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People  including Ferrari, Toyota, Audi, Volkswagen, Boeing,        “Our customers are giant companies working in
        the Raytheon Company, Lockheed Martin, Sony, Mi-         a vast range of fields and technologies. Without our
        crosoft, Samsung, Dell, HP, and more. The company’s      technology, they would have a hard time adapting to
        Israeli development center was established in the ear-   the current reality. Even competitors such as Nike and
        ly nineties and is currently run by Technion graduates.  Reebok have realized there’s no other way and adopt-
        Ben Horin himself completed his PhD in robotics at       ed the technology, which allows them to both plan and
        the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and is now part    control their manufacturing process over time. In this
        of the strategic partnership between the Technion and    sense, the pandemic broke through an already open
        PTC. As part of this partnership, the latter intends to  door with our customers, who were advanced and
        establish a R&D center on the Technion’s campus in       ready for the digital transformation. Those who were
        Haifa, investing 15 million NIS over five years. Addi-   ready were unharmed and even thrived. Those who
        tionally, the company will assist with researching and   were unprepared were greatly damaged, and now have
        improving learning processes in a wide range of fields   to invest a huge amount of resources to catch up.”
        related to advanced production technologies.
                                                                 “Students today need to
           Ben Horin uses the jet engine as an example to        gain experience working in
        explain PTC’s part in the ongoing maintenance of         multidisciplinary teams.”
        products. “Our job begins at the requirements stage,
        before the product even exists,” he explains. “From         But the pandemic also changed the situation for
        there we move to planning, simulations, develop-         PTC itself: “The biggest changes and difficulties are
        ment, design, manufacturing and assembly. The            related to our ability to meet demand. We just can’t
        advantage of a digital thread is its ability to monitor  keep up with the pace,” laughs Ben Horin. “Since the
        the product even after it has been supplied to the       entire market has been driven into this transforma-
        customer, because all the digital information about      tion, we are forced to release programs early to ad-
        the product is saved within it. For example, there are   dress the ever-growing need. We really struggle to
        many different conditions under which a flight will be   find suitable personnel, because we need engineers
        most effective, depending on the engine. The infor-      who are not only good, but also multidisciplinary,
        mation we collect looks at the conditions under which    with a deep understanding of engineering.”
        the most effective flight took place. The engine then
        transmits updates back to the mother company about          The workforce crisis in the tech industry isn’t just a
        its condition at any given moment: shaking, turbines,    problem for PTC; several of Israel’s largest companies
        propellor blades, and the engine itself. The company     are now investing a fortune in employer branding in
        can then send back recommendations for the optimal       an effort to snatch up the best engineers and devel-
        speed at which the engine should be flown in order to    opers. But according to Ben Horin, the trouble is not
        extend its lifespan, and later a maintenance routine     only in the disparity between supply and demand,
        adapted to the customer’s specific situation – not       but also in the disparity between the industry’s re-
        something generic that all planes receive.”              quirements and the academic education that engi-
                                                                 neering students receive in the various faculties. “I
           The ability to transmit information about optimal     see a dissonance between academia and industry,”
        operation of the product in both directions became       he explains. “In the past, basic research was conduct-
        especially significant during the pandemic. “Think       ed in academia, while applied research happened in
        about the combine harvester: a very complex prod-        the industry. Today there is a bit of a role reversal,
        uct that costs millions and operates outdoors,” says     and companies are sometimes better about adopting
        Ben Horin. “During the pandemic in the United States     and using new technologies than academia. In oth-
        (especially during peak harvesting season), there        er words, we see a huge amount of groundbreaking
        weren’t always technicians available to come out and     research and progress in industry, but in academia
        see what the problem was if something broke down.        these changes take much longer. Students obtain
        Our sensors made it possible to transmit the status of   first-rate analytical thinking skills, but they are quite
        the combine back to the service center, identity the     lacking in systematic engineering thinking skills. They
        malfunction, and give the operator instructions about    are unprepared to use new technologies such as ad-
        how to disassemble and repair the combine.”              vanced software, and they lack experience working in

           What other changes did the pandemic prompt? After
        all, your software was already engaged in remote work.

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