Page 33 - ME-03-digital-eng5_Neat
P. 33

“An advisory committee we convened, composed             “No. I became religious when I was a student in
of industry leaders, informed us that what they          Russia. The times were very unstable, everything
are looking for is a good foundation in the main         was changing from one moment to the next, really
subjects. The world of engineering and science           a chaotic period. When you see how the world’s
is changing at an incredible pace, but the basics        largest state ceases to exist within the period of
remain the same. I believe that a good foundation        two weeks, when you are right at the heart of this
also includes a touch of the interfacing topics, to      upheaval—in Moscow, when all norms are breached
paint a broader picture.”                                and everything becomes devoid of meaning, it has
Are you planning curriculum changes accordingly?         a profound effect on you. I always had an interest
“The undergraduate curriculum has not undergone          in philosophy, but it was forbidden. Suddenly,
significant changes in years, and it’s time. We are      when everything opened, an entire world became
working to give it greater depths, which will be         accessible. Thousands of people flocked to study
made possible by reducing the number of courses,         Judaism courses in Moscow. You could say that I was
enabling the students to focus more. As already          somewhat carried along this wave, it seems to fit my
mentioned, we are placing greater emphasis on the        psychological makeup. When you know about chaos,
basic subjects.”                                         about quantum behavior, you realize that science
Tell us a little about your own professional area of     has tremendous predictive power, but not an
interests.                                               absolute one. Science refuses to answer questions
“This has gone through several changes, and even         of meaning, which is a good thing.”
now, it is constantly changing. There are those
who are interested in one scientific question and        On his role as dean:
dedicate their research career to delve into its         A significant part of the role is the connection with
depths. For me, it is different: I prefer to fan out to  people. In my view, the dean is first and foremost an
several areas, to contemplate several things at once,    attentive ear. I am not always able to help, but I can try
sometimes in fields that are quite distant from one      to understand the problem. And it is important for me to
another.                                                 say this to all the students, faculty members, and staff.
“At the university, I was drawn to the study of
the structure of matter, to chemical physics,            So you are OK with not knowing everything?
and I dedicated a significant amount of time to
interdisciplinary questions at the interface of          “What for?”
mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Then I moved
to explore the properties of polymers and developed      You said that you like to branch out into several
an interest in mathematical tools and in nonlinear
mechanical properties. From there, I also edged into     areas at the same time. Your new role adds
the realm of vibration theory.”
What does nonlinearity actually mean?                    management responsibilities to your plate. What
“In the real world, nothing is linear, and this leads
to the emergence of some phenomena. Take chaos,          are you finding in this area?
for instance: We may know the exact initial state of
a system, but it inevitably develops so unexpectedly     “Management is a profession in itself, which I
that we can’t exactly tell what would be the result.
A classic example is weather and the atmosphere.         also love. The role of the dean also requires a
In my research, I study much simpler systems, in
an attempt to understand how nonlinearity can            considerable investment of time and the capacity
actually help us, which engineering solutions can be
based on nonlinear dynamics, and how nonlinear           to support the others. First, I need to have profound
phenomena such as vibrations can be used, for
example, to accumulate energy.”                          knowledge of the entire faculty and to mediate
Apropos of chaos and the unexpected, growing up,
were you religious?                                      between the faculty and the Technion. Fortunately,

                                                         we have an excellent team here that helps with

                                                         everything, but ultimately, there are decisions that I

                                                         have to make myself, and they are not always simple.

                                                         In addition, in my view, the dean is first and

                                                         foremost an attentive ear. I am not always able to

                                                         help, but I can try to understand the problem. And it

                                                         is important for me to say to all the students, faculty

                                                         members, and staff: I’m always ready and willing to

                                                         listen.”                                                

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