the   still have a chance.              for 117 yards and a touchdown. The
       The Skyhawks bounced back and      second half. Jeremiah Carter finished   Both teams started slow but the   Warriors’ defense would be led by
       controlled the game by defeating the   the game with a team-high 101   Royals to broke the tie. Lawayne   Manny Hickman who finished with
       Bulldogs 53-6.                     yards on 4 carries for 2 touchdowns.    Allen rushed for a 19-yard touchdown   13 tackles including 2 sacks, as well
          George Wythe would take the     LaPierre had 3 touchdowns 3        giving his team a 7-0 lead into the   as a fumble recovery. Markus Taborn
       ball first, and the Skyhawks’ defense   interceptions and a total yardage of   second quarter. The Warriors would   also finished in double digits with 10
       would dominate from the jump. The   113 return yards.                 get the ball less than a minute before   tackles..
       Bulldogs threw an interception to      The Skyhawks move to 6-3, and   half time but lost it to a member     Matoaca moves to 3-6, and, will
       cornerback Javon LaPierre, who     they will host the Cosby Titans for   of the Prince George defense. The   host Petersburg for their final game
       took it 68 yards for a touchdown.   their senior night before the playoffs.   Royals rushed for another touchdown,   of the year. Prince George drops to
       Bird immediately took advantage of   George Wythe drops to 0-9, and,   extending their lead to 14.        4-5, and will host Thomas Dale next
       a short-handed George Wythe team   will head to Manchester for their last   Matoaca went into the second   Friday night.
       by continuing to run the ball. CJ   game of the season.               half stronger. The Warriors rushed
       Donaldson ran for another touchdown                                   for two touchdowns in the third
       giving the Bird a 14-0 lead going into                                quarter to tie the game. Matoaca still
       the second quarter.                MATOACA 28                         had momentum on their side in the
          LaPierre scored again, with 2:42   PRINCE GEORGE 21                fourth quarter rushing for another
       left in the second quarter, this time                                 touchdown and taking their first lead
       from a punt return for 72 yards out.   Matoaca went on the road to    of the game. From that 21-14 lead,

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